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F*ck Nature!

FlowersInHisHair says...

You're right, of course. But as a town mouse myself, I can't help but shudder at the thought of the great outdoors myself. It's pathetic, I know!
>> ^Sagemind:

Ants should start respecting nature by stopping digging all those holes.
Beavers should start respecting nature by stopping building those dams.
Termites should start respecting nature by not building all those hills,
Bees, Hornets and Wasps should start respecting nature by not building hives everywhere.
Woodpeckers should start respecting nature by not pecking holes in every tree they see.

F*ck Nature!

Sagemind jokingly says...

Ants should start respecting nature by stopping digging all those holes.
Beavers should start respecting nature by stopping building those dams.
Termites should start respecting nature by not building all those hills,
Bees, Hornets and Wasps should start respecting nature by not building hives everywhere.
Woodpeckers should start respecting nature by not pecking holes in every tree they see.

Hornet Honey Trap

Hornet Honey Trap

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^legacy0100:
Need some background info. Is the person doing this for fun or dealing with a pest problem? Either way, still entertaining I must admit....
I know, I was THAT kid growing up. Now I have a mild Entomophobia. Karma is a bitch.

I found it educational at least. We have hornets and children and those don't mix. I didn't put a vid up because it had a wasp's nest burned by a blowtorch in a trash can--because the kids doing it were juvs at best.

Police beat a man dead... again...

Lawdeedaw says...

Thank you for the apology Boise_Lib--it's more than I could ask from most. It shows a high level of maturity; one of the highest in fact.

Many think I am an apologist because I take a centered perspective. I too have had a bad experience with a dick, I mean, a cop... He doesn't deserve to be a cop.

I was surrounded by a mob of angry people and he knew I would be--so he left before they arrived... He was pissed at where I worked, apparently. Point is, I could have been killed.

My wife called the main station and told them nicely that she would "sue their ever-lovin fucking asses off." Suffice to say, like hornets, four cruisers pulled up in two minutes and without violence broke everything up.

I was also drawn upon with a gun for a misunderstanding. By the end--I talked him down, made him laugh, and got out of a ticket for nearly slamming into his cruiser It's all in the words we use with the individuals we use them on. If I had talked to him like he was my enemy, I would have wound up in jail.

But despite the bad experience with the fuck-tard cop, I cannot hate--even if I wish too. It's not in me. I leave that for the Christians, Muslims, gay-bashers, and racists (Naming a few.) I don't imply that you have hatred that rivals their's Boise, that is not true at all. I do note that hatred spreads through society like a cancer. It causes the Us versus Them mentality. That is why the Left and Right hate each other. Why one Nation hates another Nation. Why a Skin Color hates a different Skin color. One may be more responsible than the other, but both sides are not helping the matter.

Again, I am glad for the apology.

>> ^Boise_Lib:
I believe I owe you an apology Lawdeedaw.
From previous comments I took you for a knee-jerk law enforcement apologist.
I see now that I was wrong. Sometimes people rush to judgement of police officers; I know I have because of previous, personal encounters with bad cops. I've been beaten and have personally witnessed--twice--cops take the oath and lie on the stand in court.
Just goes to show the maxim, "Innocent until proven guilty" should be adhered to in all cases.
But, the apparent inability of our justice system to hold cops accountable to the law just sets us up for total mistrust of police officers--some of whom are good hard working people (NOT these guys). If the cover-ups would stop, and cops were held to a higher standard, that would just go away.

Two armies collide part 2, Japanese hornets vs yelllow.

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^ant:
Dramatic music with military scenes. <IMG class=smiley src="">

Oh Jezz! I put the Armies Collide Part One in the Military channel and @SlipperyPete took it off... Like I say, it's a toss up but the "many more" leans me to think insects should be included

Crazy, silly Sift.

ant (Member Profile)

Lawdeedaw says...

In reply to this comment by ant:
I have seen similiar video, but this one isn't the same one that I remember. Submit it and I vote (give me the URL).

In reply to this comment by Lawdeedaw:
Do you like hornets as much as ants? I hate them...

Again, not sure if this was already posted--hope not.

Lawdeedaw (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Ass Kicking Kung Fu Epic: True Legend

Mazex says...

Yeah this US trailer is entirely misleading, and the rock music is so stupid. The film is decent though, saw it when it got released in China 2010 Feb and the effects and martial arts are great, however the scenes in the film fit together pretty badly.. Jay Chou annoys me as well, just as he annoys me in the Green Hornet. I wish the film had more Drunken Boxing too, it's supposed to be a kinda prequel to Drunken Master with Jackie Chan, which is by the same director, that film is hilarious and awesome.

'College Conspiracy' - the full documentary

Kimmel: Seth Rogen - "Green Hornet"

Figher Jet Incredible Low Level Overhead Fly-By

Figher Jet Incredible Low Level Overhead Fly-By

radx says...

Hm, Harrier or Mirage F1 -- a Harrier's horizontal stabilizers are attached at a downward angle, so it's a Mirage F1.

And a *dupeof=

Figher Jet Incredible Low Level Overhead Fly-By

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