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Crashing Into Saturn - Cassini's Epic Mission

BSR (Member Profile)

Cops Fired After Beating Handcuffed Suspect And Lying

Mordhaus says...

They'll walk. I mean, remember the cop that shot Walter Scott in the back and then dropped his taser so he could claim that the victim tried to take it? Remember how it was all caught on camera?

"In June 2015, a South Carolina grand jury indicted Slager on a charge of murder. He was released on bond in January 2016. In late 2016, a five-week trial ended in a mistrial due to a hung jury.

In May 2016, Slager was indicted on federal charges including violation of Scott's civil rights and obstruction of justice.
On May 2, 2017, in a plea agreement, Slager pled guilty to federal charges of civil rights violations. In return for his guilty plea, murder charges from the state will be dropped."

Is a Grand Jury Now Looking into Trump?

noims says...

It's one thing looking into Trump's campaign team - or other teams associated with him - but it's another thing altogether looking into the man himself. Nothing Olberman said lead me to the latter conclusion.

The idea that there is "a grand jury now looking into Trump", while extremely appealing to me, is a big stretch. Heads might roll, but I'd say any politician in his position would be happy to throw absolutely anyone under that bus to save themselves. I really wish I could say it was just him that would do so.

This Is How You Sell A Refrigerator

bobknight33 says...

My grand parents fridge was well over 30 years st still working strong when they died. Same for their freezer unit in the basement. 30+ years old. Today's unit cheep plastics keeps you reburying one every 10 years.

Did not know that GE made these.

World's Best Party Magic Trick - Zach King

poolcleaner says...

I'm using my frankness to inspire your eventual break from the repressive social attitudes of your ant regime. Magic is symbolic of the grand illusion of all societies. Especially ant society. Kind of scary, your hive's influence on us humans. It's such a blissful possibility being made part of one mind.

ant said:

I am still a virgin.

clint eastwood-his role as the man with no name

poolcleaner says...


The tactics of low budget filming ahahahahahahhaaaa... I would be pissed if someone cut down the tree in my yard though! My side, your side, my side, your side -- MY TREE. Sounds like it was a lot of fun -- and stress lol.

Love me some Akira Kurosawa, tooooo. Yoooooooo! Also made Seven Samurai AKA The Magnificent Seven. I love the cross pollination between Japanese, American and Italian cinema. Not to mention British, French, Spanish, German and Russian. (Sorry for leaving your country out, all cinema is connected tbh.)

Anyway, love the scene at the end of A Fistful..More where Clint goes around colleting all the dead bodies on his wagon. Its such a great closer. And Good the Bad and the Ugly is epic af, not low budget at all -- it's a dang war film! If you haven't seen these films, at least watch the g, the b, and the u. It's a grand spectacle.

Duck You Sucka footage in there, which is not an Eastwood film, it's about an Irish terrorist's (James Coburn, the guy who got his luggage shot by Mel Gibson in... Cant remember the name of that film) involvement in the Mexican Revolution. The kill count is pretty impressive. Fuckin good movie, from the Once Upon a Time tril.

Abandoned at 17 - new beginning for an elderly cat

No single terror attack in US by countries on Trump ban list

bcglorf says...

You obviously know that jihadists like Anwar operate outside of the regions in the world that recognise any law but their own. You have what are essentially stateless powers launching acts of war on the civilised nations of the world. I understand that you refuse to acknowledge that justifies treating them as combatants in a war. I just don't think you have valid grounds to be smug about that obviously being the more moral course. Jihadists like those Anwar was counselling and guiding kill Muslim children like his grand daughter every day. The bonus is they do it on purpose and proudly claim it afterwards as a warning to others who won't convert to their true religion. There is a pretty strong argument to be made that the death of leaders like him lowers the overall body count.

But it's real easy to observe that war is bad and just stop thinking about it.

newtboy said:

First, never proven publicly, and more importantly not in court, so assassinating him was unconstitutional and probably should have gotten Obama impeached, but the right wasn't going to go after him for killing the scary Muslims, even if they're American......
......but to this attack, what connection did his 8 year old grand daughter have to terrorism that necessitated shooting her in the neck?

No single terror attack in US by countries on Trump ban list

newtboy says...

First, never proven publicly, and more importantly not in court, so assassinating him was unconstitutional and probably should have gotten Obama impeached, but the right wasn't going to go after him for killing the scary Muslims, even if they're American......
......but to this attack, what connection did his 8 year old grand daughter have to terrorism that necessitated shooting her in the neck?

bcglorf said:

The 'tenuours connection' has not been debunked. The evidence president Obama had access to was enough to order Anwar's assassination from even.

Anwar al-Awlaki and the Fort Hood shooter met in person at the mosque Anwar was then an Imam at. Following that the shooter emailed Awlaki back and forth, but the contents of the email's has been kept closed. Anwar's praise and blessing of the attack immediately afterwards though is kind of telling.

That then combines with Anwar's past before that, where he was an Imam at 2 separate mosques attended by 3 of the 9/11 hijackers. One of those is the same mosque where he also met the Fort Hood shooter...

Or back even before that in the late 90's when he was running a charity that was later declared a front for funnelling money to terrorists.

That's an awful lot of coincidental contact with terrorists. Combine that with the fact he went full on cheer leader for it all once he left US soil seems to tell enough. He was an active participant and conspirator to at least Fort Hood, and possibly many more attacks on the US and it's allies.

I'm sorry to say it, but Jeremy Scahill is pretty guilty of selectively presenting and showing only the facts that fit his arguments and leaves out a mountain of other extremely relevant information that would be inconvenient to his narrative.

Liberal Redneck - Muslim Ban

enoch says...

radical islamic terrorism is the usage of a rigid fundamentalist interpretation as a justification predicated on abysmal politics.

ill-thought and short sighted politics is the tinder.
hyper-extremist fundamentalism is the match.

ISIS would never even have existed without al qeada,who themselves would not have existed without US interventionism into:iran,egypt and saudi arabia.

and this is going back almost 70 years.

so lets cut the shit with apologetics towards americas horrific blunders in regards to foreign policy.actions have consequences,there is a cause and effect,and when even in the 50's the CIA KNEW,and have stated as much,that there would be "blowback" from americas persistent interventionism in those regions.which stated goals (in more honest times) was to destabilize,dethrone (remove leaders not friendly to american business) and install leaders more pliant and easily manipulated (often times deposing democratically elected leaders to install despots.the shah and sadam come to mind).

see:chalmers johnson-blowback
see: Zbigniew Brzezinski-the grand chessboard.

or read this article:

so to act like islamic radicals just fell from the fucking sky,and popped out from thin air,due to something that has been boiling for almost 70 years is fucking ludicrous.

radicalization of certain groups in populations have long been understood,and well documented.

and religion,though the most popular,and easiest tool to motivate and justify heinous acts of violence for a political goal,is not the SOLE tool.

nationalism is another tool used to radicalize a population.
see:the nazi party.

but it always comes down to:tribalism of one kind or another.


so when you use this "ISIS themselves, in their own magazine (Dabiq) go out of their way to explain that they are not motivated by the xenophobia or the US fighting wars in their countries. They make specifically state that their motivation is simply because you aren't muslim. You can go an read it for yourself. They are self confessed fanatics that need to kill you to go to heaven. "

to solidify your argument,all i see is someone ignoring the history and pertinent reasons why that group even exists.

you may recall that ISIS was once Al qeada,and they were SO radical,SO fanatical and SO violent in their execution of religious zeal..that even al qeada had to distance themselves.

religion is used as the justification to enact terrorism due to bad politics.
but the GOAL is always political.

you may remember that in the early 90's the twin towers were attacked and it was the first time americans heard of al qeada,and osama bil laden.

who made a statement back in 1993 and then reiterated in 2001 after 9/11 that the stated goal (one of them at least) was for the removal of ALL american military presence in saudi arabia (there was more,but it mostly dealt with american military presence in the middle east).

but where did this osama dude come from?
why was he so pissed at america?
just what was this dudes deal?

turns out he was already on the road to radicalization during the 80's.coming from an extremely wealthy saudi arabian family but had become extremely religious,and he saw western interventionism as a plague,and western culture as a disease.

he left the comforts of his extremely wealthy family to fight against this western incursion into his religious homeland.he traveled to afghanistan to join the mujahideen to combat the russians,who were actually fighting the americans in a proxy war.and WE trained osama.WE armed him and trained him in the tactics of warfare to,behind the scenes,slowly drain russia of resources in our 50 year long cold war.

how's that for irony.

osama was not,as american media like to paint the picture "anti-democratic or anti-freedom".he saw the culture of consumerism,greed and sexual liberation as an affront to his religious understandings.

this attitude can be directly linked to sayyid qtib from egypt.who visited the united states as an exchange student in he wasnt radicalized yet,but when he returned to egypt he didnt recognize his own country.

he saw coco cola signs everywhere,and women wearing shorts skirts,and jukeboxs playing that devils music "rock and roll".

he feared for his country,his neighbors,his community.
just like a southern baptist fears for your soul,sayyid feared for the soul of his country and that this new "westernization" was a direct threat to the tenants laid down by islam.

so he began to speak out.
he began to hold rallies challenging the leadership to turn away from this evil,and people started to take notice,and some people agreed.

change does not come easy for some people,and this is especially true for those who hold strong religious ideologies.
(insert religion here) tends to be extremely traditional.

so sayyid started to gain popularity for his challenge if this new "westernization",and this did not go un-noticed by the egyptian leadership,who at that time WANTED western companies to invest in egypt.(that whole political landscape is totally different now,but back then egypt was fairly liberal,and moderately secular).

so instead of allowing sayyid to speak his mind.
they threw him in prison.
for 4 years.
in solitary.

well,he wasn't radicalized when he went IN to prison,but when he came OUT he sure was.

and to shorten this story,sayyid was the first founder of the muslim brotherhood,whose later incarnation broke off to form?

can you guess?
i bet you can!
al qeade

@Fairbs ,@newtboy and @Asmo have all laid out points why radicalization happens,and the conditions that can enflame and amplify that radicalization.

so i wont repeat what they have already said.

but let us take dearborn michigan as an example.
the largest muslim community in america.
how many terrorists come from dearborn?
how many radicals reside there?
how many mosque preach intolerance and "death to america"?
how many imams quietly sanction fatwas from the local IHOP against american imperialistic pigs?


becuase if you live in stable community,with a functioning government,and you are able to find work and support your family,and your kids can get an education.

the chances of you become radicalized is pretty much:zippo.

the specific religion has NOTHING to do with terrorism.
religion is simply the means in which the justifications to enact violent atrocities is born.

it's the politics stupid.

you could do a thought experiment and flip the religions around,but keep the same political parameters and do you know WHAT we find?

that the terrorists would be CHRISTIAN terrorists.

or do i really need to go all the way back to the fucking dark ages to make my point?


Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN?

newtboy says...

They are not me me team. I'm not a democrat.
Faux is so far beyond biased that, for over a decade, it's repeatedly been proven that watching Faux makes you LESS informed.
CNN is far from perfect, but Fox is the grand champion of fake scandals....birth certificate, Vince Foster, WMDs, Benghazi, .....nothing else need be said.
If he ran as a democrat, he would probably have been screwed just as hard or harder than Sanders, he would absolutely not have won, democrats don't believe any insane thing their leader tells them like republicans will, because democrats are more likely to be college educated (22% more) so they know better.

I lost before the election started when Sanders was cheated out of the nomination.

Trump bashing will go on for his lifetime, he has ensured it with his bat shit crazy rhetoric. You might note that Faux was leading the charge against him, calling him an idiot, a liar, and completely unqualified to hold office until it started looking like he would win, then they changed their tune.

Fake news and biased media are FAR worse from the republicans, just look at the myriad of fake stories about Clinton in the last 6 months, then compare with the fake Trump stories, and there's no comparison, no one has accused him of running child slavery rings, or of murdering numerous close allies over some made up secrets, or of intentionally abandoning diplomats and military personell in hostile foreign countries, but Clinton has dealt with fake news since the 90's (dealt with it poorly, granted).

I am adult, Bob. Ask your president elect to grow up, he won the electoral college (not the electorate by 3 million votes though) but he's still acting like a spoiled 2 year old.

Edit: You might notice that the story that set Trump, and therefore you, off was NOT a fake story, it was a piece about a real report on what MAY or may not be a fake accusation about a foreign government having blackmailed the president elect (that they helped get elected), a report produced by the intelligence community for, and given to Trump (who may well be the one that leaked it, in order to distract from it with his outrage, knowing it would come out eventually). Maybe that's a good reason a president elect might want to not throw a tantrum at the intelligence community, they can destroy him with no effort if they choose just by reporting claims they've he does. Not good....sad.

bobknight33 said:

You just bent because you you team is finally getting called out for what they are. Biased and fake .

Look Fox is bias but the other promote FAKE news at any cost. to keep their team (democrats) in power.

If Trump ran as a democrat he still would have beat Hillary but there would be no Trump sex allegations and no Trump buss tape. It would not be published.

Grow up you lost and this Trump bashing will go on for 8 years. This fake news bashing will/ has occur for any republican president. The media is biased and pushes fake news.

ant (Member Profile)

Irish People Taste Test Thanksgiving Food

How a country slides into despotism (from 1946)

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