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The neverending Model Train Loop

My_design says...

His wife probably came home and he was like "Hey Honey check out what I made!" and she was like "Oh My GOD! I can't get in the fucking kitchen to put the groceries away, what the hell have you done? I almost killed myself coming in the door! Jesus Christ! Would you think for once?" and He was like "But 241 grain cars! 19 engines...endless loop..." and she was like "How am I supposed to get to the couch to watch Wheel of Fortune? Turn that damn thing off I can't hear over the clacking! Wait how much did all of this cost?!" and he's like " I got them on discount for the hobby store in town that is closing. They had 245 grain cars and 20 engines, but I told them no I wanted to maintain a 1 meter gap in the trains. So I only bought 241 cars and 19 engines." and she's like "You could have built the damn thing in the basement. Did you think at all when you were building this? Did you think about the fact that your wife is going to come home and need to get over to the couch that we bought just before our wedding in 1968? No. You didn't. Because in 46 years of marriage, you haven't thought of me once! That's it, I'm tired of begging you to pay attention to me. I'm going to my sisters. Make your own damn dinner and play with your damn train. But when I come home tonight it had better be put away or I'm going to leave you Harold. Turn that Fucking thing off! I said if that is still out when I get back, I'm leaving!" and he says "yes dear...sorry honey. I'll pick it up and I'll miss you while your gone."

How to Pick a Lock With Hairpins

PHJF says...

But that isn't going to work with a hairpin, you need an actual set of rakes to do that reliably. I saw this amazing instructional years ago and was lockpicking as a hobby for a while. With the first pick I made I broke into my house in under two minutes.

rayok said:

I worked with a locksmith for about 18 months as part of a senior highschool job study thing. The way he taught to pick a lock wasn't so complicated. You just apply rotational force just like in the video except instead of going at the pins one-by-one you "rake" the pins quickly a few times and it eventually open. Raking is moving the tool from back to forward while keeping a slight upward pressure. I think this is how the electronic ones work as well.

Happy 8th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Yes there is ant-It's called sunlight and and about-towner afternoons, at least twice a week. OH, and you must encounter 3 people physically per walk, and initiate conversation...Perhaps a puppy or kitty might help?? Crafts or hobbies are good, get you a good knot-tying guide or maybe take up toothpick art or philatelic.

ant said:

Me too. Is there a VSAA?

Picking up a Hammer on the Moon

Chairman_woo says...

Were you not paying attention in physics class the day they explained the difference between mass and weight? As @Payback pointed out the energy required to overcome inertia is the same no matter what the gravity, low gravity simply allows you to "spread the duration" of the force like a fulcrum.

I.e. it would be easier than on earth but you still have to apply enough force to move 2-300kg of mass, you just have the option of doing so less rapidly (making it easier but not easy).

Even if this were not the case your argument still makes no sense. If it was indeed faked then surely they were on wires anyway? How else are you proposing they replicated the effects of low gravity?

The fact your comment got 3 likes is rather depressing. As someone who makes researching conspiracy theories a borderline obsessive hobby I can say with some confidence that the whole faked moon landing thing is about the most debunk-able one ever conceived. It is an insult to the very term "conspiracy theory" and helps give the rest of us a bad name .

Radiation belt? = 7 mins of expertly calculated exposure, there is a 1000ish page NASA manual on how they did this.

Cameras? = they had about 20 DIFFERENT cameras & much like anyone else would the crappy poorly framed or exposed shots weren't used for publicity

Multiple light sources? = The surface of the moon is both highly reflective and uneven. (mythbusters did the shit out of that one)

Most complicated machine ever built? = Actually launched, several times, to the freaking moon and back!

Waving flag? = Funny how every single shot of the flag waving is when someone is holding/touching it eh? (& what kind of retard leaves evidence of wind in the most expensive coverup of all time?)

The Russian space programme? = They just turned a blind eye to their arch rivals lauding it over them? They were in on it? You have to get really paranoid before that one starts to make any sense whatsoever.

etc. etc. etc.

I have a lot of time for conspiracy theories and I'm happy to speculate with the best of them but I've yet to find a single good argument for the landing not happening. I can maybe work with the possibility that some things were omitted/covered up (Monoliths etc.) because this could not be conclusively refuted by empirical facts. Suggesting that it never happened however is so easy to disprove it blows my mind that people still have time for the idea.

For your own sake try looking into the opposing arguments. There are plenty people with PHD's and direct experience who are happy to take you through the counters to all this stuff. And they back it up with actual evidence and experiments rather than conjecture and selective information. Your mind will thank you for it

MichaelL said:

Yeah, why wouldn't he just get into the pushup position, grab it then push hard to upright himself. Gravity on the moon is only 1/6 that of earth.

I'll tell you why... cause it's FAKE! He's in a movie studio in a heavy suit so hasn't the strength to be able to push himself upright. the skin of his teeth

Guy can't find his cigarette lighter

kymbos says...

There's a construction site next to my work at the moment. My favourite hobby is watching the drivers work those diggers. They really are incredibly precise.

Eating a 45 year-old US military candy ration


The Falcon

oblio70 says...

~95% of these parts com from cameras. I also have an extensive collection of these bits. Dismantling complex items like cameras down to their individual parts is an intensely soothing hobby.

Dude pisses on red hot lava.

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

carnivorous says...

For someone who has admitted to being too much of a pansy to kill his own supper, you exhibit an enormous understanding of what goes through the head of someone that enjoys such a hobby.

I've got a story for you. When I was a child, I lived in a rural community full of hunters. Not my family. My parents taught me to love and respect animals. We had a couple of dogs I loved dearly. If stray cats showed up at our door, we fed them and gave them attention. If an animal was injured, we nursed it back to health. In school there were a small group of boys who came from a family of hunters. They were taught to hunt from a very young age and animals had no value to them, other than to be enjoyed as a meal. They would torture animals for the fun of it...throw rocks at the birds and squirrels to score points, stomp on them to finish them off and then skin them so they would have their trophies. They would pull the legs off live frogs. Pour gasoline on defenseless little animals and light them on fire. They got off on making animals squeal and would brag about it to whoever would listen. They also bullied kids at school. They didn't feel any empathy and got a rush from inflicting pain and making children cry and scream. One day I was walking home from school and saw the boys with a gas can. They had cornered a feral cat that I had been feeding and were about to light it on fire. I intervened which led to a violent confrontation and thankfully the cat got away. I hollered for a neighbor to help which scared them off but I still ended up being beaten quite badly. When I got home, one of my dogs was missing. We couldn't find him for days. I later found his charred remains in the adjoining forest to my property.

In case anyone was wondering, my user name "carnivorous" is a long standing pet name given to me by my wife (don't ask). I am not a vegetarian, I eat well balanced meals and have a garden where we grow a lot of our own vegetables and my wife bakes bread and other baked goods on a regular basis. We do make an effort to eat less meat and find other sources of protein such as beans, eggs, nuts and cheese, but when we do eat meat we don't let any of it go to waste and appreciate the animals who lost their lives for our meal. As I stated previously in the thread, I am not opposed to hunting if an animal is killed humanely for the sole purpose of providing food and I would prefer that an animal had a glorious life in the wild, ending in a quick and painless death. The issue I have with shang is not about the hunting, but his enjoyment of the violence associated with hunting and what he is teaching his children about violence and aggression. My children have beautiful innocent little hearts and care about the feelings of people, animals and even insects and I am proud of how I've raised them.

Think me a bully if you will but I have always been the sort that stands up for what I believe in and I will not apologize for that.

enoch said:

i dont understand all the flack peeps are dumping on @shang.

he hunts for his own food.
which means he does not support the grotesque slaughterhouse factories but rather fresh game with no gmo-fed poultry or anti-biotic or cancer-ridden pork.

that should be praised ya?

or how about the fact that he is teaching his children responsible gun care and safety.
to not only be more self sufficient and self-reliant but also more responsible and safety conscious in regards to firearms.

how is this a bad thing?

i see.
its because YOU cant relate to how he provides and teaches his children so therefore what he is doing HAS to be some evil indoctrination to find glee in killing things.

so shang is an asshole because you cant get your head out of yours?
because YOU dont own a gun...
because YOU dont hunt for your food...

single-minded,unenlightened self-righteous twats.

my big sister and brother in law live exactly as @shang does.
they grow their own fruits and veggies and hunt (well,my brother in law does) for all their own meat.

my brother in law tried for years to get me into hunting.
i just couldnt do it and chose to be a hypocrite,much like @Buck,because i was too much a pansy to kill bambi.
i much rather prefer the killing be done away(far away) from me.

but the ignorance and presumption being displayed on this thread in regards to hunting for your own meat is..well..staggering.

oh ..
and before anybody decides to jump the assumption shark and start spouting off redneck and deliverance brother in law is a retired electrical engineer and my big sis has two (count em TWO) doctorates.

/ends rant
/drops mic

jumping on a cat for teaching his kids to hunt...
fucking seriously?
christ on a stick......

Cringe Video: Fat White Girl Gets Racist Trying to Be Sexy

modulous says...

I fail to see the problem. She's clearly talking to an individual, and for all we know they have prearranged for her to talk to this individual in a certain way. They might even be paying for the experience.

I get the feeling that people's problem with her is that she doesn't conform to their standards of beauty and that makes it repulsive to them.

I think she's quite attractive, and her dirty talk is not entirely dissimilar to other amateur camgirls. I think it would be the height of stupidity to infer her actual opinions on race based on how she dirty talks to a client/cybersex partner of hers in the course of her sexwork/hobby time.

Amazing RC Model Yak130 RusJet 2013

Amazing RC Model Yak130 RusJet 2013

People are awesome 2013 ( new version )

chingalera says...

Wing-suiters aren't messing around, it takes some fit musculature and control, and definite body-mind-type reflexes under free fall conditions already plugged-in through a lot of parachute work. These guys are fit and professional that do the wing suits, I dare say if the novice strapped one on and jumped-off a cliff they'd drop like a rock without the kind of above experience mentioned.

I suggest getting to know your local airport and start a new hobby-Jumping from planes every weekend for a year or two, maybe join a chute club-Research the craft and travel to an event once the love of free-fall is all up in yer brain. You may soon claim your new drug of choice adrenaline!

ChaosEngine said:

Does anyone here know anything about wing suits?

I'm curious as to how difficult it is. I mean, it looks absolutely awesome, and I'm sure there's a lot of technical knowledge about wind flow, etc involved, but most of the wing suit videos I've seen don't actually look that difficult. Certainly not compared to some of the bike drops, ski/snowboard jumps and so on.

Am I completely wrong and ignorant on this?
It's very often the case that something that looks easy is actually really really hard to do, and it's just a case of a very skilled person making it look easy.

And again, taking nothing away from wingsuiters.... I think it's amazing and I'd love to try it one day.

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