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Rollerball pen with conductive ink and magnetic components

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'circuits, pen, ink, conductive, magnetic' to 'circuits, pen, ink, conductive, magnetic, kickstarter' - edited by xxovercastxx

Sketching Electronics With MIT

Father Arrested for Picking Up His Children on Foot

bmacs27 says...

So you do have waivers, or at least arrangements about how to deal with young kids leaving schools. That's all that's going on here. To have any sort of arrangement for older kids would be strange. High schoolers often have their own car and can come and go as they please.


You do have cops at schools. It's a recent development here too, and not at all widespread. The only cops I was ever familiar with at schools were "DARE" officers who taught don't do drugs class. I never saw one enforce anything beyond giving a stern look at the occasional teenager. Common fucking sense states that this is a video on the internet because it is not the status quo. At all.

Finally "people" didn't say it was right that he was arrested. One guy implied maybe we don't know the whole story. Then you flew off the handle.

My understanding is that british schools ban kids from having best friends and teachers from using red ink. That's fucking weird, and I saw it on the internet, so it must be true.

robbersdog49 said:

The form isn't to let them go rock climbing, it's for them to walk home. And as I understand it it's an eight year old and a 14 year old.

Here in the UK we use a different system. It's called common fucking sense.

My mother is a secondary school teacher and my sister in law is a primary and nursery teacher. They both happened to come round my house tonight and I mentioned this video and asked them about exactly what happens in schools in the UK today, as I'm a little out of touch (it's a good few years since I was at school).

They were both utterly confused by the video. Police in schools in the UK is a very rare thing, and they're only called in as a last resort. This situation would never have ended with police being called unless the guy was actually being a threat, which he clearly isn't. Any escalation would have been passed on to the senior members of staff who would deal with the situation.

As for the waivers to let the kids walk home in the UK it's simple. At secondary school level, so 11 and up, once they're off the school site they're your responsibility. You can pick them up or let them walk or catch the bus or whatever, but the school won't check that for you. Younger kids there's an agreement with the school about who will pick them up, but it's not as formal as the forms in the video. But there is a key word on file so if someone comes to pick up the kid that the staff don't know they need to give the key word to be able to get the kid.

But if a parent comes to take a kid out of school, even in the middle of a class, they can't stop them and they wouldn't call the police as a parent picking up their kid isn't a police matter.

Police would only ever be involved if there was violence or the real threat of violence. The thought that the police could enforce school rules is bizarre.

I don't know what else to say. I'm glad this isn't the case everywhere in America. There are a lot of differences between the UK and America which are nation wide though. I'm sorry I'm not an expert on your school system. From what you say though the police in schools thing is something that's not unusual in America, and I find that strange.

I find the whole video fucked up, and even more so the fact that some people in this thread seem to think it was right for the guy to be arrested. That it's OK for the school to keep the kids from the parents.

It's all just fucking weird.

tattoos after breast cancer

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'tattoos, body, cancer, breasts, mastectomy, scars, healing' to 'tattoos, body, cancer, breasts, mastectomy, scars, healing, Personal Ink' - edited by chingalera

It's sure quiet on VS. (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Maybe peeps bees burnt-out on the newest 00's sensation...
YouTube Media Blitzkrieg Overdrive² + Unlimited/Legally-elusive Torrent Downloading/ the fact that we've seen everything there is to see in the form of the rapidly-deteriorating human comedy??

Or maybe there's a sign written in visible ink on the door that reads, "Private Party: Participants Scrutinized With Tweezers By Red Bull Addicted Gamers and Star Wars Fans."

Love you antman, you are part of the glue that keeps this ship's keel intact

How-to Disarm a Gunman

ChaosEngine says...

Please tell me that was meant as some kind of parody.

There are so many things wrong with that I don't even know where to start.
I will tell you the real way to deal with someone pointing a gun at you: DO WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT.

This kind of bullshit just does not work. Don't believe me? Go get a white tshirt, and a water pistol filled with ink or juice. Try this and see how often you don't get shot.

Driver Loses Race Against Gate.

Awesome! We Got a New Phone Book!

volumptuous says...

Well, Yellow Pages aren't made from trees. Rather they're made from sawdust and lumber scrap and post-consumable recycled paper, and either soy or veggie ink.

But that doesn't take into account the fossil fuels used to manufacture and deliver them.

They'll stop eventually, but there's still lots of rural communities in the US that don't have high speed internet access, and people rely on the YP.

It should be opt-in to receive them.

Can You Guess These Amazing Literary Tattoos?

Perfect shopping experience

shang says...

looks like a store we have in town called "Fred's" it's like a miniature Walmart/Kmart/Target all in 1 the size of a drug store. Groceries, Electronics, they even sell Android tablets here cheap noname android tablets that are sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow but still. All within 3 aisles of each other.

Fred's rocks when it's late night and you have the munchies, want some blank dvd+r's to burn, printer ink, tv dinners, and socks

3Doodler Intro Video

Second Amendment Rights Gone Wrong

digitalbombdog says...

1. The 2nd Amendment calls for a WELL REGULATED MILITIA. Emphasis on WELL REGULATED. The majority of Americans are in favor of at least some form of gun control. The idea is to get the most dangerous weapons we have out there out of the hands of those most likely to misuse/abuse them. And personally, I think accountability should be factored in. Gun owners should be required to have background checks, inspections of homes with required gun safes, ammunition limits, mandatory certification in gun safety courses, with regular testing, marksman training, and insurance to cover any damage done by weapons they own. And honestly, I wouldn't mind if people were required to join their State Militia or National Guard in order to own more than a hunting rifle.

2. The Constitution was never intended to be sacrosanct. It's a living, breathing work in progress. Hell, the ink was barely dry before the Bill of Rights was introduced. We "amend" the Constitution as needed to address issues that were never foreseen by our forefathers.

Amazing calligraphy penmanship!


Wallace Dresses Down Gillespie Over Romney's 20% Tax Cut

TheFreak says...

Thank you QM for that thoughtful reply.

It just seems that the imbalance right now is in demand, not the availability of capitol to invest.

>> ^quantumushroom:

Your logic isn't flawed per se, just incomplete.
In an unstable environment like the one created by Obama and his ilk, no sane wealthy person is going to expand businesses or invest.
Lower tax rates mean more investing and more lending to entrepreneurs. It also means less "hoarding" by the wealthy, who in an electronic world can transfer monies rapidly and keep them parked elsewhere.
The idea is that even though the tax rate is lower, there is more economic activity, and thus greater revenue.
Taxation is only half of the equation, the other is spending. Government spending will certainly not stop under a Romney Administration; a continuing taxocrat-majority Congress means spending will barely slow down.

Outrage over the Ryan proposal is selective at best. His Earness has already screwed the middle-class. Here are the new taxes the middle class will be paying for Obamacare. The ink is already dry.
>> ^TheFreak:
Give me $2500 over a year and it will all be spent on household expenses in the bat of an eye, directly into the economy. Give $250,000 to a millionaire and what exactly is it going to do? How is that money going to stimulate the economy better than the millions they're already hoarding?
Someone give me a coherent argument for how an extra fraction of wealth is going to encourage these people to invest and grow anything. Show me the flaw in my logic.

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