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lurgee (Member Profile)

lurgee (Member Profile)

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

When I die, I expect I'm going back to where I was before I was born....nowhere.

Obviously this "evidence" is not undeniable...I, and hundreds of millions....actually many billions deny it.

Religopolitical propaganda has no bearing on real life unless you make it. Christian scripture is political, compiled and edited by men with an agenda to make people more easily controlled. That is simply an undeniable historical fact.

You do realize that there are other "undeniable" scriptures from other religions that contradict your chosen dogma, right? You deny all of them, I just deny one more than you do.

I must be really special, because God has made no such thing evident, in fact he gave me the ability to reason which makes evident the fallacy of supernatural entities and powers and makes any creator totally unnecessary, superfluous, and infinitely unlikely.

It's reason that lets me see what "God" is....a tool for civil control and a soothing but baseless answer to the questions of the unknown.

I've told you many times, God is free to reveal himself at any time. He has not done so in any way shape or form, but his fans have offered mountains of proclaimed evidence that was all self referencing circular logic, stone age tribal nonsense, and fantasy fables, and nothing more. If he exists, it's his will to have me not believe. Plain and simple.
My heart is as opened to Jesus as anyone else....but he has to show up and work his way inside. So far he's a total no show, and I'm not holding a table reserved for anybody and pretending they're present. Mot has made more of a substantial showing than Yahweh...should I be serving him?

shinyblurry said:

Romans 10:9-10

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved

When you do that, believing that Jesus died for your sins, God will save you and make you a new person. You're good if you don't care where you are going after you die, if you leave it as you believe up to chance. Yet the evidence that God exists is undeniable, and the coming of His Son Jesus Christ was predicted by prophecies going back thousands of years. So you're not really leaving it up to chance because the scripture tells you that you have no excuse for ignorance.

Romans 1:18-20

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse

You would say, I am sure, that you haven't seen any evidence for God but the scripture says you have and you have suppressed the truth about it. I believe scripture and in our conversations I am sorry to say you are always poisoning the well of reasoned debate with mockery and ridicule. What is behind that is a heavy bias and angst which keeps you from seeing who God is. Being obstinate against the truth of Gods word is foolish. Why not give God the benefit of the doubt and at least ask Him to show you if what I have been telling you all of these years is true?

When It Rains In L.A. -- NO ONE GO OUTSIDE.

psycop says...

Eugh... what a horrible tale! Very creative though. A story like that might be enough to scare the wee ones back into the crannog.

Also why was the rain originating from above and then moving downwards towards the ground? Rather than spawning on one side of the horizon and proceeding to the other like it does in real life?

noims said:

OK. Imagine a giant glowing ball of fire suddenly appears floating, unmoving in the sky. The sky itself changes from the normal grey to a weird alien blue. The brightness burns your eyes. The heat thrown off by the orb compels madness - previously normal people start inexplicably removing layers upon layers of clothing.

It's happened here in Ireland, and it could happen to you too. Unless you're in Glasgow.

Arnold Schwarzenegger gets attacked in South Africa

Payback says...

...or something that sounds like that in Afrikaans.

I don't care that it's Arnie. I don't care that he got back up and brushed it off like a real life robotic killing machine. That shit is elder abuse.

The only thing I hope is, this is an internet meme concerning the head characters on the Apprentice and the guy merely got the wrong target.

newtboy said:

Help me! I need a Lamborghini.

Marble Machine X

Sesame Street: Respect is Coming

newtboy says...

Well...I tried to like it, and watched the first 4 episodes this kid pushed off a building was the extent of the violence I recall. After Vikings, I was expecting more.
I told my wife to find me an episode with action, not just drama...she tried starting at season 7, which started well with a mass poisoning (quickly ruined for me with a Mission Impossible style mask removal...WHAT?!), but nothing else. Maybe she just chose poorly, but I still wasn't impressed. I want some blood eagles or better with a minimum of two protracted gruesome deaths or a medium to enormous bloody battle per episode to feel I've gotten satisfactory ultra violence, I wasn't overly impressed with the few sex scenes I've seen either.

I never watched House Of Cards, just wasn't interested in a political drama, I see far more of that than I ever wanted in real life now.
So yeah, I don't think it's for me....that's fine, most popular shows aren't. What I've seen so far was fantasy soap opera more than action. If basic cable can give me semi-historical brutal live organ removals, hundreds of bloody deaths, and three ways, I expect the same or better from premium cable.

ChaosEngine said:

So I’ll grant you the fantasy monsters and soft core porn, but the violence is definitely a hard R.

Besides, there’s a lot more to the show than that. GoT at its best is medieval House of Cards. It has great characters and a pretty intricate plot.

It’s not perfect, and of course, you don’t have to like it, but dismissing it as tits and dragons just isn’t fair.

David Attenborough on how to save the planet

newtboy says...

Life's not the movies.
In real life, the rich have police and private security, secure buildings and walled off communities to make sure that doesn't happen.
What you do see is a total separation. The rich and the poor rarely exist in the same space, and on those rare occasions when they do, the rich protect themselves in ways the poor don't even bullet and knife proof clothing, body guards, armored cars, etc.
Put 5 billionaires in East Oakland or Compton at night without cell phones or guards, I think you'll see the lynching you're looking for.

For it to become the norm, maybe wait 10-20 years....less if there's another drought in places like California where we grow most of what we feed the nation.

It's like a frog in the pot....if you were to time travel from 1950, you would be horrified at the current state of civilization and the planet, because it's a slow change, people forget and ignore how bad it really is. The pot doesn't need to be boiling for the frog to get cooked.

eoe said:

Aside: TIL I've only seen the new Mad Max.

Oh, I know. I'm not waiting for Bartertown, per se. I'm waiting until, say in the case of inequality causing civil unrest, rich people getting strung up in public by huge mobs.

You know, stuff that happens in movies but is coming to a city near you. Literally.

Amazon Drone Carrier Delivery Blimp

newtboy says...

Holy shit! Is Bezos really The Monarch?! That's by far the closest thing I've ever seen to a real life floating cocoon headquarters.
*promote the insanity. I, for one, welcome our new flying overlords.

New Hampshire Jeep vs Semi crash


Star Trek: Voyager Nothing Human

SFOGuy says...

the real life example were the Nazi hypothermia experiments --the consensus, last I checked, was that the data was not used.

Of course, the truly pointless unethical American study was Tuskegee syphilis progression to dementia sample of African American subjects after there was already a cure for the disease...among other, wildly unethical studies...

Aliens Movie-Apone says,"Another glorious day in the Corps!"

Mordhaus says...

*Doublepromote *quality


Al Matthews, the real-life military man who portrayed the no-nonsense, cigar-chomping Sgt. Apone in the sci-fi horror classic Aliens, has died. He was 75.

Burt Reynolds on the Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson

ChaosEngine says...


Burt Reynolds was the man that taught me that you could have a massive bar fight, but it was all in good fun and then everyone would get drunk together afterwards.

Strangely, this has never happened to me in real life.

Shep Smith Shuts Down Sean Hannity's Lies And Propaganda

BSR says...

I concur. He's definitely a loose cannon. Free range. Monster Is Loose. Real life Captain Quint.

Janus said:

I continue to have a great deal of respect for Shep Smith, and I continue to be surprised that Fox News still haven't gotten rid of him after all this time.

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