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ISIS - 20 Minutes / 40 years

packo says...

the problem with long songs is they have to hold your interest
something that is difficult, the more slowly and melodic you play... no matter how you keep adding to the structure

SLEEP Jerusalem is another example of this

little too much borrowed from Tool (both vocals and video visuals) for my taste

Israeli govt press office vid mock dead "We Con The World"

joedirt says...

Billions of dollars of US tax dollars at work. When are you people going to wake up?

But there's reason to doubt the sincerity of the official statement. For one thing, Caroline Glick, the Deputy Managing Editor at the Jerusalem Post, served as assistant foreign policy adviser to Prime Benjamin Netanyahu in 1997 and 1998. For a former adviser to Netanyahu to create such a timely video which then gets "accidentally" released by a Netanyahu-led Israeli government seems more than a bit suspicious.

As Caroline Glick Wrote on her blog post concerning her video,
"This week at Latma - the Hebrew-language media satire website I edit, we decided to do something new. We produced a clip in English. There we feature the Turkish-Hamas "love boat" captain, crew and passengers in a musical explanation of how they con the world.

We think this is an important Israeli contribution to the discussion of recent events and we hope you distribute it far and wide.

All the best,

Freedom of speech should only go so far? (Philosophy Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Well, @Crake that wasn't my emotional reaction at all, it was just what you can, sadly, reasonably expect in certain venues. Ideally, you'd be able to speak your mind freely everywhere, but the reality of it is that you cannot do or say certain things certain places and expect that other people obey the law.

I wouldn't go through Jerusalem with a drawing of mohammed, because I would, rightly so, fear for my life - even though, if my person was protected, I totally would do it.

We should not allow people to break the law, because they were offended by someone using their free speech at all, I don't think I was getting at that either. I was just saying that you have to know where to say what and where not to say it.

sepatown (Member Profile)

Feeling the Hate In Jerusalem on Obama's Cairo Address

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