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Black Man In Florida Stands His Ground Against Two Armed Men

newtboy says...

Um…in this case it seems the dude did go into the store after they drove off, they came back later and attacked him in front of the store. What?

Before they returned and physically attacked him, they were just another pair of racist assholes shouting racist insults. Police approve. Why call police that would do nothing but harass the dude, who being armed would himself be shot dead? Terrible suggestion.

Why is it you don’t say the dead racist fucktards shouldn’t have called police instead of attacking an innocent man? That likely would have gotten them what they wanted, which was having the dude violently removed. Play stupid racist games, win hot lead prizes.

These guys returned from apparently getting a gun in order to beat the dude up or murder him…and lost. If ever there was a “stand your ground” case this is it, but watch, being black he will be denied that defense and charged with murder and attempted murder, and if he gets an all white jury will be convicted.

Things are so fucked. Those two boys, and all 4 of their parents deserve to be shot in the dick and allowed to die slowly over a weeks time without aid. They are wastes of skin and air and deserve the most grueling prolonged excruciating death conceivable. If I lived in the area and could identify the families, two houses would be burned to the ground already. They didn’t become violent racist piles of shit in a vacuum.

Those weren’t people he shot, they were violent racist cuntbags with 0% humanity that attacked the wrong man…meatbags committing crimes…good riddance.

moonsammy said:

This "stand your ground" shit is so fucking stupid. When the only metric for making it ok to kill someone is "I claim I was scared," it becomes incredibly easy to justify what would otherwise have been an easily avoided death. In this case, dude could have just walked away after the car first drove off. Or gone into the store and called police. Etc. I recognize "call the police" isn't always a good option (so many instances of cops showing up and arresting or shooting the person who called - usually dark-skinned people), but that really SHOULD be the right option here, if things weren't so fucked.

Cop Pulls Over Top-Ranking Officer for Speeding

visionep says...

I was pretty happy to see that he wasn't combative and just complied. He also notified his superior immediately. Seems like he knows how to act like an adult.

Admittedly my bar is pretty low for these guy's and I'm sure he could get up to all kinds of shenanigans later, but what was in the video seemed pretty good in comparison to a lot of these reports.

MTG makes Biden For President Ad

newtboy jokingly says...

But…but….Hunter had consensual sex with adults and Illuminati lizard person Hillary ran a child rape and cannibalism club out of an invisible 5th dimensional pizza restaurant basement that can only be seen using black magic, so none of that matters and Dems are definitely the bad guys that rape kids.
*sticks fingers in ears and shouts “La-La-La-La-La-La-La-La-La”*

surfingyt said:

*short sample of convicted Republican leaders/child sex offenders*

I got over 1,000 more repubs @bobknight33 if you realllllly wanna play. But for now lets see you do a list of Democrats LOLOLOL

ant (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

🤦‍♂️ the pigeon English is painful. Learn fucking english you anencephalitic baboon!

1) Hunter is a private citizen….she’s weaponizing the federal government to attack a private citizen over his sex life.
2) The laptop was proven to have been tampered with repeatedly before being turned over, nothing on it is evidence. Try again.
3) posting revenge porn of naked people is a felony, and disgustingly ugly. If that’s what you have to stoop to, criminal revenge porn, you already lost every argument and admitted it. Facebook knew revenge porn is illegal and disgusting so they, on their own, banned it well before any mention of Hunter’s laptop, testimony AND EVIDENCE bear this out, not “one guy said another guy heard a third guy said this”….that’s not even hearsay, but it’s all you’ve got. 🤦‍♂️

Laptop may or may not be real, the data on it is not. Proven conclusively again when one screenshot from it included Hunter’s avatar as a picture taken in 2022…impossible if it was real data. The attempted laptop smear attack was fumbled too badly, nothingburger delux. Try again sucker.

Only cultists believe the laptop nonsense….and worse it’s meaningless even if every accusation was true because there’s nothing on it about Joe. It might have hurt Joe just like a doctored photo of Trump fucking Ivanka might have hurt him (but probably not, you would say she’s hot, so go for it), but it’s a fraud, another MAGA fraud, proven conclusively. Try again.

Disgraced paid actor fbi agents may or may not have said that, that’s not evidence dumb shit. MAGA whistleblowers have ALL been thoroughly exposed as liars, frauds, seditionists, spies, and ghosts, their braying is nothingburgers on a plate. If you wanted your whistleblowers to have weight, you should have not hired spies from China, disgraced agents you paid to testify, and convicted seditionists to testify. 😂 Try again.

Evidence is the receipts. Records that the fbi knew the laptop and the data it contained is real and corroborated, two things conspicuously absent in the pony show (pun intended) because the official report said the exact opposite, it said clearly that the data had been tampered with by multiple parties on multiple occasions before it was turned over to them, but Alex Jones didn’t tell you that, did he? Try again.! 😂 you’ve got to be kidding. Sucker. Thought I wouldn’t look up who they are? “Greta and Woke Companies are Weaponizing AI Against MAGA”. Not exactly unbiased or sane. 😂. Try again.

Are you counting factual losses?…because you overestimated mine. Onbrand, like a spoiled two year old throwing a tantrum, make up some fantasy scoreboard where you’re winning these debates because the reality, that 97/100 times you slink away in silent dejection when proven an idiot, is too painful. Go have your ba-ba and a nap and try again.

Sucker. You really think any of this matters to people outside the rapidly shrinking cult. You only continue to debase yourself in the failed efforts to impugn Joe. Ready for the unflattering nudes of Don Jr, or Ivanka? How about a shot of Trump nude? (No, that violates the Geneva convention.) We already have the nudes of Melania, soft core porn star that she once was. 😂

bobknight33 said:

She was point out crimes of Hunter.
The data show from his own laptop .

The laptop is real and the FBI knew it. This information would had sunk Sleepy Joe from winning.

"During a transcribed interview with the House Judiciary Committee, an FBI official revealed that at least one senior agent, along with potentially others, who had alerted social media companies about a potential “hack and dump” operation before the 2020 election, were aware of the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

As the House Judiciary Committee’s official Twitter account noted, “Testimony reveals the FBI knew the Hunter Biden laptop was authentic, but when asked by a social media company about the laptop’s authenticity the FBI said ‘no further comment’.”

The FBI official, Laura Dehmlow, participated in discussions between the FBI and Facebook prior to the social media platform’s decision to censor the story related to Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 election. Furthermore, The Intercept has indicated that Dehmlow was also involved in the Biden administration’s endeavors to suppress and censor content on social media platforms in relation to misinformation."

Bobnight 61 Nutboy 2

MTG makes Biden For President Ad

newtboy says...

BTW, that’s a big “accomplishment”, easily 4 times or more the “accomplishment” Trump has.
Maybe you’re right to worry about Hunter running the country, after these photos people have started calling Hunter “The Big Guy”. 😂

Nice try at distracting from little hands Donny being an actual rapist under multiple indictments for treason by publishing illicit dick pics. Really makes your people look serious. 😂 😂 😂

bobknight33 said:

MTG highlighting Bidens accomplishments

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, agreed, the fake elector scheme to steal the presidency was BS. Just like the election fraud fraud was BS, and the attempted coup was BS, like the effort to have the military seize voting machines then declare Trump the winner was BS. Like all the fake house hearings with all their disgraced fake whistleblowers that are in fact Chinese spies or convicted seditionists in prison for assaulting congress or disgraced ex fbi agents mad they were fired for serious causes (like sharing/selling classified/secured information or refusing to serve legitimate warrants or threatening other agents) and paid by Kash Patel to lie are BS. Pretty much everything the MAGgot party has tried since losing the election in a mega-slide in 2020 has been BS…and nobody is buying any of it. Not one person has heard MAGgots whining in the last 2.5 years and thought “hmmmm…they’re right! There’s no way anyone would be prosecuted for theft of hundreds of top secret super sensitive documents and showing them directly to Chinese agents, or for trying multiple plots to illegally subvert the election and steal the presidency, or decades of tax evasion, or repeated slander and libel, or (etc. etc. etc), and their Chinese spy said Hunter is a bad guy…I’m now on team Trump.” The denials, poo pooing, whataboutism, attempts to distract, false accusations, etc are 100% for you, the cultists. No one else believes a word, we don’t even believe you believe it, you just have nothing else to try in Trump’s defense (Neither do his lawyers!) and can’t, under any circumstances, ever admit you’ve been w-w-w-wrong. “BS”….HA! How’s that theory working out for you?

No, just like the fake electors, if you sign a license you got in a (the phrase is) Crackerjack box and sign it, you aren’t legit to drive, and just like the fake electors that used their crackerjack box elector status when they signed affidavits stating they were the official electors knowing they were not, if you tried to use it it’s a crime…and like the RNC is, Crackerjack would be in deep shit for producing fake licenses….and like Trump if you tried to hire them and knowingly use their fake licenses as real for his benefit, like driving his fleet of trucks or stealing an election which Trump undeniably tried in multiple ways, each time you do it is a felony. That’s 84 more felonies for Trump.
So….what was your point? That the electors Trump knowingly tried to fraudulently use to steal the presidency weren’t legit? Um…yeah, sure, OK….so just BS. 🤦‍♂️
The courts are unanimously disagreeing, including those Trump appointed.
Sure, another nothing burger…because massive election fraud and attempted overturning a valid election are nothing when your guy does it, but the imagined fraud of not allowing illegal and illicit revenge porn of a political rival’s family member to be part of Trump’s public Twitter campaign is the biggest election fraud ever and means Biden isn’t president, so by default Trump now is. 🤦‍♂️
you’re so delusional and indoctrinated you think that last sentence is perfectly reasonable and rational.

Yes, any and every patriotic American is interested in prosecuting any man who tried multiple times to steal the presidency including by multiple frauds and at least once by force…so leftists are going after these seditious and treasonous crimes but not anyone on the right is interested. Understand?

How you like Manly Traitor Greene’s Biden for President commercial? 😂

bobknight33 said:

More BS.

So If I get a license to drive from a Captain Crunch box and sign it I am legit?

That is the kind of stuff Leftist are going after. Just BS

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Once again Trump appointed prosecutor David Weiss sent a public letter/reprimand to Republican Senator Lindsey Graham again stating that he had full control over the Hunter Biden criminal investigation had never been denied authority to bring charges in ANY jurisdiction and the latest GOP fake whistleblower (that hasn’t ever testified under oath) is another outright liar with clear bias, this one angry he wasn’t promoted by Weiss… another fraud like all the rest have been conclusively proven to be (the ones that actually existed that is, most Republican “whistleblowers” never existed anywhere but the lying minds of Republicans, they aren’t real people they’re made up just like the phantom “tapes”).

This is the third time he has had to publicly correct Republican senators that continue to outright lie about the facts in efforts to protect Trump from the consequences of his uncountable anti American crimes (crimes much worse than wearing or defacing flags, dozens and dozens of treasonous and seditious crimes). Poor babies, even the unqualified judges they stuffed the judiciary with aren’t helping them escape exposure and justice. They all know, Trump is only ONE of many targets Jack Smith has his eyes on, and he’s not fucking around.

D’oh! The forensic evaluation of the “Hunter laptop” has now proven most if not all data had been altered or installed after it was in Giuliani’s possession. Much of it poorly, like the fake WhatsApp text MAGA has latched onto as proof of crime that is actually in the wrong color, the wrong format, and even though it’s purported to be a text from 2017 (on a day when Hunter and Joe were now proven to not be together) it has a photo of Hunter as his avatar in the screenshot that’s from 2022.
Hide and watch…Hunter is going to sue every Republican Senator for $10 million each and he’s going to get it. Dumbshits….never knowingly falsely slander and libel the son of the president, it won’t work out. 😂

Oh SNAP!! ANOTHER!!! Gal Luft, THE "very credible witness on Biden family corruption" - James Comer, has been arrested for eight counts after jumping bail in Feb., including failing to register as a foreign agent, evading oil sanctions, two counts of making false statements to investigators and three counts of illicit arms trafficking.
Accused by U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York of having "subverted foreign agent registration laws in the United States to seek to promote Chinese policies by acting through a former high-ranking U.S. Government official." And stated he had “agreed to covertly recruit and pay" the official, an adviser to then President-elect Donald Trump, to "publicly support certain policies with respect to China." Luft is also accused of attempting to broker "illicit arms transactions with, among others, certain Chinese individuals and entities." He allegedly worked to broker a deal for Chinese companies to sell weapons, including anti-tank launchers, grenade launchers and mortar rounds, to Libya. He’s also accused of brokering sales of Iranian oil.
Notice…sold influence on presidential policy on China, similar to the baseless accusations against Hunter…EVEY ACCUSATION IS AN ADMISSION, even the Hunter accusations. 😂 😂 😂 JUST FUCKING WOW SON.

These MAGA tears are so yummy and sweet, you guys. YUMMY! MMMMMM….

Elephant Storms the City - Ozzy Man Quickies

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Only according to lying douchebags with an axe to grind and absolutely no evidence whatsoever.
On “valutainment”, not a news source but an internet entertainment business (from someone’s basement) that’s far right leaning and well known for lying to support Trump or impugn Biden.
And Alex Jones!!! The guy who repeatedly admitted he’s a character he plays on tv to separate fools from their money, who in court said he doesn’t believe any of the nonsense he spews!!?! The blathering nutjob screaming about gay frogs sued into the poorhouse for lying about murdered children?!? You really need to learn to vet sources. 😂 holy shit you fucking idiot! “I like what they’re saying.” is not verification, Gary. “He hates who I hate!” does not indicate honest reporting. When they agree with YOUR preconceptions, it’s 99.9996% likely they’re lying to you, because you’re an ignorant nutjob that believes the most insane nonsense imaginable and denies verified facts constantly and who only gets their misinformation from the most dishonest biased sources available.

How many of these baseless accusations are you going to believe before the fact that every single one falls apart when proof is required sinks in. How many fake paid whistleblowers must evaporate into thin air before you stop thinking they’re real? More proof of your severe learning deficiency that no one could possibly graduate college with.

But with Trump…there IS evidence, mountains of evidence and actual charges in real courtrooms with convictions galore, not just flapping liars gums but paper trails, boxes of classified documents, depositions under oath from his coconspirators, recordings of him bragging about felonies, $2 billion in his kids accounts paid for highly classified top secret information sold to the Saudis, and multiple convictions for moral turpitude already, proving he’s the most corrupt, anti American, anti democratic douche bag rapist and incestious child abuser ever to hold office. Convicted of multiple business frauds, tax evasion, charity fraud, sex abuse, wire fraud, bank fraud, etc, and accused of more of the same plus stealing and selling/sharing top secret classified information, fomenting a coup, and election fraud to the extreme….but sure, some Trumpists say Biden wasn’t hands off on Hunter’s case,so lock him up and forget Trump’s crimes, in fact just replace Biden with Trump and call it a day. Such idiotic ignorant nonsense bob. You just love to be duped by liars, and love to hide from your stupidity when the lies are invariably exposed.
Sucker. 😂

BTWx you really need to put this on a loop for a month…

bobknight33 said:

Biden is a corrupt douchebag.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The Supreme Court just ruled that Trump’s attempted legislative coup (the fake electors) was completely illegal. They ruled that state legislators don’t have the final say on elections (so can’t just send a second set of electors), courts do, and courts can strike down or overrule laws or rules legislators put in effect. This kills the “independent state legislation” theory. This decision also declared your state, N Carolina, must let the court review and approve redistributing maps (meaning Republicans can’t gerrymander there anymore and will lose more political power).
Not good for his Georgia trial where his defense was the legislature had the ultimate power to decide elections unbound by votes…now there’s no defense…again.

They also declared Alabama’s districting maps blatantly racist and illegal, and started looking At Louisiana when they ruled. Both redistricted illegally in order to minimize the power of their huge minority populations for 2020 and 2022 elections, blatantly violating voting rights laws. Now it sounds like two more democrats will be seated from new districts in Alabama and Louisiana, and more will likely win elections in 24 with the playing field slightly less prejudiced. You guys were cheating hard all over the South and still losing, the next election may be Republican’s last. Libertarianism is becoming more popular! 🤦‍♂️ 😂 thanks Trump.

D’oh! Sounds like he just admitted to making copies of classified documents/“different plans” in a recent Fox digital interview. He says “what was said was absolutely fine and very perfectly”.

ant (Member Profile)

Orlando Police Believe They’re Above The Law

newtboy says...

A good cop would treat the obvious bad cop like anyone else…meaning pull his gun on the driver that tried to flee the stop, pull him out violently and face down in the street at gunpoint, and handcuff him.
It would mean taser the armed guy jumping out of the car yelling, taser the guy refusing to comply, and if he still gets back in the car shoot his tires at a minimum, deploy pepper spray, and taze the ever loving shit out of him until the batteries die. That’s how they treat the public.
It doesn’t mean letting him do whatever he feels like and just watching and reporting it. Granted, that alone is improvement, but it’s still not “good”.

Good cops don’t let felonious drivers jump out to curse at them, refuse to comply, and leave without chase.

According to Bob, the speeding cop should have been shot just for not following orders. I almost agree…he should have been shot for fleeing a felony stop like anyone else would have been.

BSR said:

Good cop/Bad cop


newtboy says...

The context isn’t missing. You just don’t like it.
He was bragging and defending himself against accusations that he wanted to invade Iran by showing the secret plans and saying "Well, with Milley -- uh, let me see that, I'll show you an example. He said that I wanted to attack Iran. Isn't that amazing? I have a big pile of papers, this thing just came up. Look. This was him. They presented me this -- this is off the record, but -- they presented me this. This was him. This was the Defense Department and him, We looked at some. This was him. This wasn't done by me, this was him. All sorts of stuff -- pages long, look. Wait a minute, let’s see here. I just found, isn’t that amazing? This totally wins my case, you know. Except it is like, highly confidential. Secret. This is secret information. Look, look at this. This was done by the military and given to me."
This recording is from summer 2021 when Trump spoke to a team who was researching a book written by Mark Meadows and some of his own staff, none of which had clearance. This is the same document he said he could have declassified but didn’t, so it’s still top secret. Look!
The transcript is part of the now public indictment. You won’t hear about it on right wing propaganda outlets, because it’s all unthinkably treasonous.
The photos are also from that indictment, and some are reported to show party goers posing with the boxes full of stolen classified documents (faces blurred to protect the innocent party goers).

Pretty hilarious the insane convoluted theories you’re willing to accept without a shred of evidence just because some random guy on the internet said it was true once, but when presented with a sworn indictment containing direct audio tape and testimonial evidence of Trump sharing what he admitted were highly classified state secrets with random people with no security clearance and evidence he stored classified state secrets in ball rooms he rented out with them on stage complete with photos you need more context. 🤦‍♂️

Edit: Be honest with yourself if you can…we know the truth you don’t have to say it….if the charges were against Biden with the same evidence you would be screaming for the firing squad, wouldn’t you. (I would just insist on a trial first)

bobknight33 said:

Totally missing context.

That being said If he actually let the other look at the doc contents then that could be a big problem.

For now this is just shock headlines for gullible people, like newtboy

Opposing Forcing The Ten Commandments In Public Schools

newtboy says...

Doesn’t it bother you that your messiah/idol has proudly broken every single commandment, most of them daily? Clearly not, because even you don’t believe this nonsense.

He went so far as to create a golden Trump for you to bow down and worship. He is the epitome of coveting, adultery, “bearing false witness” (lying), and theft on an industrial scale, worships the dollar, doesn’t even know what the Sabbath is, and has never once given testimony that wasn’t false and self serving, and he definitely puts himself above god….
This is you guy, this you pick, the farthest from following these religious laws as you could find.….clearly proving you don’t believe in your religion or you wouldn’t support someone diametrically opposed to its tenets just because he hates who you hate and promises the moon.

You wouldn’t be in a party diametrically opposed to them either. Coveting and bearing false witness are the main features of your party, every MAGA rep has committed adultery and stolen, and taken an oath to put the constitution above their religion at their job (an oath most then immediately break, that’s 3 commandments broken with one “I do”).

Most Christians wear idols. Very few remember the correct sabbath, the Jewish sabbath, and almost none “keep it holy”. (Remember, “keeping it holy” specifically means killing anyone who works or has others work on the sabbath, stoning them.). You pick and choose which to observe and when, and which to force others to observe at your whim.

Good people don’t support evil for personal gain. Fascists do. You do.
It says volumes that you don’t understand this country was founded in large part as direct opposition to government enforcement of ANY religion. It’s the very first right the constitution guarantees…no government establishment of religion. Any college graduate knows that, but you don’t.

At most, only 3 of these commandments are crimes, the rest is immoral indoctrination.

“As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion..” -John Adams, unanimously ratified by congress in 1797

I don’t know if there’s a god or a heaven, but one thing I know for certain is you’re going to hell.

bobknight33 said:

You shall have no other Gods before me
You shall not make for yourselves an idol
You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God
Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
Honor your father and your mother
You shall not murder
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not give false testimony
You shall not covet

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