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My 50 Cal Exploded

Khufu says...

Maybe what these people mean (whether they know it or not) is that their belief in a god gave them the false(yet real enough to them) confidence that they would be ok, which gave them the courage and energy to push through and do all the things to make sure they had the opportunity to have the medical staff fix them. It's like how a lot of people have religion to thank for getting sober and off the street, not because of the divine influence of the hand of god or some shit... some people just need the religious 'narrative' to help them keep moving forward, where others may not need it at all and not see the point.

because obviously if god can physically save this dude's life, then he would have also had the power to make that barrel survive the hot round which I'm sure the dude in question would have preferred.

newtboy said:

God always gets the best press.

People love to credit him with saving them from near death despite it clearly being extreme efforts by skilled doctors that did, but never blame God when it was pure chance and bad luck that caused their mortal wounds.

To me, if God deserves credit, it's for the chance happening, the bad luck out of anyone's control, not the Herculean human efforts to repair the damage. If people really believed God intervenes, all Christians would be Christian Scientists or Jehovah's witnesses and refuse human medical treatments.

Racing for $100

greatgooglymoogly says...

If the video were presented that they were athletes and the white people were just average people off the street, the comment from the announcer would be warranted. That's not how it's presented however, it's shown as a random group of young people who we SHOULD all treat as equal.

If he had said "I've seen a couple of these guys run and I KNOW they are faster than all of you." then that would be relevant personal knowledge, not just a guess based on their race. The fact that they did run faster has no bearing on why he made the statement before anyone ran and should have no idea how fast they are.

luxintenebris said:


he may have known a couple of track athletes in the group. so the guarantee could be warranted.

Prejudice is a bias or a preconceived opinion, idea, or belief about something. When you act based on prejudice, you make up your mind about something and make generalizations about it before fully knowing about it. (from

missing the point, anyway. here's a video in a similar vein.

btw: am biased against the word 'race': as if there was more than one? even with neanderthal genetics, we should retire 'race' as a descriptive term. it's a misnomer.

C-note (Member Profile)

Steak boiled in 300 degree butter - Korean street food

Stormsinger says...

Interesting video, especially considering that I had my first Korean street food just a few days ago. Like every other Korean dish I've tried, the Korean corn dogs were delicious.

This buttersteak isn't a dish I'd expect to become a favorite, but I'd sure like to try it.

C-note (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

How To NOT Use A Roundabout

newtboy says...

They installed a double roundabout freeway exit/entrance here, in Arcata, about 4-5 years ago. The only signs are yield signs. Because it's got two one way freeway exits, two one way freeway entrances, and one through street it's pretty hard to mess up.
Now, the roundabouts ON the freeway in Iceland, three lanes wide, those were incomprehensible.

psycop said:

I'm from the home of the good 'ole roundabout and honestly... I don't get how you are meant to use this thing. Also yes, ours are absolutely plastered with signs and help.

Is this two one way roads, or was it just random chance that all the traffic was going one way? Normally one side of the road would be for return traffic?

Took a wee while, but I found a picture of a normal looking roundabout and even in a country where people use them all the time there are a lot of attempts to tell you how to use it:

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Fact check.....
3,500,000 child cases * .008 mortality = 28000 dead children you fucking inhuman monster.
3,500,000 * 10% who have long term disabilities = 350,000 children disabled for life.
Pay up, your ilk being obstinately unsafe caused their disabilities, you should pay to support them for life just as if you were driving blindfolded because Trump said car bumpers make them safe in accidents and you ran over a few, leaving them to die in the streets because getting hurt by a car is fake news.

Well over 570000 dead Americans you Anti American enemy of the people.
32000000 cases * 10% long term side effects like severe permanent heart, lung, brain damage = 3,200,000 disabled people created.

I think it's fair to say most readers here hope you're next. No one is more deserving of infection, no one is more deserving of severe permanent disabilities, no one is less deserving of a vaccine or hospitalization. I hope your children bring it home day 1 when school restarts.

Ask Brazil how following your plan has worked....better yet, put your money where your mouth is and move there, unvaccinated, and let us know.

Fake news made too many ignorant morons fight against public health measures, costing us over 1/2 million deaths and well over $5 Trillion in unnecessary expenses that could ALL have been avoided with adult, serious leadership we sorely lacked for a full year plus until January.

Bob, you ARE fake news. Dangerous, deadly, and costly fake news.

BTW, it costs about an extra $2.2 million to raise a child with disabilities, and an EXTRA $3,175 to $5,853 per month for adults - keep in mind they mostly have no income and don't add to the gdp, so add the average $61,224 cost of living in the US and you have over $120000 per year per person (3200000 disabled so far) you get a recurring yearly cost of your "ignore the danger and get to work/school" plan cost of up to $3.84 e11 ($384,000,000,000) per year so impossible cost to bear. Granted, not every person with permanent damage is totally disabled, so being generous assume only 10% are....still $38,400,000,000 PER YEAR at current average cost not including children. That doesn't include direct cost of hospitalization for covid, from $51,000 to $78,000, nor the loss in gdp from 3.2 million earners gone.
Fuck your $5 Trillion....most of which went to businesses.

bobknight33 said:

Facts checked.

"Seventeen states and DC reported more than
500 cases per 100,000 children.."

"Mortality (44 states and NYC reported)*•Children were 0%-0.8% of all COVID-19 deaths, and 20 states reported zero child deaths"

{{ ie 100 to 99.2% of child covid cased lived}}}

"In states reporting, 0%-0.3% of all child COVID-19 cases resulted in death.."

{{ ie 100 to 99.7% of child covid cased lived}}}

Facts checked.
KIDS are ok to go to school = also all people under 70 ( unless u have some condition) should go about your business.

Were are at about 5 trillion in payouts to keep kids / people home for 0/03% death rate.

Fake news scared tooooo many people.

Police in America - Where Are The Good Apples?

bobknight33 says...

I'm not crying. This a not story.

Sheep are fast glued to fake news .

Actually the streets are a little safer tonight because of this kid can no longer become a thug.


surfingyt said:

It is non-stop tears from you and I devour your sadness like you chug stupid.

Police in America - Where Are The Good Apples?

TheFreak says...

I disagree. No good apple would join the police because they know it's a system that encourages abuse.

A good apple who wants to be part of a profession that helps their community does not turn a blind eye to the bad apples. At best you have a lot of benign apples who aren't rotten themselves but are OK with the other rotten apples because....

They like the prestige?
They enjoy the sense of power?
They have Leem Neesons Action Dreams™ of taking out the bad guys? Cops and robbers fantasies with life and death stakes where the Sneetches on both sides are barely distinguishable by stars on their bellies?

If you want to stop police shootings you start by taking away their guns. If you don't want to police the streets without a gun then you don't belong in that role.

Covid Deaths Trump Vs Biden

cloudballoon says...

Way I see it, while Trump is a major contributor to USA Covid-19 deaths, yes, but the MAIN reason is the overly libertarian, short-term economics driven policy and false "human right/freedom" anti-masking rhetoric that caused the rise of the pandemic to the levels countries like the USA & Brazil is at. There are many levels of government, people's behavior and economic factors to blame, not just Trump.

Just calling it the "China virus" doesn't solve the pandemic, nor absolve Trump of blame, he hardly ever tried to get things under control.

All Trump did was letting 0%/low tax paying Wall street mega-corporations profiting handsomely during the pandemic, while the mom & pop main street stores & its staff going under. You know, because MAGA!

What YOU Can SEE Through a $1 Billion, $32,000 and an $800 T

BSR says...

I've had the same experience when I got my first binoculars at 13.

I was able to see all the way across the street to Kim's bedroom window!

Damn! Could she scream.

StukaFox said:

I felt a direct link between myself, time and the universe.

Biden, Illegals, detained, fail.

newtboy says...

I went there a few years back, (the original Hotel California, not the Satanic church in SF that the song is really about) in Todos Santos, they had a sculpture in front that was two bent pieces of metal that, when viewed from the right spot across the street, made a giant red cock and balls!

Beyond that, it's just a tourist trap with few tourists.

BSR said:

And I was thinking to myself,
"This could be Heaven or this could be Hell"
Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor,
I thought I heard them say...
Welcome to the Hotel California

Mom Says Neighbors Repeatedly Call Cops On Her Kids

StukaFox says...

Dude, you live in West Sacramento, so shut the fuck up. If you wanted to live somewhere nice, you would have moved to the Fab 40s or Land Park. Instead, you bought a cheap-ass house in a cheap-ass area because you're a cheap-ass prick, so suck it up.

You're lucky that bangers aren't drive-by'ing your house 24/7, because that's what West Sac was like in the 80s. The only reason anyone ever went to West Sac was to buy drugs, usually from me. That place was fucking anarchy for decades. My friend and sales associate used to down a 5th of Jack, then camp out on his back porch with a .22 and shoot rats off the power lines. Occasionally, he actually hit one instead of blacking out the whole block. Then, once he was done dealing with the local wildlife, he'd move on to blowing off M-80s and M-100s at 4 in the morning. That's what West Sac used to be like on a quiet night. When shit got rowdy -- a day we called 'pretty much any hot summer day' -- the fun was fully uncorked. Shootings, fires, more shootings, vandalism, fist-fights, street robberies, SO much more shooting, an increase in drug sales and thus my income; even the cops stayed off the streets on nights like that.

This idiot wouldn't have lasted five minutes in West Sac back then. Fucking skateboarding -- shit.

Mom Says Neighbors Repeatedly Call Cops On Her Kids

newtboy says...

She doesn't seem to realize she's a Karen too....assuming the rules don't apply to her and creating drama when told they do. Someone should cross out "neighborhood", "full", and "of" on her sign.
7 kids skating in the street until dark every day would be maddening. It may sound petty, but it wouldn't if she was your neighbor.
She says she doesn't know what to do....try telling your kids to skate at the skate park, or find a parking lot or alley not in a residential area. She knows they annoy the neighborhood but obviously hasn't told them to go elsewhere.
Skating in the street in California is a is denying your neighbors the peaceful enjoyment of their property. They should keep calling until she understands that, or file a lawsuit for a few thousand a month (per neighbor) until they quiet down.

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