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Epic Beard Man Interview

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

It wasn't just the exaggeration that made me think he is a bit mentally ill- it was more the manic switches in emotion and just a general disconnect from reality.>> ^imstellar28:
I don't know if its just me, but the comments on this site just seem way off lately. Suddenly someone who exaggerates a story is mentally unstable? Hello? Have you guys ever told a story or heard a story in your lives? I'm really starting to believe this generation of posters is completely out of touch with reality.
Witness recollection has never been reliable because they weren't sitting at a computer watching a video of the event 10 times over, they had to live through it in seconds with other things on their mind.
You know something ain't right when 4chan has better color commentary...

John McLaughlin Meets the Johnny Carson Orchestra

therealblankman (Member Profile)

choggie says...

That's some photo-shopped pic referencing the annual meet-up of feindish empire-building fucks at the Bohemian Grove summer fire festival. Insider's burning man, complete with Ba'al worship and human, plotting for human sacrifice, sorry.

^that's an Alex Jones viddy from when he smuggled his manic ass into the thing and took viddies-yer about to pop yer cherry mate....took ya long enough

In reply to this comment by therealblankman:
Thanks, Choggie.

btw, what's the deal with your new avatar? George jr., Clinton and who? Jesse Helms?

In reply to this comment by choggie:

therealBM is close to squeezing a diamond out of the place....

always loved his contributions, you do too.

Manic woman freezes mid-applause

Colbert Interviews Roseanne Cash on Guantanamo

choggie says...

One can't travel back in the VS time machine and read comments from myself on the reasons why Colbert and the unlimited chunks on the site of HIS coke-addled writer's shooting for clever one-liner reactions from the audience, piss me off-Those of you who have read and understand my rants, can dig.
Nor can they begin to imagine the reasons why I can't stand this type of editorial/interview where the straight man/woman has to listen to the refrains of chortles following his manic barrage of innane questions designed to stroke the pseudo-humanity in those who think they have a clue how the planet is bitched, stiffed, and herded.
Too bad. I can't downvote this now, but cthulu help me when I am restored, I plan to flex it, again, and again, and again... and not specifically at this user's page folks, this isn't a witch hunt, it's a matter of taste. I see a fly, I keep it out of my food.

Booooo. Watch a television for your regularly-programmed schedule, and come to Videosift to see less and less and less of this....should the planet rebound from their somatic addiction to having fuck all of a clue, that is.

Sorry man, ignore is not really an option for someone like me-over time, engage has replaced it entirely as an option. Ant (one of the first members here) is a shining example of voting one way or another with no response offered, coerced or inferred as to the whys either way. MORE PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE HIS BOLD CUE!

Why choose Netruiner's posts to light upon form time to time?? For starters, the majority of the vids posted under his monniker scream spam. Next, Hate the news, hate everything about television or cable news organiizations. They are tools of a machine designed to numb and control. Gee, that's really about all there is except that most weather girls make me horny.


CCP Games rap video - Harden The Fuck Up

thegrimsleeper says...

First off - let me make a short introduction
I'm the space 5.0, keeping EVE from destruction
Guard is the name, Lead master of the game
Top dog in the gamemaster hall of fame

Im chillin at my desk with two girls and one pimp cup
Sippin champagne, reading mails checkin what's up
Isk spamming scum bags disturbing the peace?
WOOP WOOP its the sound of space police!

Every day is a fight, there's no room for bloopers
Bugs coming at us like in Starship troopers
We help when we can, every child, every man
Treat the boogie man to a permanent ban!


We're CCP! We march on fearlessly!
Excellent is what we strive to be!

If you're going to follow us to the top


You best watch out bitch if you're an exploiting scammer
Guard will gank you in the face with his big ban hammer
Remove all your Isk , throw your ass in the slammer
Make you share a cell with a manic ISK spammer

Like a never ending spam thread on racist biking
This song has something for everyone's liking
Holy shit I see local spiking

...ladies and gents, its techno Viking!

Chorus x2

Ever flowing - never standing still
We roll with the punches, move in for the kill
The competition ends up six feet in the ground
With fists full of awesome we go round after round

United we stand never ever growing weary
We cannot fall cause gravity is just a theory
We reach higher than the giants in operations
Patience soon well be crip walking in stations

We're more agile than a president dodging a shoe
We need three continents for our massive crew
From Atlanta to Shanghai to the Icelandic nation
Throw your hands up for World Domination!


The Next Level of Basketball Trick Shots

Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks Against Porn

deputydog says...

>> ^thepinky:
I know no less that three other guys who quit using pornography for personal reasons. Two of them, years later, expressed to me how difficult it was to quit. At times it felt impossible. And they are both still tempted. I have another friend who is manic depressive and he says that he can't get over his emotional dependency on porn, though he has been trying for years. One guy I talked to compared porn addiction to "chasing the dragon," a phrase that is used in reference to heroine. Another guy said that porn images still haunt him.

serious question thepinky (i know nothing about you so apologies if this should be common knowledge): are you a counseller? if not, how the hell do you know all these guys with extreme porn dependency? it's not common enough for them to just be your friends. i could maybe understand it coming from a 60 year old with 30 years experience working in therapy but not someone your age. i'd honestly like to know.

personally, porn is fucking awesome. pornhub is actually on my bookmarks toolbar, and for good reason. regarding regulation though: what gwiz said.

Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks Against Porn

thepinky says...

Well, I looked up some stuff for you.

"Mary Anne Layden, co-director of the Sexual Trauma and Psychopathology Program at the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Cognitive Therapy, called porn the 'most concerning thing to psychological health that I know of existing today.'

'The internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors,' Layden said. 'To have drug pumped into your house 24/7, free, and children know how to use it better than grown-ups know how to use it -- it's a perfect delivery system if we want to have a whole generation of young addicts who will never have the drug out of their mind.'

Pornography addicts have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction than cocaine addicts, since coke users can get the drug out of their system, but pornographic images stay in the brain forever, Layden said.'"

This woman's opinion is rather extreme, but to an extent I agree with her, based on things that I've seen.

I didn't say that porn addiction is worse than alcoholism. I compared it to nicotine addiction. I admit, my assertion was based on purely subjective personal opinion. I have known several people who have overcome a nicotine addiction with no lasting physical or psychological affects. On the other hand, I have known people who have tried to beat a porn habit and either failed or are still tempted, even years later. A very good friend of mine married a guy who lied to her about his porn habit. She found out about it and went through some serious trauma. He bawled like a baby when she told him that she was emotionally incapable of having sex with him unless he quit the habit. He tried and failed to quit and the marriage ended. I know no less that three other guys who quit using pornography for personal reasons. Two of them, years later, expressed to me how difficult it was to quit. At times it felt impossible. And they are both still tempted. I have another friend who is manic depressive and he says that he can't get over his emotional dependency on porn, though he has been trying for years. One guy I talked to compared porn addiction to "chasing the dragon," a phrase that is used in reference to heroine. Another guy said that porn images still haunt him.

I admit that experts can't agree on whether or not porn is "addictive." Most of them agree, on the other hand, that it is a compulsion, habit-forming, and that the effects are lasting.

Skeeve, you said that my "pizza consumption (or at least some people's) does hurt people besides you... America is dying at continually younger ages of early onset heart disease, diabetes, etc., largely thanks to unhealthy diets. I guarantee you that fatty foods are not only physically responsible for more deaths in America than porn but also lead to more psychological problems in the people who develop negative body image thanks to that bad nutrition."

I started writing a response, but then I realized that it isn't worth my time to try and explain why your porn vs. pizza comparison is bogus.

Palin Resigns as Governer of Alaska!

Stormsinger says...

I just want to know one thing: does she have nobody with a brain on her team, or does she just refuse to listen to them? Who lets her read/write these speeches?

Honestly, my bipolar wife is more coherent in her most manic moments...Palin's just scary. Almost as scary as the idiots who would still vote for her.

Pain Medication Girl

cybrbeast says...

>> ^nerbula:
Can someone expand my knowledge and say what other names lithium iron is ? all I get are site dedicated to life. Lithium is a metal, iron is a metal. I think there is a drug called lithium as the nirvana song.. What is it ?

I don't get it either. Lithium as a drug is used mostly as a mood stabilizer for bipolar (manic-depressive) people.

Glenn Beck has lost his mind : with fish

geo321 says...

Glenn beck seems to have become more and more manic over the last few weeks. Like his behaviors have fit within the definition of being manic depressive perfectly.
I hope for his sake he's an amazing actor. He gives off the impression that he's a paranoid, ignorant, religious fundamentalist.

Lame-ass British anti-marijuana ad

dannym3141 says...

I considered phoning up and complaining about this. Maybe if a lot of people did it, they'd sort their shit out.

Few things such as:
Many of the "problems" of marijuana you've depicted are factually spurious, there's little and often no real evidence to show that marijuana does these things to people. And in the cases where people do feel that way, they're outliers. You might as well warn people against the addictive and dangerous drug "coca cola" because certain children, when they over indulge in the caffeine and sugar, exhibit manic behaviour.

You also neglected to show that marijuana is a legal drug in a european country, a successful and peaceful european country, showing quite clearly that regulated marijuana use is both possible and (on evidence) doesn't seem to affect a population in a negative way.

Thirdly, the (spurious) negative aspects of marijuana that you depicted are less traumatising than the negative aspects of alcohol. Addiction rate is arguably higher for alcohol than marijuana (though it's hard to tell when marijuana users are forced to keep a low profile). Why not show us a similar advert showing us an alcohol user's many faces? A party attended by liver failure, over-confidence, violent behaviour, hangover, dizzyness and vomiting? Of course not, because these dangers are largely the domain of habitual over-indulgers, as is ALSO the case with marijuana.

Fourthly, perhaps you should add a disclaimer to the end of the advert below the information that "marijuana has been upgraded to a class B drug". Along the lines of "... against the advice of the government-requested inquiry." Because the inquiry found and advised the government that elevating the class of the drug would be a bad idea, and they did it anyway.

Finally, of course, no mention of the medicinal properties and uses of marijuana. No mention that marijuana is a medically endorsed drug for certain illnesses.

Might actually phone in or write in.. this advert is misinformation shown in a biased way.

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Bizarre Republican Arguments on the Stimulus Bill

Flood says...

>> ^Raverman:
Those with money don't spend or invest. And the poor and the unemployed can't. People who are idle stay idle. Why would it fix the economy? what magic is this? will people suddenly one day have confidence to hire/invest/employ? Who's going to go out on this limb during the downhill slide?

You're right. Everyone is a manic depressive and we're all trapped in a downward spiral of despair. Who in their right mind would want to try to make money at a time like this? The stock market is lower than it has been in years, but gosh, it would be stupid for me to invest now, I'm going to wait until it is really high again. </sarcasm>

There is no magic involved. Yes, people will regain confidence once the bad companies fail and go away. Those people who go out on the limb first will benefit the most from the ride to the top.

Ask yourself this question. Pick a stock or two, look at its price, look at its price over the past four years, then ask yourself, what do you think the price will be in 10 years? 20 years? Higher than it is now? How much higher? So are you waiting to invest because A) no money B) waiting for it to go lower so I can reap a larger gain, C) waiting to see what companies are the failing ones, or D) thought there was magic involved in making money.

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