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Mel Gibson Audio Tape Released!

peggedbea says...

so, it seems you think she only made the tape to expose him publicly for a hollywood public spectacle factor and that stems from, or is evidence of some kind of fame whoreness? i can see the logic there, and perhaps it is the case.

however, as i said before, the relationship messes with your head. a lot. i never once turned my husband into the cops. not when he hit me. not when he held a knife to my throat. not when i knew he was driving around drunk with a bag of methamphetamine and i knew all i really needed to do was call the cops and he'd get locked up for a while and i could leave peacefully. not when he stole my credit cards and ran up 8k worth of debt. not when he was in a dysphoric manic fit and screaming similar things with a gun to his head. never. i think i thought it would have been some sort of betrayal to the man i married, who i was under the impression was a sweet, shy, sensitive, creative boy who loved me and my daughter but struggled with demons from a life filled with abuse and addiction (which i was hard wired from early childhood to understand and empathize with, because i was raised by the mentally ill and by drug addicts, its just how the world looked from perspective). and maybe i knew how impotent law enforcement was to help, he did after all, belong in a hospital as opposed to a jail cell. because i was close to him and i knew all this torment was mental illness, demons from his past, and the drugs he uses to self medicate because he lives every single day in unimaginable mental anguish and stress and it all comes from bad chemicals. and he could be good. 60% of the time he was at least passably decent.

i did however, tape a few of his fits. i thought i could let him listen to it later when he was calm and more rational and he would see how badly he needed help. i thought it would convince him to take his meds. i bring this up because i now know several other people who have done the same thing. you dont want them locked up, you dont want to press charges on family, because they need psychiatric help. you just want them to see how crazy they are and put down the dick pipe and take their meds. i think this is probably the more likely scenario especially since there seems to be some doubt as to whether or not she was even the one to release them. i'm not sure anyone is equipped to handle these situations well, particularly not the type of person who would be attracted to them in the first place. that's why it's called a "cycle" of abuse. i learned in a class a few years ago that only 30% of adults who were abused as children abuse their own children. i thought that was sort of hopeful and interesting. i would like to know though what percentage of adults who were abused as children end up in abusive relationships. i would bet its also somewhere around the 30% mark.
>> ^griefer_queafer:

I think you're right to react the way you have. But I honestly think that part of my frustration with this video might have been lost in what I do recognize now as a real insensitivity on my part. It is definitely easy to say that you've missed the point, because you haven't, and you have brought my attention to a whole other level of insult allowed by my comments. Plus, you are right to say that it is easy to blame the victim, because it is SOOO easy, and I have done it.
HOWEVER. While I have def. made some serious assumptions about this 'tape', I think you have also. I also feel that you have tacked on a good deal of information onto the position of both Gibson and Grigorieva. First, you don't seem willing to admit that her taping this conversation indicates a very real violation. I'm sure it sounds really 'academic' of me, but I do believe that her recording and releasing it elevates Mel's chauvinism to the level of spectacle even more so than before. You might argue that it NEEDS TO BE HEARD; that this monstrosity needs to be brought into the light. But at the end of the day, isn't there something a bit less dignified... a bit less spectacularly absurd about a court hearing and a restraining order as opposed to an audiotape? Doesn't something like this run the risk of turning his behavior into a 'product' or 'caricature' than say... a nice day in court? Wouldn't something like this run the risk even more so of having his actions digestible as some kind of ironic or absurdly funny gesture, by some asinine, pigheaded, 'middle-class', 'academic', pseudo-intellectual white boy on the internet?
So, while your outrage is rock-solid, it would seem counter-productive for me to insist I was wrong, because I believe that I am fundamentally right. I HAVE blamed a victim... but for now, its an invisible victim (unfortunately), made all the less clear by her acting that role out through the very avenues of power and control utilized by foul-mouthed, violent, and dangerous people like Gibson himself. So for now, Gibson unfortunately remains fascinating. And that is an unfortunate reality I truly believe you need to come to terms with in this context. Until he pays a very real price for his behavior, he will remain that fascinating image of horrific thoughtlessness, and will CONTINUE to represent everything that is wrong with Hollywood (for as much as it gives us). Sadly, with these kinds of videos, he continues to just play ANOTHER ROLE, thanks to the very people who would listen to his voice with very real horror, and feel justified in their disgust while at the same time refusing to see the only REAL evidence of violence ACTUALLY available to them, which in this case is really only its fucking screenplay.
I stick to my upvote, as well as my comment, all the more because of your upsetting and honest response.

>> ^peggedbea:
have you lost your mind?
a logical extension of your rant could be "i have no sympathy for this bitch who claims she was date raped, it just shows what little respect she has for herself for going somewhere with a date rapist and then being whiney enough to go to the cops about it, fuck her"
like it or not there are thousands of women stuck abusive relationships they cant get out of. i can see where the "its your own damn fault for getting into it in the first place" argument would seep into the mind of some assholes who lack perspective and experience. but speaking as someone who has been there and is speaking to you from the other side of it, there is an overwhelming amount of manipulation that goes on in the beginnings of a relationship with an abuser and in the process a very real shift in logical and your ability to think clearly happens. being a child of abuse makes you very susceptible to these kinds of relationships as your brain was wired very young to feel comfortable and tie feelings of abuse to feelings of love. after a prolonged period of time behaviors that are wildly inappropriate just become normal. on top of that you live your day to day life in survival mode, and being in perpetual survival mode robs you of your ability to THINK. and certainly of the confidence to leave. adding a baby on top of it and your brain becomes completely fried and totally warped.
admitting you let someone take this much power, and degrade you senselessly takes an incredible amount of courage. it takes an insane amount of courage and fortitude and balls to go back into the world and KEEP TRYING. how dare you chide her for this.
this shit needs to be exposed. and the stories need to be told. the more people who hear the stories of these women the less ignorant twat assholes will open their dickless middle class white boy academic internet mouths and blame the victim.
fuck you.
>> ^griefer_queafer:
Also, I have no sympathy for this woman. By releasing this tape, she is not just showing what kind of a person Gibson is--she is also showing that she has very little respect for herself by dating a person who would say these things to her. Also, I am not even sure how much this kind of thing reveals about the guy. Again, sounds like he is on drugs, or is manic, or both. Plus, from the sound of the audio, I wouldn't be surprised if she re-recorded he responses to Mel, which sound really rehearsed anyway. So... Mel is an ass, but fuck her too.

Mel Gibson Audio Tape Released!

griefer_queafer says...

I think you're right to react the way you have. But I honestly think that part of my frustration with this video might have been lost in what I do recognize now as a real insensitivity on my part. It is definitely easy to say that you've missed the point, because you haven't, and you have brought my attention to a whole other level of insult allowed by my comments. Plus, you are right to say that it is easy to blame the victim, because it is SOOO easy, and I have done it.

HOWEVER. While I have def. made some serious assumptions about this 'tape', I think you have also. I also feel that you have tacked on a good deal of information onto the position of both Gibson and Grigorieva. First, you don't seem willing to admit that her taping this conversation indicates a very real violation. I'm sure it sounds really 'academic' of me, but I do believe that her recording and releasing it elevates Mel's chauvinism to the level of spectacle even more so than before. You might argue that it NEEDS TO BE HEARD; that this monstrosity needs to be brought into the light. But at the end of the day, isn't there something a bit less dignified... a bit less spectacularly absurd about a court hearing and a restraining order as opposed to an audiotape? Doesn't something like this run the risk of turning his behavior into a 'product' or 'caricature' than say... a nice day in court? Wouldn't something like this run the risk even more so of having his actions digestible as some kind of ironic or absurdly funny gesture, by some asinine, pigheaded, 'middle-class', 'academic', pseudo-intellectual white boy on the internet?

So, while your outrage is rock-solid, it would seem counter-productive for me to insist I was wrong, because I believe that I am fundamentally right. I HAVE blamed a victim... but for now, its an invisible victim (unfortunately), made all the less clear by her acting that role out through the very avenues of power and control utilized by foul-mouthed, violent, and dangerous people like Gibson himself. So for now, Gibson unfortunately remains fascinating. And that is an unfortunate reality I truly believe you need to come to terms with in this context. Until he pays a very real price for his behavior, he will remain that fascinating image of horrific thoughtlessness, and will CONTINUE to represent everything that is wrong with Hollywood (for as much as it gives us). Sadly, with these kinds of videos, he continues to just play ANOTHER ROLE, thanks to the very people who would listen to his voice with very real horror, and feel justified in their disgust while at the same time refusing to see the only REAL evidence of violence ACTUALLY available to them, which in this case is really only its fucking screenplay.

I stick to my upvote, as well as my comment, all the more because of your upsetting and honest response.

>> ^peggedbea:

have you lost your mind?
a logical extension of your rant could be "i have no sympathy for this bitch who claims she was date raped, it just shows what little respect she has for herself for going somewhere with a date rapist and then being whiney enough to go to the cops about it, fuck her"
like it or not there are thousands of women stuck abusive relationships they cant get out of. i can see where the "its your own damn fault for getting into it in the first place" argument would seep into the mind of some assholes who lack perspective and experience. but speaking as someone who has been there and is speaking to you from the other side of it, there is an overwhelming amount of manipulation that goes on in the beginnings of a relationship with an abuser and in the process a very real shift in logical and your ability to think clearly happens. being a child of abuse makes you very susceptible to these kinds of relationships as your brain was wired very young to feel comfortable and tie feelings of abuse to feelings of love. after a prolonged period of time behaviors that are wildly inappropriate just become normal. on top of that you live your day to day life in survival mode, and being in perpetual survival mode robs you of your ability to THINK. and certainly of the confidence to leave. adding a baby on top of it and your brain becomes completely fried and totally warped.
admitting you let someone take this much power, and degrade you senselessly takes an incredible amount of courage. it takes an insane amount of courage and fortitude and balls to go back into the world and KEEP TRYING. how dare you chide her for this.
this shit needs to be exposed. and the stories need to be told. the more people who hear the stories of these women the less ignorant twat assholes will open their dickless middle class white boy academic internet mouths and blame the victim.
fuck you.
>> ^griefer_queafer:
Also, I have no sympathy for this woman. By releasing this tape, she is not just showing what kind of a person Gibson is--she is also showing that she has very little respect for herself by dating a person who would say these things to her. Also, I am not even sure how much this kind of thing reveals about the guy. Again, sounds like he is on drugs, or is manic, or both. Plus, from the sound of the audio, I wouldn't be surprised if she re-recorded he responses to Mel, which sound really rehearsed anyway. So... Mel is an ass, but fuck her too.

Mel Gibson Audio Tape Released!

peggedbea says...

have you lost your mind?

a logical extension of your rant could be "i have no sympathy for this bitch who claims she was date raped, it just shows what little respect she has for herself for going somewhere with a date rapist and then being whiney enough to go to the cops about it, fuck her"

like it or not there are thousands of women stuck abusive relationships they cant get out of. i can see where the "its your own damn fault for getting into it in the first place" argument would seep into the mind of some assholes who lack perspective and experience. but speaking as someone who has been there and is speaking to you from the other side of it, there is an overwhelming amount of manipulation that goes on in the beginnings of a relationship with an abuser and in the process a very real shift in logical and your ability to think clearly happens. being a child of abuse makes you very susceptible to these kinds of relationships as your brain was wired very young to feel comfortable and tie feelings of abuse to feelings of love. after a prolonged period of time behaviors that are wildly inappropriate just become normal. on top of that you live your day to day life in survival mode, and being in perpetual survival mode robs you of your ability to THINK. and certainly of the confidence to leave. adding a baby on top of it and your brain becomes completely fried and totally warped.

admitting you let someone take this much power, and degrade you senselessly takes an incredible amount of courage. it takes an insane amount of courage and fortitude and balls to go back into the world and KEEP TRYING. how dare you chide her for this.
this shit needs to be exposed. and the stories need to be told. the more people who hear the stories of these women the less ignorant twat assholes will open their dickless middle class white boy academic internet mouths and blame the victim.

fuck you.

>> ^griefer_queafer:

Also, I have no sympathy for this woman. By releasing this tape, she is not just showing what kind of a person Gibson is--she is also showing that she has very little respect for herself by dating a person who would say these things to her. Also, I am not even sure how much this kind of thing reveals about the guy. Again, sounds like he is on drugs, or is manic, or both. Plus, from the sound of the audio, I wouldn't be surprised if she re-recorded he responses to Mel, which sound really rehearsed anyway. So... Mel is an ass, but fuck her too.

Mel Gibson Audio Tape Released!

Fletch says...

Ummm, she didn't release it (and I don't think she wants your sympathy, either). But what if she had released it? So? If even half of what she claims about Mel's treatment of her is true, the more people that know about it, the safer she'll be. Would you also have no sympathy for a battered wife because, in your opinion, she probably has so little respect for herself that it's her own fault her husband beats her? Shit, if you want to blame her for Mel's self-destruction, at least come up with a better reason than that. At least Mel could point to something visceral like "foriegn bodies" and "tight outfits", although most men would list those firmly in the "Plus" column. As far as her responses to Mel, either she actually IS that calm and collected, OR, she realizes she is recording the conversation and is altering her usual behavior somewhat, OR, she is simply resigned in her responses as one who realizes they are talking to an intractable, threatening psycho would be.

As far as your theory she may have re-recorded her parts... Why would she? What could she have POSSIBLY said that warranted re-recording? "I LOVE showing my tits like a whore, Mel-O! WTF you gonna do about it?!? For all you know, I'm getting trained by brothers every night!" Really?

I used to be a big Mel Gibson fan. I'm disappointed that he's truly a prick and a creep, and that I can't watch his movies the same way any more, if at all. But he destroyed himself. She had nothing to do with it.>> ^griefer_queafer:

Also, I have no sympathy for this woman. By releasing this tape, she is not just showing what kind of a person Gibson is--she is also showing that she has very little respect for herself by dating a person who would say these things to her. Also, I am not even sure how much this kind of thing reveals about the guy. Again, sounds like he is on drugs, or is manic, or both. Plus, from the sound of the audio, I wouldn't be surprised if she re-recorded he responses to Mel, which sound really rehearsed anyway. So... Mel is an ass, but fuck her too.

Mel Gibson Audio Tape Released!

griefer_queafer says...

Also, I have no sympathy for this woman. By releasing this tape, she is not just showing what kind of a person Gibson is--she is also showing that she has very little respect for herself by dating a person who would say these things to her. Also, I am not even sure how much this kind of thing reveals about the guy. Again, sounds like he is on drugs, or is manic, or both. Plus, from the sound of the audio, I wouldn't be surprised if she re-recorded he responses to Mel, which sound really rehearsed anyway. So... Mel is an ass, but fuck her too.

Massive 2 Airbag Explosion in a Clothes Drier

kymbos (Member Profile)

You don't want to see Sex and the City 2? F*ck you!

Big Bill Hell

Big Bill Hell

Followup - Hot Cheerleader Hoax: Disorder After Flu Shot?

Funniest TDS Interview Ever! (Tracy Morgan and Jon Stewart)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Thanks for that. Sounds good. I'm going to see it.
>> ^therealblankman:
I went to a sneak-preview of the film that they don't bother to promote in the above interview. Really enjoyed it! Below is the review I wrote for Cinemaclock...
Here's the deal with this flick- if you're a fan of 1980s style comedy cop flicks a'la Lethal Weapon and especially Beverly Hills Cop, then you'll really enjoy this lightweight action film from Kevin Smith. Hell, it's even got an 80s Axel Foley synthesizer soundtrack.
Bruce Willis is the grizzled veteran cop, Tracy Morgan (or is it Jordan? I get confused) plays his goofy partner. There's a plot of sorts- revolving around the pair trying to get back a valuable baseball card stolen from Willis' character by a gang of frightening hispanic ethnic stereotypes, the leader of which is a sports memorabilia collector.
There are a bunch of chases- both on foot and in cars- a couple of shootouts, and some minor sub-plots with a few twists. All of which serve solely as situations for Morgan to riff off of Willis' straight-man like a manic comedic madman. These guys have some great chemistry together, in the finest buddy-picture tradition.
A couple of cameos- notably Jason Lee as the slimy step-father of Willis' daughter, and Seann William Scott is hilarious as a strung-out cat burglar.
This movie's quite a change of pace for director Smith- a straight-up mainstream comedy. But it's still got a lot of his trademark clever dialogue and the characters are better fleshed-out and more believable than is usual for this genre. It drags a little bit in the second act, but moves on soon enough and pretty much succeeds in entertaining on every level.

Funniest TDS Interview Ever! (Tracy Morgan and Jon Stewart)

therealblankman says...

I went to a sneak-preview of the film that they don't bother to promote in the above interview. Really enjoyed it! Below is the review I wrote for Cinemaclock...

Here's the deal with this flick- if you're a fan of 1980s style comedy cop flicks a'la Lethal Weapon and especially Beverly Hills Cop, then you'll really enjoy this lightweight action film from Kevin Smith. Hell, it's even got an 80s Axel Foley synthesizer soundtrack.

Bruce Willis is the grizzled veteran cop, Tracy Morgan (or is it Jordan? I get confused) plays his goofy partner. There's a plot of sorts- revolving around the pair trying to get back a valuable baseball card stolen from Willis' character by a gang of frightening hispanic ethnic stereotypes, the leader of which is a sports memorabilia collector.
There are a bunch of chases- both on foot and in cars- a couple of shootouts, and some minor sub-plots with a few twists. All of which serve solely as situations for Morgan to riff off of Willis' straight-man like a manic comedic madman. These guys have some great chemistry together, in the finest buddy-picture tradition.

A couple of cameos- notably Jason Lee as the slimy step-father of Willis' daughter, and Seann William Scott is hilarious as a strung-out cat burglar.

This movie's quite a change of pace for director Smith- a straight-up mainstream comedy. But it's still got a lot of his trademark clever dialogue and the characters are better fleshed-out and more believable than is usual for this genre. It drags a little bit in the second act, but moves on soon enough and pretty much succeeds in entertaining on every level.

Epic Beard Man Interview

Raaagh says...

>> ^marinara:
>> ^dag:
It wasn't just the exaggeration that made me think he is a bit mentally ill- it was more the manic switches in emotion and just a general disconnect from reality.>>

His momma died, you the one who's crazy, Dag.

Still doesn't change the fact that old man was making up stories left right and centre - how much time had that kid supposedly served? Who told EBM that? Why did he just wing like it was off the top of his head? How come that info isnt in the papers?

I'll eat my avatar if assertion he made was true.

Epic Beard Man Interview

marinara says...

>> ^dag:
It wasn't just the exaggeration that made me think he is a bit mentally ill- it was more the manic switches in emotion and just a general disconnect from reality.>>

His momma died, you the one who's crazy, Dag.

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