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judge dredd-interrogation scene

ChaosEngine says...

At least originally, I think that was the point of Dredd. He was never meant to be the good guy, he was a cautionary tale.

As the character became more popular, they had to justify his actions more and more until he eventually became the good guy, even if only in comparison to his enemies.

I liked that about him though. The writers weren't heavy handed. Dredd could do something incredibly cool one minute, and then they would remind you that, yeah, this guy's a one man personification of the police state. It made for uncomfortable reading.

While the movie didn't really capture that, it was still a great flick and it's a shame they never made a sequel

billpayer said:

Great film for sure. Dredd was never my favorite 2000ad story. As 'punk' as 2000ad was, Dredd was glorified fascism. Kinda weird stuff for kids to be reading, especially during a Thatcherite government.

CNN anchors taken to school over bill mahers commentary

00Scud00 says...

Unless you've been there and talked to all 300 million inhabitants of those three countries, how can you be sure they are all frothing at the mouth extremists ready to kill or die for Allah? I suspect a lot of those people could be just keeping their heads down for the sake of keeping their heads attached to their bodies. So I find that estimate of 20% to be at least questionable, and even if true it leaves another 80% who may be no worse than your average Christian and just want to get on with their lives.
Fact is, many people don't like things that are complicated or nuanced, we like our issues best when they have clear good guys and bad guys, so we get horseshit headlines like "Does Islam Promote Violence?". Our media institutions are all too happy to push this false dichotomy for the sake of ratings and to serve other agendas that would rather have us looking out for Islamic boogeymen than more common and domestic variety.

EMPIRE said:

I think he has a point, I really do, however he's too dismissive of the whole problem. He claims there are 1.5 billion muslims in the world, and only a few countries are actually extremists. He mentions 3 in the video. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran. We know there are a few others (like Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, etc), but let's talk of these 3 only.

I actually added them up. The population in those 3 countries alone, is 300 million people. That's 20% of the 1,5 billion Reza Aslan mentioned.

At LEAST 20% of the muslims in the world are extremists (and this is a low number). This is not a fringe ideology for muslims. It is a big portion of them.

Real Time with Bill Maher - Racism in America

Kerotan says...

Straight up yes, just because your skin colour is white, doesn't mean you will be treated as a prince, I never intended to insinuate that at all, just look at the position of women throughout history, oppression works through many levels, class, sex, race, nationality, the list goes on, and I was only referring to race, and I should have really been writing in a manner which acknowledges intersections of oppression, so my bad, and good job chaos engine for calling out this failing.
This next thing is what bothers me, despite the anger and the vitriol expressed in this thread, all seem to agree with my central thesis of "don't diminish oppression which you don't experience" and "don't get your underwear in a twist when someone generalises about an oppressive group"

for example, I am English, and I will never try to diminish the perception of oppression that Irish faced, and still face today at the hands of the English. What's more if an Irish person says to me that the English treat them terribly, I would have to agree, throughout history and now, we have.

And this is the real crux: if an oppressed group says that another group that you belong to is oppressive, the proper reaction isn't go "OH I'M NOT LIKE THE OTHERS, PLEASE GIVE ME A GOLD STAR MR. OPPRESSED, ALSO SAYING THAT IS ACTUALLY RACIST/NATIONALIST/WHATEVER". The proper response is listen, so you can treat that person better, and hey if you are one of the good guys that stands up for oppressed groups good for you!, be happy with the notion that you are a good person, and not unhappy because you didn't get a pat on the back from said oppressed groups

ChaosEngine said:

I'm back!!!

Slaves? Yep
Job discrimination? Hell yeah/
Depiction of victim as criminal? You bet your goddamn arse

We done yet?

Don't get me wrong, racism, particularly against blacks, is still an issue in the US (and other parts of the world). But maybe next time read a history book or two before spouting such utter drivel.

And if you really want to get into an oppression contest...
African slavery started a few hundred years ago.
The Irish have had EIGHT HUNDRED YEARS* of oppression by the English, and I haven't even touched on the godawful misery the Jews have endured for thousands of years.

But that's a meaningless pissing contest and it only leads to idiocy.

* I am culturally obliged to write that in all caps. Sorry, it's an Irish thing.

Cop throws himself onto car and acts as if he were hit

newtboy says...

BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!! Your hilarious!
True, I don't need evidence to refute your ridiculous, flip flopping, inconsistent statements, but I offered some evidence anyway! You simply can't accept it, because it proves time and again that you're position flies in the face of logic, reason, and civility.
Most recently I provided evidence that most readers " have the capacity to read these comments and determine for themselves who has failed." and they determined YOU failed. Of course, you discount those that disagree with you (everyone here) in favor of the only one that agrees with you (yourself) and continue to claim backing from (and agreement with) phantoms, somehow 'proving' you're a 'good guy' here. LOL! Just hilarious!
Haters of criminal cops are more often than not thinking individuals, while cops are more often not. A max limit for cops of 110 IQ (and average of <95 IQ) proves that out easily. I'm not surprised that you once again move to insults and non-sequiturs when proven wrong....again and again and again. That is what infants do....throw tantrums and shout "NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO your a meanie and a doodie head" with eyes smashed shut and fingers in ears while thinking they're winning a debate.

lantern53 said:

You don't need evidence to refute a statement that flies in the face of logic. And I'm not surprised that the cop-haters on this site outnumber thinking individuals.

The police officers could be heard yelling stop resisting ;)

lantern53 says...

Surprised to read that 'the cops are supposed to be the good guys', which is quite contrary to the usual rant, which seems to be 'the cops are the agents of the antichrist'.

Being anti-cop is a lot like being racist, don't you think? If you spend time with people you don't know, you can begin to relate to them. Perhaps you should spend more time with the cops in your town. Maybe there is a ride-along program. You might be surprised what you learn from the experience.

The police officers could be heard yelling stop resisting ;)

VoodooV says...

that gives them the right to beat up on a guy who is already either unconscious or severely injured and no longer a threat?

The police are supposed to be above petty revenge

They are supposed to be the good guys, not judge jury and executioner. I dunno about you, but I don't want to live in a society with a bunch of Judge Dredd wannabes.

kevingrr said:

Way to dig up a video from 2009.

The 5 police officers involved were all terminated.

This ended a 50 mile high speed chase. Notice when he tried to run over the police officer laying down the spike strip?

There are legitimate and current examples of police abuse of real victims...

Anti-Gun PSA Makes the Case for Women With Guns

Yogi says...

Well I live in America...and yeah still pretty safe but here's my list.

I know several people who own guns.
I don't know anyone that has been shot.
I don't know anyone that has been faced with someone who has a gun.
I don't know of anyone who had a home invasion using a gun.
I don't know a single person who has been in a traumatizing situation with a gun.

I sleep 20 yards from a giant gun safe that is FULL of guns. I mean a fuckload of serious fucking guns, some automatic and really fucking evil. They belong to my friend who owns the house I live in. He's a good guy, he used to have guns stashed around his house, he still might have guns stashed around his house.

I am quite anti-gun and I live here happily and he's very cool with talking about it. Never felt threatened, never felt in danger. His guns don't protect me or worry me. I just wouldn't own them myself.

Sagemind said:

Well, here are my facts.

I don't know a single person who owns/caries a personal firearm.
I don't know a single person that has been shot.
I don't know a single person who has been faced with someone who has a gun
I don't know of anyone who had a home invasion using a gun
I don't know a single person who has been in a traumatizing situation with a gun.

(This excludes people I know who own rifles with the sole purpose of hunting game to put food on the table.)

Oh ya, and I live in Canada.

U.N: One child killed every hour in Gaza

newtboy says...

First you have to let me come and take your neighbors house, and 2/3 of your property, and the front 1/4 of your house, and I get to shoot your dog and your father in law because he complained I shot the dog. I'm building a 20 foot wall so I can throw bombs at you from the 3rd floor balcony of my pilfered home, while your fireworks can almost never get over the wall. If I see you with anything or anyone in your leftover yard I don't approve of, I'll take care of it with a grenade, then me and my large well armed friends will be over to check your home for more. If you don't run away before we get there, we'll have to shoot you for our protection, and the rest of your family so they don't retaliate later. We'll also be walling you into what's left of your property so you don't go out and get help or arms to help yourself (or food, or medicine, or any other basics of life) and we'll be tapping the water source you use as well, all my well armed friends get thirsty, and I had to put in an Olympic size pool to cool them off, so no more watering your lawn or farden (a small garden farm) because I'm using that water.
But it would be unconscionable of you to shoot fireworks at me in retaliation for these obviously good and proper actions I have taken, and we won't stand for a whit of resistance. It will be met with 1000 times the force, and any defense of you or yours is 100% disallowed except shelters, which we refuse to not bomb, that might make it too hard to kill enough of you at once.
It's a good thing I'm obviously the good guy, or else I would look like an asshole for doing that, eh?
That's some convoluted logic for you...and it's absolutely pathetic indeed.

lantern53 said:

Let me aim a couple of ballistic rockets at your house and let me hear you defend me because my rockets suck.

lol what a convoluted sense of logic you have, absolutely pathetic

Israel bombs U.N. school shelter, murdering children

bobknight33 says...

Hamas has broken 3 peace agreements and also ignore warning from ISRAEL that they will bomb the schools/ hospitals and anywhere else Hamas keeps their missiles.

ISRAEL sends out warnings and Hamas keeps children in place as political ponds for media to suck it up and promote them as the good guys. They are not. They need to be killed each and every one, man woman and child. They elected terrorist leadership and now are paying for that mistake.

Israeli crowd cheers with joy as missile hits Gaza on CNN

newtboy jokingly says...

Where do you live? I'm coming over to annex most of your yard and relegate you to the back 1/2 of your house, and if you balk in any way I'm bringing my shotgun, my bulldozer, and 30 of my large well armed friends to 'protect' me from YOUR outrageous violent tendencies and the uncalled for attacks I expect to fact, I may just have to shoot your family first to prove to you I'm serious. Sorry. It's all your fault for being upset, if you just went along I wouldn't have had to murder your children and elderly family members.
It's a good thing I squatted in your neighbors house and took it from them years back, it's going to make it much easier to hit you from my 3rd floor balcony that overlooks your bedroom, while my 20 foot wall protects me from you throwing stuff back.
Good thing I'm obviously the good guy here or that might make me look like an asshole, huh?

Mystic95Z said:

Good for them and FUCK Hamas...

The Random Stop - Anatomy of a Murder

VoodooV says...

all the more reason to invest in mental health and sensible gun laws/enforcement to put the odds more in the soccer mom side of things.

because for some reason the "good guys" with guns have a habit of becoming "bad guys"

With great power comes great responsibility.

reactions to the mountain viper fight GoT - spoilers

Lilithia says...

If my rant above gave the impression that I did not like the show or that I questioned the overall quality of the show, this is not what I intended to say. What I wrote was just my immediate reaction to the scene and although I know that there will be more deaths like this to come, I don't actually plan to stop watching the show (although there were about 2 hours during which I was almost certain I would). I wouldn't want to watch a show in which everything is always great and the good guys (if there are any) always win and the bad guys always lose and everybody lives happily ever after. I believe, however, that the events of the story could be a bit more balanced, because even in real life the likable/nice/honorable guys (if there are any) don't always lose. Of course not completely balanced, just interspersed with some slightly more hopeful events every once in a while. There are ways to write a story in which these guys lose without having every single one of them die a horrible death, and other creative ways to depict the world's injustice. I really hope that every death serves the overall purpose of the story and isn't just for the sake of killing every character that becomes too likable or popular.

reactions to the mountain viper fight GoT - spoilers

lv_hunter says...

Every death serves a purpose to the storyline. This isn't some "good guys always win" story, this is an Epic story of death, deceit, who who can out play who!

My best suggestion is stick around, the best is yet to come!

Obama Delivers at the White House Correspondents' Dinner

bobknight33 says...

@VoodooV Why do you have a deep hate of others with different view points? Lantern53 comments weren't so bad and not justifiable to be called a self-loather.
I'd bet that you are basically a good guy with different political/social points of view than Lantern and I. Heck you probably a great neighbor.

He's certainly a better comedian than President. So far, this is the highlight of his administration.

VoodooV said:

wow...@lantern53's all butt-hurt now and carrying it into other sifts.

must have hit close to home..

FABULOUS!! you go, you self-loather, you!

Community - G.I. Joe Opening Title Sequence

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