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How robots could end animal captivity in zoos & marine parks

vil says...

Sort of like electric car racing. Meh.

On the other hand, a ZOO is an artificial spectacle anyway so making it more artificial is probably acceptable for the future.

How robots could end animal captivity in zoos & marine parks

West Coast Cherry Crops Destroyed By Heatwave

newtboy says...

And now the swarms of locusts (ok, really grasshoppers) begin.

Utah farmers, already struggling with drought and extreme heat, are being plagued by grasshoppers destroying what little crops they managed to grow. Early heat caused an early hatch, leading to swarms. Many farmers abandoned their crops rather than go through the expense of spraying a crop they have no water for, allowing a bad situation to get exponentially worse. Hay may soon be in short supply along with produce.

If it's a mild winter, expect worse next year when their eggs hatch. Without improvement in the weather, colder in winter wetter in spring and cooler in summer, farmers nationwide expect next year to be far worse than this year's disastrous growing season. Nevada and Arizona are due to lose their main water source soon, and California expects more water shortages statewide as reservoirs near empty and aquifers go dry.

Sure sounds like the climatologists were correct, if anything minimizing the effects and rate of change from climate change; heat, drought, plagues, swarms, fires. They were not exaggerating them @bobknight33. These are exactly what they predicted, just a decade early, and exactly what you denied would happen. All time high local temperatures were reached worldwide in the last month including ground temperatures of 118 F in arctic Siberia and 130 F last weekend in Death Valley, the hottest atmospheric air temperature ever seen on the planet since humans existed.

But nope, climate change is a liberal hoax, they just have the entire planet lying to support it, destroying their own crops and cooking their citizens to keep the lie going. 🤦‍♂️

I hope you live long enough for your children to accept that their disastrous future was caused by you and your ilk and abandon you to the baking streets in your old age to starve and bake. You ignorant and dishonest deniers deserve worse for decimating the only planet we have. Your children will come to that conclusion, the only question is when.

What did Reagan think about the right to vote?

newtboy says...

For the 27th time, do you have any actual evidence of that, or just some partisan liars flapping their gums, jealous and bitter over losing historically. No? Thought not.

So then....Why won't republicans accept an honest vote count?

Arizona finished ANOTHER recount, the Republican recount of Maricopa county finished last week, but because it had the same results as the first one, the second one, and the third, Trump lost big time, Republicans are already planning another one....the problem, all the voting machines are now officially invalidated because cyber ninja tampered with them during their second (or is it the third) audit, and they are no longer secure or unadulterated. They cannot even be used in the future because it's impossible to know what they've done or how they tampered with the software and hardware. I must assume this was the plan all along, keep recounting and auditing until they digitally change the votes, and only then accept their own recounts..

So, again, the true question is, why won't Republicans accept a mostly honest vote system they themselves put in place and ran and they themselves certified nationwide repeatedly? Why won't you accept the results of multiple counts and audits that all come to the same conclusion, the counts are valid and there was no significant fraud.

bobknight33 said:

Both sides cheat.

The true question is Why don't Americans want a honest vote system in place?

Wacky Races - Hanna-Barbera

After action report on the South African attempting hijack

Lake Mead at the Hoover Dam to reach lowest water level

newtboy says...

It's safe to say that, until the drought ends, every day will be a new record low. Prepare for much higher produce costs and less variety.
This is just more of the long predicted effects of climate change. It's baffling that anyone could still deny the science or data. Future generations will wonder why those profiting from that denial weren't imprisoned for crimes against humanity and nature.

After action report on the South African attempting hijack

QAmom - Confronting my mom's conspiracy theories

newtboy says...

Repeated non partisan recounts, above board by republican chosen organizations with bipartisan witnesses and uninterrupted video despite the lies OAN told you, with no Italian satellites wirelessly changing Trump votes (you delusional morons forgot there is a paper record of all votes that's been verified as matching the electronic counts). It's been proven twice over.
The fake audit dragging on now is none of those things, it's purely partisan, there aren't bipartisan witnesses, it's not all recorded, it has no rules, no plan, and no professionals involved, just Trumpsters trying to find any nonsense they can use to fool morons into believing they found fraud, Trump won, you really aren't all loser crybabies butt hurt over losing and throwing tantrums....but the thing is, you are.

Prove it was above board? How about give one scintilla of proof it wasn't, not crack heads spouting bullshit, not babies whining that they won, proof. So far every single bit of proof has shown every single case of demonstrable fraud was perpetrated by Trump voters for Trump. From double voters to voter suppression to hundreds of thousands of "lost" mail in ballots Dejoy refused court orders to even look for, Texas, all cases are Trump frauds....but you don't care a whit about that massive, multi spiked wheel of fraud because it ALL benefited Trump.

Prove it was above board? Ask any Republican in office if THEIR election was through fraud. Every single one will tell you no. If the ballots that elected them are not fraudulent, neither was the presidential election on the same ballots. Try it, see what happens.

Prove it was above board? No amount of incontrovertible proof would ever satisfy you, because you are incapable of examining it and understanding so you defer to whatever rambling mumbling nonsense Trump and Q feed you, never grasping that they lie to you at every turn but instead insisting it's reality that has it all wrong, Trump won two elections, climate change both isn't real and is a good thing, trickle down works, insane debt is both the most important thing we should focus on and a nothing burger, poorly built fences that fall in the wind are huge immovable concrete walls....I could go on all day.

We had multiple bipartisan professional forensic audits, that's where they found all that Republican fraud. You want a partial audit by fully partisan political hacks that are part of the stop the steal cult, not looking for fraud (bamboo ballots, really?!), they're looking to continue the circus long enough that you don't forget the big lie before the next election, and hoping to destroy the capabilities of any county that went to Biden to hold the next election....Maricopa needs to rebuy tens of millions in election equipment because any machine you morons touched has been permanently decertified and must be discarded (should be destroyed so republican counties don't buy them knowing they've been tampered with). Now you want to repeat that in all 50 states, only in counties that went for Biden. How about this, I think many would agree to that, but only if the auditors pay to replace all election equipment in counties they audit before they get approval, and do not get personally identifying information under any circumstances (in AZ they want names, addresses, criminal records, and social security numbers....all unsecured and gone through by unqualified unsupervised unverified certifiable morons who are guaranteed to turn around and sell it to hackers.) That means $10-50 million per audit...up front in cash.

The "audit" being done by cyberninjas isn't forensic. They have zero experience. It's like a complicated death happened and the main suspect is handed the body to make their own determination of how they weren't murdered, they fell on all 14 knives while accidentally shooting themselves in the face 6 closed, the suspect now inherits the victims estate and wife. So retarded, useless, and in no way a real investigation. It's a bullshit show for morons.

Yes, republicans are blocking that nonsense too, because it's not an audit, it's an incredibly expensive exercise in destroying trust in elections....a Putin plan that undeniably hurts America but has zero chance of actually producing evidence, proof, or rational theories of fraud. There's absolutely no way it could overturn the election even if it did find massive election outcome changing fraud (hasn't found non-republican fraud yet, btw, been 7 months of searching under every rock so far)...That's not how the law works. Sadly, you get legal advice from a crackhead and Giuliani, both clinically insane.

I wonder. What do you morons think? Do you believe if they can find ANY fraud from Democrats the position is just handed to Republicans? 1) There's already been massive Republican frauds found but no Republican handed over their seats 2) there's no mechanism for decertifying a certified election and 3) if there were, it would mean a special election, not that Trump just gets installed. Trump's favorability is 1/2 Biden's, same goes for many Republican senators and representatives. If there was a new election today, it would be a shutout against Republicans. Not a blue wave, not a blue tsunami, but a biblical blue flood, and your team can't build boats or swim. Is that what you want?

Might want to rethink this anti American, undemocratic plot to steal elections after the fact, it's destroyed your party's future, reputation, and further damaged you're believability and trustworthiness that were already on life support.

Cry us more snowflake tears, Bobby....I'm making lemonade and need the sweet syrup of sadness to keep flowing.

bobknight33 said:

The only bet I see issue with is the election.

Prove that the election was above board.

Only way is a full forensic audit.

Some states are pursuing this and democrats are trying to block / hinder these attempts.

QAmom - Confronting my mom's conspiracy theories

surfingyt says...

dear future sifters,

the idiot comment above is from one of these qa morons, his comment history is hilarious, check it out!

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

Mordhaus says...

You can't kill a living human being...

Death Penalty exists...

Abortion will always be a touchy subject, but if you have money to travel, you can get that abortion in places that support them. So what these abortion laws do is punish poor people who can't make that trip. Then those same people are forced to either put the child up for adoption (because we don't have a ton of children that can't be adopted already) or they can raise that child, most likely in the same situation that led to them being poor and not having a proper family unit.

Storytime, and god help me if my wife ever finds out I talked about this.

I was raised in a poor home, with an abusive family. My wife was raised in a poor home with a good family. When we started dating after High School back in 1992, you had two choices for safe sex, condoms or birth control (doctor visit with no insurance and it was Texas in 1992, they weren't just tossing it out like free candy). We had to use condoms because we couldn't afford birth control and because she was scared of using it. If you have ever read the side effects, you might be too, seeing as death can be one of them in rare instances.

So condoms were the watchword. But accidents happen; maybe one just didn't work right, maybe it was the one that broke one time, but we ended up getting pregnant. I told her that I would do whatever she wanted. We planned to marry soon anyway, so I said we could shotgun it if need be. She said she didn't think she wanted a child. So I said that it was HER decision, but I would be there through it.

It isn't easy. Unless you have been in that exact situation, you will never know the fear and uncertainty involved. We were 18 and 20, just starting out with shit jobs, living with parents, and with a 1968 Catalina as our only vehicle. Her parents would have forced her to have it if they knew, because they thought the same way as @bobknight33. We would have been stuck living with them, they already didn't like me because I wasn't deeply religious and not into ranch life. My parents wouldn't have taken us in because my mom didn't like my wife until years later. The stress and anger would have probably split us up, and both of us would have likely remained poor to this day.

Instead, my wife chose to not have the child and got an abortion in the first trimester. We kept it to ourselves, married later, and are still together today. We both fought our way out of being poor people to being on the upper spectrum of middle class. We decided we just didn't want kids and now we spoil our niece. I will swear right now that we would never have made it to where we are today if we had been forced to raise a child because of someone else's deranged idea that every child must be born regardless of the future in store for it.

So, yes, I can speak to what an actual poor person goes through in that situation. We were lucky, because there weren't laws rammed through by religious people who have no clue of the consequences, just a strong delusion that God wants all children born. Funny how those religious people wash their hands of the aftermath of their crusade. Even funnier are the ones that quietly send Mary Lou to California to 'visit an aunt' for a couple of months when they find out their spawn got knocked up.


If you fight against easy abortions, except those where the child has reached the capability to survive if it had to be medically removed from the mother, you and the rest of your ilk can go fuck yourselves.

Valedictorian Gives Unapproved Speech on Abortion Rights

bobknight33 says...

She is 18 or 19.

Still dumb as adults go.

Newt your the dumb one also. To give a child such credence and pretending she is adult enough is foolish.

She is smart enough to say NO, This might fuck up my future.

newtboy said:

Listening to a sock puppet child advocating for making women incubators without personal autonomy over their own bodies....a child so delusional that he doesn't even know what a baby or an abortion is? No thanks.

Go home @bobknight33 2.0

This woman is so far above you in mental capacity she looks like a child to you from way down there.
If she's a child, why would you force her to have children? That makes you a child abusing pedophile.

This Electrician rigged his van to stop tool thieves

StukaFox says...

Legal Eagle covered this in some depth on one of his videos, but the short answer is NO YOU CANNOT FUCKING DO THIS YOU UTTER FUCKING CHOWDERHEAD WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!!? (not you, of course, but whoever sets said trap). Nor can you "lie in wait" or "look for trouble" (which is why Baby Rambo is in a world of shit, but will probably get pardoned by some GOP cunt in the future. This is also how I ended up involved in a triple murder case).

spawnflagger said:

hope this guy gets to keep his shocker installed (assume UK). In USA that's a lawsuit waiting to happen... sadly the thief could sue the vehicle owner for their injuries, even if they admit they were trying to break in and steal stuff.

Why There are Now So Many Shortages (It's Not COVID)

eoe says...

Why? (Sort-term) capitalism. A combination of maximizing short-term profit without taking into account the future.

The C-level execs were fine, I'm sure.

James May's Tesla Model S has failed!

cloudballoon says...

You can legitimately hate them because you don't like Top Gear or rich people. But here, May is just pointing out a very stupid design flaw. Calling a mechanic won't make the problem go away. He spent an hour looking into the problem, and it's an education for fellow Tesla owners. Is that a crime?

I guest that Tesla Roadster episode especially pissed you off? They're petrolheads, of course they bash the Roadster in those early days of EV to justify the V8 and V12s for their vroom vroom thrills. It's called TV antics (deceptive? Yes). Most have come around to recognize EV is the future. You think every races/segments in Top Gear are unscripted? Come on... Top Gear's been just pure entertainment and no reporting every since Clarkson took over the rein.

BicycleRepairMan said:

Why does James May (or anyone else for that matter) have a
£100k car standing parked for months? A: hes got too much money and cars, thats why. its obscene. if he doesnt drive the fucking thing, sell it, rent it out or better yet, loan it out to someone in need. he'll be helping someone, saving the environment, and get rid of his stupid battery problem, which, if he can afford to have a tesla sitting unused and charged in a garage, he could afford a mechanic to fix for him.

The top gear assholes succeeds to disappoint again, like the time they faked problems with the tesla roadster to give it a thumbs down.

Fuck off , James May.

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