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Pepper Spray Brutality - Countdown 09-26-2011

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...


The more I see about these yahoos, the less sympathy I feel. The protestors were clogging up the streets and sidewalks and bringing the area to a standstill. People couldn't drive or get to work. They were creating a disturbance, disrupting citizens, and otherwise being a bunch of jerks. That sort of mess can be dangerous in a big city. It stops ambulances. It stops fire trucks. It stops emergency services. It causes accidents.

So the police got called in to clear a way so normal traffic could keep going. The protestors refused to disperse or cooperate. Therefore in order to accomplish their jobs, the police had to start hauling people away and using crowd control. That means they break out the pepper spray, nightsticks, nets, plastic cuffs, and start arresting people. Duh.

So when that happens the protestors start whining they are 'peaceful'? And the police are 'violent'? Nope. Doesn't wash. If you'd wanted a peaceful solution then you'd have dispersed when the police asked - or better yet you wouldn't have created a problem to start with. But that didn't happen, so the cops had to force it.

You don't get to cry foul when that happens. When you illegally block traffic and create a danger to others then the cops have every right to force you to clear out - and they have every right to use force if you are not cooperative. MLK and Ghandi accomplished their goals with peaceful protests against real oppression. These Wall Street yahoos are just a bunch of leftist cretins who are trying to stir up trouble. I think this opinion about sums it up...

"It’s become impossible to tell where a deluded leftism stops and a respectable liberalism starts. For all the liberal complaining about conservative extremism becoming the norm, today’s liberal media culture earns its daily bread by flattering (or employing) everyone from Al Sharpton to Michael Moore to 9/11 Truthers like rapper Mos Def. And so liberalism continues its steady transformation into a self-righteous, incoherent, solution-free blur. Take a long, hard look at the fur-capped, begoggled, and topless misfits on Wall Street. They’re funhouse mirror images of our more respected liberal elites."

The Pirates! Band of Misfits - Trailer - Next Aardman film

Freaky Optical Illusion - The Flashed Face Distortion Effect

spoco2 says...

Just supremely fascinating. What an amazing discovery.

Did the researcher discover this while walking down a street one day, looking at people out of the corner of their eyes and kept thinking their were surrounded by misfits and freaks?


When bullied kids snap...

Shepppard says...

My friends and I had fun in high school.

We didn't have many "Bullies" per sey, but there were a few groups of them here or there, and one friend in particular was an easy enough target because of how he looked. (He dressed in purple misfits plaid shorts, with a leather jacket, combat boots, and had a giant mohawk, etc.) and the way we diffused those situations were funny.

We were walking back to school one day from lunch, and these idiots decided they were going to throw a half eaten banana at us from their car. However, not one of them even seemed to be relatively aware of physics, so they decided to A) Speed up so it would hit with more force, then B) throw it at us AS they were passing us.
The banana missed us by 2 houses and when they confronted us at school we made fun of them so hard infront of a group of people that they just took off.

Another time (When he was alone) he was just walking the halls when their idiot ringleader was doing a science project (with a meter stick) and hitting people who passed by. He was walking up behind my friend and was winding up his swing when my friend just turned, pointed at his face (finger two inches from his nose) and just said "NO!" gave him a stupid look, and just walked away with the ringleader just standing there stupified.

My favourite (although, mean) situation though, was at an elementary school. To get to the plaza with the McD's, KFC, Tim Hortons etc. for lunch, you had to pass through an elementary school, and on the way back they were out for recess or something. So the two of us were just walking through shooting the shit with each other and minding our own business when the bell went and the kids started lining up to get back in.

One little idiot we passed by started saying "HA HA, LOOK AT THE ROOSTER! HEY EVERYBODY, LOOK AT THE STUPID ROOSTER" (because of the mohawk) I finally sanpped, dropped my backpack and started to charge towards the kid. He instantly looked absolutely terrified and raised his hand (wriggling fashion, to note that he REALLY wants attention) I came up to him, face to face, and just started giving him shit about "What gives you the right to make fun of people? He dresses the way he wants to, you dress the way you want to, keep it to yourself" etc. The teacher finally came out and said "What's going on here?" so I even told her "This kid here was making fun of my friend, I was having a discussion with him."

She actually thanked me and said "We're going to be having a discussion on this in class."

I've never wanted to get into a physical confrontation, my method of choice was to belittle the bullies. Granted, a lot of places this'll get you decked, but it worked for me as a way of non-violent confrontation.

In a perfect world, there'd be no bullies, and I'm one that advocates not using force, but there are unfortunate situations that do call for it. I feel for the big kid here, because he was put in a no-win scenario. He lets the little kid get away with it, or he gets in trouble for defending himself. I guess not everyone can be as lucky as I was.

Exit Through the Gift Shop (full film)

shagen454 says...

Absolutely a docu-prank. I remember I had to partake in this shit that they're poking fun at when the Misfits asked me to make them an Obeyesque print and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Fuck commercial art with Warhol's VU banana.

Socialization - The War On Kids

ctrlaltbleach says...

You were an exception for sure. I remember specific events where jocks and cheerleaders were treated better than the social misfit when they committed a worse offense. I also remember teachers or coaches giving better grades I don't know if it was true or not in every case.

The Problem is that Communism Lost (Blog Entry by dag)

Throbbin says...


I would agree that Denmark is not a melting pot - but neither is Canada, and I like it up here. Multiculturalism can be tricky, but it is ultimately a rewarding atmosphere (IMHO). I'm not sure what you mean by closing of borders - most countries I listed do allow for immigration. If you mean open borders as in 'come on in, all of you', I would oppose that. I think immigration is great, and I think more is better - but I do think it has to be controlled in a manner. I don't want Rwandan genocidal collaborators or 'reformed' warlords getting into Canada (although some have been found here). I'm opposed to some of the controls in place now (such as a minimum bank account balance or priority for educated refugees - a part of me thinks the countries African Medical Doctors are emigrating from may need them more than we do). Ultimately, I don't think immigrants should have to beg to immigrate into the west if they are not criminals or misfits - but we do have to control for criminals and misfits.

Regarding Native Americans and conditions on reserves - I see the same thing up here (with both First Nations - thats what we call Native Canadians - and Inuit alike). I do not see a causal relationship, but combined with historical injustices, oscillations between Government heavy-handed interventions and neglect, financial mismanagement by 'leadership', corruption, and the viciously reinforcing poverty cycle I'd say you're right. I've got friends I grew up with who see no need to put the pipe down and get off their asses to make a living if the government is providing social housing and social assistance checks. In Canada (I dunno about down there) there is also an entire 'Aboriginal Industry' of 'well-meaning' white folks who makes loads of money fighting for the Indians while buddying up to corrupt leadership and enriching themselves, thereby prolonging the problems we face.

These problems are multi-faceted and complex, and I do think self-reliance is a necessity. However, yanking out the welfare platform many rely on is not the solution. Ultimately I'd rather that people come to appreciate the dignity and virtue of a hard days work without dropping them all in the gutter to see who climbs out because the truth is many won't make it. We want the same thing - healthy, vibrant, independent people with broadened horizons, but I think it would be cold comfort to withdraw the safety net on principle when so many folks, old and young, only know the lifestyle they've been surrounded by their whole lives.

@NetRunner - ^Read that. What Blankfist says rings true in my experience. I wouldn't say the welfare state caused the problems, but in a manner they are prolonging and intensifying problems that already existed. However, this does not render general arguments in favour of a semi-socialist state or a welfare system moot any more than the experiences of marginalized Americans renders arguments in favour of Democracy moot. They are but examples of a broader systems, and as such I remain a pinko-feminazi-communist.

A "give Steve Jobs your money" tribute video.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That, I think, is the fatal flaw with this series. PC is the loveable underdog. Mac - is douchey, sarcastic hipster. Entertaining, but frames the argument poorly.

In my subjective experience- Mac users tend to be the nerdy misfits in the office. Windows is the gum-chewing sales and marketing guy with the shiny suit and bluetooth headset.

>> ^chtierna:

Which character is more lovable? The funny and crazy PC guy or the obnoxious Mac twat? Also, did you know that these days Steve Jobs lives on a diet of 100% raw human meat? His cult followers fight for the chance to offer their fat and bloated bodies to him.

Thankful For Bold Risks and Trail Breakers (Blog Entry by dag)

blankfist says...

The iPad. Still sucks. I can see Jobs having another purpose for it besides it just being a large iPod Touch, and I'm thinking that would (or should!) involve tv and movies. I would hope he's thinking of something more than what it currently will be. Otherwise it will fall into the land of misfit toys like the Apple TV, the powermac g4 cube, Apple's weird iMac "hockey puck" mouse and the Newton.

Either way, if it fails it won't hurt the company. Apple has created a fantastic array of tech toys and computers. My Mac Pro Tower is awesomely fast! The MacBook Air is great for typing while I shit, which I'm doing at the moment. And you're welcome for the image.

I own a Droid and my gf owns an iPhone. I still like aspects of the iPhone's usability and interface better. I wouldn't want an iPhone, though. I like my Droid, and it has things that I like that Apple's Iphone doesn't have. I can literally press a button, say "map to tacos" and have the first Google searched result come back as a map that I can then send right into their built in GPS! That's brilliant! Also it makes phone calls. Okay, time to wipe.

rebuilder (Member Profile)

Truckchase says...

In reply to this comment by rebuilder:
I can't see that this will be helpful. In fact, I think this will only strengthen the Australian government's resolve to keep escalating their censorship regime. What government is going to cave in to a bunch of internet misfits? They can't afford to be seen as unable to respond to a direct attack on themselves, so either they'll simply play the importance of the attacks down or they'll pursue some sort of legal action against the perpetrators while using the attacks to paint the opponents of censorship as juvenile troublemakers.

Interesting thought, but I begin to wonder if at this point there is anything that can stop these mind thought crime type laws from being instituted into Westernized governments. What strategies will work that haven't failed elsewhere? (Patriot Act, etc.)

Operation Titstorm - Anonymous Wants Their Small Boobs

rebuilder says...

I can't see that this will be helpful. In fact, I think this will only strengthen the Australian government's resolve to keep escalating their censorship regime. What government is going to cave in to a bunch of internet misfits? They can't afford to be seen as unable to respond to a direct attack on themselves, so either they'll simply play the importance of the attacks down or they'll pursue some sort of legal action against the perpetrators while using the attacks to paint the opponents of censorship as juvenile troublemakers.

Roast Crew List Regenerated (Parody Talk Post)

How Did Adam & Eve's Kids Have Kids?

bluecliff says...

we're all incestuous anyway. besides, incest may be a great way to weed out genetic misfits. If you have enough kids, that is.

So f*ck your mothers for the well being of humanity!

Gender-Targeted Advertising

rasch187 says...

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^rasch187:
"Shave and get drunk because you're already brilliant!"
That's gonna be the title of my autobiography

Are you sure? Are you sure it's not gonna be titled "A long and boring life on the internet"?
(cuz if not I'm takin' it)

Actually, "A long and boring life on the internet; Social anthropology in cyberspace" is the book I'm currently writing while working undercover. My tentative conclusion is 'They're all social misfits and losers'.

ps. be sure not to tell this to any of these social misfits and losers before it's published.

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