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Declaration of War Against Justin Bieber Haters

Opus_Moderandi says...

I'm pretty sure there are more people that hate Justin Bieber than just metal heads.

And comparing Justin, Britney and Madonna to the Beatles, the Doors and Elvis? Not all popular music is good music and not all good music is popular, imo...

Declaration of War Against Justin Bieber Haters

Skeeve says...

Personally, I can't wait until they are involved.

1. This kid thinks he knows how to hack? He'll have to prove that pretty soon when the few non-posers who care about this start taking apart his parents' computer.
2. I'm pretty sure his uncle who works at the FCC, if he exists, wouldn't like his nephew saying these things about him - that could probably send him to PMITA prison.
3. Saying that the FCC, in cooperation with the NSA, FBI, etc., is going to go to war with people expressing their constitutional right to free speech is batshit insane.

I can't wait to see what the internets does to this kid.

>> ^malakai:

Also, why do i have a feeling that 4chan will be involved?

PS. Original YouTube clip at:

Zifnab (Member Profile)

maatc (Member Profile)

Justin Bieber gets hit by a grenade

mas8705 (Member Profile)

Justin Bieber Walks Into Glass Door

Skeeve says...

I realize one can't read the tone of my post, but I was being facetious about hating him. I hate him as much as I hate the Nissan Cube - I would never pay for one, I don't understand why anyone likes them and I think the person who designed it should be smacked upside the head but I wouldn't have them all dumped into the middle of the ocean.

That said, worked hard and earned his fame?

He is a mass marketed tool of the recording industry. He won a genetic lottery that makes him physically appealing to preteen girls and has a decent voice. He had the luck to be accidentally seen on YouTube by a marketing executive who arranged for him to sing with Usher one week later. He is a naive teenager being blindly led down a path of fame and riches by people who know how to sell things much more than they know music.

He doesn't deserve to be in the same sentence as The Barenaked Ladies, who seriously worked hard as independent musicians, or Jim Carey, who was/is a comic genius. They are great Canadian entertainers, Justin Bieber is not.>> ^doogle:

>> ^Skeeve:
"I don't know if you seen it but..."
There are so many reasons to hate Justin Bieber - I'm choosing to hate him for his bad grammar and for giving a bad name to us Canadians.

Canadians' extreme modesty pushes us to dislike success and fame of Canadians on top. So they go elsewhere for their fame & success, while Canada pushes them out. Barenaked Ladies, Alanis Morrissette, Jim Carrey, etc.
I'm not at all into Bieber's music, but the kid's got a good head on his shoulders and he's worked hard and earned his fame.
You don't have to like him. But you don't have to hate him either. Or listen to his music. Or watch a video aptly titled "Justin Bieber Walks Into Glass Door"

Justin Bieber Walks Into Glass Door

doogle says...

>> ^Skeeve:

"I don't know if you seen it but..."
There are so many reasons to hate Justin Bieber - I'm choosing to hate him for his bad grammar and for giving a bad name to us Canadians.

Canadians' extreme modesty pushes us to dislike success and fame of Canadians on top. So they go elsewhere for their fame & success, while Canada pushes them out. Barenaked Ladies, Alanis Morrissette, Jim Carrey, etc.

I'm not at all into Bieber's music, but the kid's got a good head on his shoulders and he's worked hard and earned his fame.

You don't have to like him. But you don't have to hate him either. Or listen to his music. Or watch a video aptly titled "Justin Bieber Walks Into Glass Door"

Justin Bieber gets nailed

Justin Bieber gets nailed

Justin Bieber gets nailed

Shepppard says...

>> ^gwiz665:

>> ^quantumushroom:
FOR YOUR NFORMATION I was there to get phone numbers from girls...for the Justin "Beeber" Fan Club. And I did briefly have the bottle up there ($12!!!!) but only because it was near frozen (at first).
I didn't want to hurt him, just that stupid-ass haircut.
>> ^gwiz665:
What kind of dick throws a bottle at a kid? You may not like his music, but what the fuck are you doing at his concert then?
Be the adult, and shove that bottle up your ass instead.

You get numbers from 12 year old girls..?

You dont? :3

Justin Bieber gets nailed

gwiz665 says...

>> ^quantumushroom:

FOR YOUR NFORMATION I was there to get phone numbers from girls...for the Justin "Beeber" Fan Club. And I did briefly have the bottle up there ($12!!!!) but only because it was near frozen (at first).
I didn't want to hurt him, just that stupid-ass haircut.
>> ^gwiz665:
What kind of dick throws a bottle at a kid? You may not like his music, but what the fuck are you doing at his concert then?
Be the adult, and shove that bottle up your ass instead.

You get numbers from 12 year old girls..?

Justin Bieber gets nailed

quantumushroom says...

FOR YOUR NFORMATION I was there to get phone numbers from girls...for the Justin "Beeber" Fan Club. And I did briefly have the bottle up there ($12!!!!) but only because it was near frozen (at first).

I didn't want to hurt him, just that stupid-ass haircut.

>> ^gwiz665:

What kind of dick throws a bottle at a kid? You may not like his music, but what the fuck are you doing at his concert then?
Be the adult, and shove that bottle up your ass instead.

Unsung_Hero (Member Profile)

Justin Bieber gets nailed

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