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Scared Man Vs. Charging Bear - What Would YOU Do?

lucky760 says...

I didn't realize until not too long ago that there was such confusion about how to respond to a bear attack. It struck me when I heard someone aghast at the very notion that you should curl into a ball and play dead as if he'd never heard that before. (He must've been living under a rock.)

I think the distinction, which doesn't seem to ever be made explicitly clear, is that if a bear charges you as in this video, then you are supposed to do your best to scare it off (by making yourself appear threatening, bigger, louder, etc.), BUT if a bear has already started attacking you, you obviously can't do that (while laying bloody on the ground), so it's at that time that you should play dead to make the bear think it successfully killed you so it will stop attacking you because there's likely no reason to fight a corpse.

The worst confusing part is that many people think your initial reaction when a bear charges or threatens you should be to lay down and play dead. That's very, very bad advice and I've heard of several cases of people doing that where the bear then just meanders up to the person and starts eating them.

If you just lay down the bear regards you as prey and their eating instincts kick in.

If you first try to fight the bear, it regards you as a threat that it needs to fight and kill, hence once you play dead and it thinks it won the battle, it's more likely to walk away. I think the natural instinct of creatures after a battle is to walk away victorious, not eat the opponent.

Mondo said:

I appreciate seeing actual footage of how to respond to a charging bear, Up to this point I've only heard various advice ranging from screaming/looking big to rolling into a ball. I seem to remember hearing that different types of bears require different responses, but at least a video is better than just relying on someone's word when dealing with a life and death situation.

Completely Erase Entire Comments from People You're Ignoring (Sift Talk Post)

VoodooV says...

I came back when I saw @speechless's comment. She is exactly right. Ignore does not work. It is a poor substitute for moderation.

Ignoring only works if everyone does it...and possibly not even then. It only takes one person to take the bait to make a troll thrive. If everyone actually did ignore, then it's no different from booting the troublemaker so quit beating around the bush and just boot the troublemaker. One method shifts the burden on the community members who many have given up after seeing how ineffectual ignore is and left, the other method shifts the burden where it should be, on those who run the site.

This site has been going downhill for a long while now because problem members have not been kicked out. It has been noted that the #1 video now only requires 40-ish upvotes where in years past it needed over double that.

I think I even recall @lucky760 voicing his concerns about the continued existence of this site in Sift Talk a while back.

All it takes is a short glance at comment histories to see who is here to contribute to the community and who is here only to incite and rile up and do not contribute to civilized discourse. Most people who read this will know who I am referring to. Dissenting opinions are still required to back their points up. Simply dissent by itself doesn't make the viewpoint valid or else you've just lowered yourself to the level of youtube comments, at a minimum, ad hom attacks and the bigger more well known logical fallacies should not be tolerated.

A good community requires moderation. All the strong forum communities out there depend on moderation to lay down the law on a regular basis...not just when one feels like showing up on the site once every month or so.

Spooky earthflow in Russia

Hamster working up his GoPro routine...

lucky760 says...

I feel bad for the little rat. Reminds me of Natalie Portman's pets in Garden State (or Sam, as her character was named). She left the wheel in and one of her hamsters didn't know how to use it and it died.

So, is that really him learning to not "crash out?" Is that how they're supposed to finish off a run, by just laying down until they're thrown out again anyway? (I don't know; I've never had a pet rodent.)

Net Neutrality Battle Rap

eric3579 says...

The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back
The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back

So the FCC won't let me be
They want to stack the deck for the ISPs
but we've got a couple of tricks up our sleeves
It's far too important to leave to police
it could lead to the streets
a breach of the peace
and even decrease our freedom of speech
there's never been a bigger reason to read up
and see what's agreed 'cause of greed for the green and deceit
The greener the leaf, the sweeter the tree
the quicker they'll chop it down and leave nothing but tree stumps; debris
the damage is done, no refund received
see, the thing about net neutrality
is unless you get huge salaries
? the paramedic won't rescue casualties
' til they've seen to the rich next dude's allergies
they'll prioritise cash over content
wanna send one bit? That's one cent
What nonsense, man it's scaring me
a planet of plenty's selling scarcity
Innovation paved the way
Now invaders are paying to take it away
but they ain't gonna make it today
! Letting that happen's a major mistake
If Lessig was rapping he'd tell you the same
Tim Berners Lee baked us a cake
and they've taken the cherry.. AND THE CAKE
discrimination is happening today
to blacks and to gays and to packets of data
though ethically they're exactly the same
so Oi, we're not gonna stand 4 it m8

U WOT M8??????

The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back
The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back

I'm from the place John Oliver came from
but no matter where you live you should be singing the same song
at long last, I'm putting Comcast on blast
'cause they never learn their lesson like they're in the wrong class
well I'm the professor and I'm setting you with one task
Get them knocked back like a shot glass
Straight in front of me's a cable company
The way they're behaving's unbelievable
Comcast is in league with the devil
and it's pissing me off, I'm not even American
! Take a peek, see from the evidence
Netflix had to pay a fee to get better links
it's a shakedown, communication breakdown
There's a bully in the playground
I had enough of that at school, won't lay down
lay a finger on me, you'll be laid out
You'll be laid out
You'll be laid ou
You'll be laid out
You'll be laid out
lay a finger on me, you'll be laid out

The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back
The world wide web is under attack
They're taking it away but we're pulling it back

Taking it back, we're taking it back
We're taking it, we're taking back

radx (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

People like you should be amongst those who are discussing decision making. With any luck, it will soon be a time for young, fresh ideas.. i'm just glad to find out there are people studying the subject with the same rigour as a scientist treats their subject.

I feel exasperated at the current political climate - as though the corruption between it and those who lust for power and money is complete and can't be redeemed. It was a breath of fresh air to hear Varoufakis lay down the problem in simple terms; something nobody in the democratic process in the UK has done in my entire lifetime.

I sometimes wonder if we need something radical and new, some kind of new "Magna Carta" to ensure that this situation we find ourselves is reversed and doesn't naturally happen again over time.

radx said:

+ a central bank whose mandate is limited to inflation
+ the lack of a treasury
+ the lack of a harmonized tax system
+ the crippling deficits in democratic control that make it very hard to turn the will of the people into policy
+ etc

The last point is of particular interest if you look at Greece as a shock & awe induced suspension of democracy. Many nations are held in a permanent state of emergency through the war on terror, while Greece's permanent state of emergency was imposed through debt.

Previous governments did what they were told by troika officials, with parliament left aside and judicial decisions left ignored. The return of democracy into some parts of the system caused rather vicious reactions from both the press and European officials. Just look at what Martin Schulz or Jeroen Dijsselbloem said about Syriza officials in the last few days.

Debt is a tool powerful enough to suspend democracy in a heartbeat, even quicker than our famous war on/of terror.

Parliamentary decisions are superceded by transnational treaties and obligations. And if you take the thought one step further, you end up at TTIP/TTP/CETA/TISA. If Greece demonstrates that democratic decisions at a national level still overrule transnational treaties, governments lose a scapegoat for unpopular decisions ("treaty X demands it of us"). Should Syriza manage to end the state of emergency, to return control over the decision back to the elected bodies, it will become infinitely harder to impose draconian or even just highly unpopular measures.

But I digress. Twin Euro blocks (South/North) were part of the discussion, just like parallel currencies in troubled nations. A German exit is still being discussed as well, but I don't think its advocates within Germany thought it through. Switzerland just uncoupled its Swiss Francs from the Euro and it did a real number on their exports. A new DM would appreciate like a Saturn V, instantly shattering German exports. Without a massive increase in wages to compensate through domestic demand, Germany would bleed jobs left, right and center. A fullblown recession.

I'd say it would take very little to stabilise the union, even in its currently flawed configuration. Krugman had a piece this morning, calling one of Syriza's core demands reasonable. And judging by what I have read over the last five years or so, it is. He said Germany would be crazy if they demanded payment on full, no reliefs. And that's where it shows that he cannot follow the media or the political discussions in Germany to any meaningful degree, language barrier and all. Public discussion on economics in Germany stands completely separate from the rest of the world.

Ignorance, stubbornness, cultural bias, a feedback-loop of media and politics, group pressure -- we have everything. And the fact that Germany has been comparatively successful in the face of this crisis makes it practially impossible to pierce this bubble. We're doing fine, our way must be correct, everyone else is wrong.

No One To Play With

lucky760 says...

Thanks for the insight. That's interesting and hearing stuff like that is helpful.

We always insist that they treat each other appropriately and lay down the law if either one is ever disrespectful or hurtful of the other. That's not to say no brotherly abuse will ever happen, but we are definitely making a concerted effort to provide an environment and also brainwashing to assist in bonding them together and making assaults on one another feel foreign and undesired.

newtboy said:

Good for you. My brother is 3.5 years older than me, a terrible spread. It was older enough that he was always 1.5 times my size, but close enough that he was never reprimanded for beating up on 'little kids' when he abused me. It left me wishing I was an only child.
Be sure to keep an eye out for that, and don't expect the abused to tell my case it was made clear that reporting abuse only caused more abuse, with no consequence.

Fastest Breathing Dog in the World & Sounds Like Car Engine)

Stu says...

Dogs will reduce their speed or just lay down before they overheat. They are smarter than us in that respect. My dogs sometimes will just stand breath fast for a while, somewhat like in the video, get some water, then start again. Although after they go in cold water or use the hose water to cool down. Funny seeing one dog chase another with a hose.

Botched marriage proposal

speechless says...

Obviously a bud light viral. Really. Let's meander the camera onto the chick with the nice tits as she carefully lays down the product placement. Just look at her hands as she lets that can go.

The police officers could be heard yelling stop resisting ;)

kevingrr says...

Way to dig up a video from 2009.

The 5 police officers involved were all terminated.

This ended a 50 mile high speed chase. Notice when he tried to run over the police officer laying down the spike strip?

There are legitimate and current examples of police abuse of real victims...

Lunatic fake feminist disturbs the relative peace

chicchorea says...

I'll be a dirty name...the downvote was unintentional, I meant the reverse.

Please forgive. Can't see straight, time to sleep or at least lay down to do it.

bobknight33 said:

Everybody today is using the term assault very loosely as demonstrated by the guys.

Same for sexual harassment as demonstrated by the lady.

The resulting punishments are too harsh as demonstrated by the cops.

Way to many thin skinned people today.

AIDS is cured! - by serving AIDS in an Egyptian army kebab

chingalera says...

Direct that spiel at every world leader buying air-time or cornering the market in the same. This cunt represents a simple petty thug in a coat pocket. Fascist Egyptian military working for the machine that makes all this possible? God-fearing is what the machine wants you to lay down for, they think themselves little motherfucking gods there, skippy.
Education, education, and education? More-likely re-education and a side-order of the real.

A10anis said:

Scarey stuff. These people are the true enemy of humanity. They are desperate for their once held god fearing control over the populace. A control that focuses on the utter ignorance of their subjects. Education, education, and education, are the only tools necessary to thwart their medieval objectives.

Boy Stands up at City Council on Bullying

chingalera says...

My fix if I were an adult on the school system would be to perhaps sponsor a support group-type action-awareness campaign to empower the bullied kids through a kind of humiliation campaign against the most egregious of offenders and perpetrators.

Kung Fu instruction from a 'real' kung fu master for a solid year to lay down the foundation for defense as well...Maybe some Krav Maga?? Teach em the cockpuncher defense and have a team of girls protect the smaller, less-confident boys??
I'd get real creative..

Humiliate the alpha in the herd and they tend to slink the fuck off and take their friends with em...

I dealt with douchebags by confusing the shit out of them-In the 10th grade I made great friends with the junior-varsity cheerleaders in my remedial math class, and sat at the cheerleader table at lunch, pissed some jocks off for a while until I started telling them what their GF's were talking about them....then the started coming to me for advice...Helps when you can get them weed as well

Even Pat Robertson Attacks Young Earth Theory As A "Joke"

shveddy says...

You'll have to get over the annoyance. It's crazy to think that religion - which thrives on such an entrenched part of the human psyche and is so deeply intertwined with history - will just admit defeat and lay down all of its claims to relevance in the face of any adversity. The best we can hope for is a long and gradual retreat.

I'll take what I can get. Relegating God to merely an abstract influence as the cause of the Big Bang has very little relevance to anyone's day to day life, whereas denying evolution, climate change, etc... is significantly more detrimental to scientific progress.

A10anis said:

Not sure what annoys me most. The fact that the religious, condescendingly, finally accept the facts borne out by science, or that they constantly shift the goal posts by acknowledging that their was a big bang but, because science has yet to explain its cause, god must have done it. The "god of the gaps" is diminishing rapidly thanks to science filling the gaps. Soon all they will have left is one question; Why? And that is the same question we all have. I suspect that if that question is ever answered, we will ALL be surprised.

Tommy tsjotomayor condemns knockout game!!

chingalera says...

Uhhh, maybe you needed the sarcasm button for THAT statement. What's "factual" is the end result all over the fucking televison and internet, a national case-study of how to fuck-up a generation of imprint-able minds. Whether the scenario TC layed-down or a dozen others from the same petri, what do need, a diagram, a dozen "expert" analyses in the form of published thesis or someone YOU trust to make the leap??

Punks from broken homes matey, males and females with no business breeding, for lack of intent or abilities. It ain't fucking rocket-science man, it's model airplanes.

shatterdrose said:

Really? Shallow analysis much which absolutely nothing factual backing it up? Either that or you forgot the sarcasm button.

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