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Darth Beiber

Brief and Paedy Interview With Justin Bieber

alien_concept says...

>> ^Kofi:

I'm pretty sure Corden was taking the piss out of the notion of the paedobear attitude re: Beiber but it was still creepy. Reminded me too much of the guy down the road in Family Guy. "Well hi there".

Oh, I wouldn't have posted it if I thought he meant it

Justin Bieber Gets Shot on His Return to 'CSI'.

Justin Bieber: Metal God

kronosposeidon says...

That's very true. But in all honesty, he developed his hatred of JB all on his own. No lie. And I only lie about big things...and some little things.>> ^gwiz665:

Being a parent is great, you can teach them to hate what you hate.
>> ^kronosposeidon:
As soon as that little twat young man started to sing my 12-yr old son yelled at me from his bedroom "WHY are you listening to Justin Bieber!?" That's my boy.

Justin Bieber: Metal God

Justin Bieber: Metal God

Justin Bieber: Metal God

Justin Bieber Going Rogue

Cat hates Justin Bieber

Who the F@$& is justin bieber? - Ozzy

Eyelid Cyst Surgery!

grinter says...

Are you kidding me?: "This video has been removed as a violation of YouTube's policy on shocking and disgusting content."
It's a fucking surgery! They still have Justin Bieber videos on YouTube, and this is a violation of the disgusting content policy???!?
...I'm going to go try to find an alternate..dammit.

Fmr. Cigna CEO Apologizes to Michael Moore

sepatown (Member Profile)

Declaration of War Against Justin Bieber Haters

Duckman33 says...

>> ^legacy0100:

I do feel bad for that Justin kid. Kid knows how to perform and give a good show which not many from his peer age group could do, let alone in the music business. But he has become this go-to-target and has become a scapegoat to all the things that people think are wrong with American youth today.
It's not the kid or their fan's fault. Before Justin there was Britney Spears, before Britney Spears there was Madonna, before Madonna there was Nirvana, Michael Jackson, the doors, the Beatles, Elvis, so on and so forth.
But I digress. This video ironically makes to be an open call for a flame war, with teenage trolls ripen with hormones and anxiety could unleash their rage against some silly kid on the internet. Well, there's nothing that I haven't seen before and the ending result is very predictable. Some teasing, kid gets his feelings hurt, rage-quits teh interwarbs for awhile, victory for the trolls.
Nothing much else to be said about this issue.

Not to be picky, but I'm quite sure Madonna came before Nirvana.

Declaration of War Against Justin Bieber Haters

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