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The Power Grid: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

It was pretty disappointing that they didn’t include small generators in these equations. My solar is on my roof, it only uses transmission lines when I make more than I use, and then it stays local. Same thing with small home wind turbines and micro hydro. All these non centralized generation methods are incredibly better than huge farms IMO.

1) No transmission needed, power is generated and used locally.
2) multiple generation methods are tied together, so when it’s dark and solar doesn’t produce, wind and micro hydro are still available vs giant single method “farms”.
3) decentralizing power generation hardens the entire grid, and individual adoptors, against infrastructure attacks. (That alone should sway the climate change denying nationalist crowd to buy in if they could still consider thoughts, sadly they can’t .)
4) barring an emp, the entire grid could not go down and power outages would be limited to tiny areas and be easily repaired in the future.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh shit! The congressional house oversight and reform committee has found that Trump committed massive bank frauds during his presidency, before, and after.

He hid his massive debts when bidding on the lease for the old post office and getting loans to buy it….preferential loans from foreign banks based on blatantly fraudulent claims about his net worth. That’s bank fraud.
He reported profits of $150 million (publicly he claimed more), but in reality had losses of $75 million. He reported one huge value for his properties on loan applications and another, exponentially smaller, likely sometimes negative value on tax forms. That’s bank and tax fraud.
He took in over $3.7 million from foreign governments for rooms that were rarely if ever occupied. That’s a flagrant violation of the Emoluments clause, Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution.

No charges filed by congress yet, but expect all this information and accompanying documentation to make it to the prosecutors in New York who ARE charging him with bank fraud, tax fraud, charity fraud, embezzlement, and who knows what else.

Not a good time to be a Trump.

Just a little PS: In a deposition that took place in August, Rudy Giuliani admitted that the "evidence" he based his voter fraud conspiracy on actually came from posts on Facebook. Believe it or not, this man used to be considered a brilliant legal mind, but now he's been reduced to filing lawsuits based off idiotic conspiracy theories he saw while scrolling through social media.…and you listened to him.

Edit: ruh roe, sounds like there are multiple takes of Trump’s message to the rioters where he praised them but refused to tell them to stop the attack or leave the capitol. Part of the lengthy delay in his statement was because he had to re-record it repeatedly before they finally got him to tell his people to leave. Of course, seeing the takes where he just praised the attacking terrorist mob won’t change your mind, but they will inform future history about when America had a super villain as president.

How Much Solar Energy is Needed to Power Earth?

The attempted US coup

newtboy says...

"True fake news".....yep, Bob. That's exactly right. Most "fake news" is actually true. "Fake news" doesn't mean it's fake, or wrong, or untrue, it just means you don't like the news. Like a two year old denying they ate the jelly despite it being all over their face.

Again, Cyber Ninjas STILL hasn't turned in any report, they've said they haven't even started writing one yet, now almost 4 weeks after their deadline. They gave a lame excuse that they all got Covid (weeks after the report was due) and haven't had an opportunity to get together and compile their report....but they have had time to get together with the Republican sponsors of their review and have a large unmasked indoor party to celebrate their review....The review they haven't produced.

They've also continued to ignore state Supreme court orders to turn over ALL work products, notes, communications, etc.

If they aren't massive and total frauds, why are they still hiding?

It's more Mike Lindel, making up ridiculous claims, giving a date long in the future when they'll publish their "proof", then never follow through. Actually, it's a Hell of a lot like Trump's birther lie...tell the lie for years, make a spectacular public event to celebrate bringing the truth to light and exposing your political enemies with the truths you've uncovered...then use that event to sell yourself and your products without ever mentioning, much less producing even one scintilla of evidence, much less proof of your outrageous lies.

bobknight33 said:

True FAKE news.

CNN trying to smear the forensic audit in Maricopa county.

Why are Democrat so afraid to a forensic audit?
IF you are innocent why are they hiding?

Why I Give Abortions

newtboy says...



What? That's insanity. Are you saying the baby is fully formed at the instant of conception!? The train is fully formed before it rounds the bend, the pre-baby isn't. If you remove the visual obstruction the train is complete and functions fine, but not the "baby".

If I use your non logic, if I invest in a stock, I'm instantly a millionaire because that stock might make me one in the future. How about a loan...I'm going to be good for it!

The train doesn't exist before it's built. The baby doesn't exist until it's born. If you hear a clank on the tracks, it doesn't mean the train is built.

Anyone saying there's a heart at 6 weeks is a liar. As you said, no heartbeat without a heart, so anyone claiming there's a heartbeat at 6 weeks is a liar. Obstetricians and gynecologists and their national organizations agree, no matter what your friends the ultrasound technicians think.

When they write they observed a heartbeat at 6 weeks (can't be heard until 12-22 weeks when chambers and valves are formed) , absolutely they are liars. I'll gladly tell any you wish, there's no heart, there's barely a tube. It's not a functional heart until it pumps, which it never does at 6 weeks, or even 10.

Drs who hear it on the Doppler are listening at >12 weeks along, so they're stretching the truth, but not totally lying. By then, most heart structures exist, but aren't ready to pump yet.

Like I said, you got it backwards, you see the twitch in a "tube" at +-6 weeks, you HEAR it after 12-22 weeks on Doppler. You should know that if you really had the experience you claim....but you don't, so.....

Want to try again, this time address the question, if you are so experienced, why don't you know you SEE a twitch 6-18 weeks before you HEAR a PULSE? Why do you think you HEAR it first?

I'm going to expect another day or two of silence, followed by claims you answered this already, followed by another non sequitur argument ignoring the question of WHY ARE YOU SO WRONG!?

bobknight33 said:

If I use you useless logic......
When I hear the train from from around the bend and still un seen you are implying that the train does not exist unless I see it.

The only liar is that 8 inches between you ears.

The 40 or so OBGYN sonographers that I service over 19 years are are correct. They hear the heart beat. Can't have it unless you have one.

When they write in their report that the heart beat has been observed ( by sound) are you calling them liars?

If so they you are implying that the DRs who read the report and look at the doppler and confirm the heartbeat and then tell the patient this news, are wrong also?

Like I've said before You way the fuck out of your league on this.

Hitler reacts to the fall of Afghanistan

newtboy says...

Right, Hitler could have won if Biden was president....just as long as Trump surrendered to the Nazis unconditionally 10 months before he's sworn in, abandoning Europe and pulling troops and equipment out of England before D day, and as long as Biden's dealing with a pandemic, a major recession, and a near dissolution of the union by violent coup all thanks to his predecessor's total lack of leadership.

Lol...did bunker baby's cultists just make up some nonsense about Biden hiding in the basement at Camp David!? Too funny, like we forgot who really hid in the basement repeatedly, and who actually invited the Taliban to Camp David to discuss Afghanistan's future and our withdrawal without the Afghan government being even notified, much less involved.

Such idiotic infantile whining, @bobknight33. Let's forget what a total disaster Trump's last year was in every way possible and blame all the messes he left on the guy who's cleaning them all up.

More yummy Maga tears. Keep em coming, we love these reminders of how butt hurt you still are 10 months after losing the election in a record loss....sore losers.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

I didn't edit a thing. You must have added them after I quoted you and obliterated your original post.

There have been no murders in the billions, so I won't bother with your links that must include future climate change deaths if it claims billions killed.

Come on, accuse me of editing out the additions you made to this post I quoted too.

Go troll elsewhere. It's obvious you have no legitimate point and are just making up nonsense to argue.

Anom212325 said:

Lol why did you edit out the 2 lists I also gave that total in the multiple billions ?

simonm (Member Profile)

Dying in the name of freedom

newtboy says...

Holy shit....Biden is a fucking SUPER WIZARD!!!
He went back to 2019 to make a virus as a distraction from future failures 2 years later?! This sandwiching what you say is the most widespread, difficult, convoluted, multinational, (zombie including....Chavez), and consequential conspiracy involving at least half the country but leaving not one scrap of evidence nor one credible whistleblower.

Gawd Damn, the Democrats are just fucking amazing!

They're such unbelievably perfect criminals it's undeniable we should all be on their team, because there's no way to beat perfection....or maybe your head is just so far up your ass it's coming back out your own mouth.

Now, as to who's an actual clown, bizarre orange wig and clown makeup and outrageous stupid spoiled 2 year old "lets all stare straight into the sun and inject ourselves with bleach" behavior included..... (let me remind you, Trump actually did that)

TangledThorns said:

COVID is a distraction from buffoon Biden's fuck ups in Afghanistan. He is a complete clown.

Lake Oroville Drought, California

newtboy says...

More good news. So much is being pulled from aquifers to make up for and combined with the loss of surface water that the water table is dropping (along with the entire central valley). This means that, as they draw down reservoirs to empty to supply downstream communities with water, much of that water goes underground because the water tables have dropped below river beds, so the rivers cannot retain and transport the water. This is just starting to happen, but is definitely going to have major impacts in the future, causing the majority of California's water transportation system to be unusable.

Time to invest in desalination.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….the border “wall” in Arizona has been destroyed in many places by monsoon flooding. This during a major drought. This happened because they ignored environmental laws, construction regulations, and common sense and just built them across arroyos and washes without preparing for water. Now they’re smashed to bits.

I wouldn’t expect them to be replaced. More Trump wasteful spending for nothing but short term political gains and future costs. Maybe Mexico will pay to haul off the remaining garbage.

As US Withdraws from Afghanistan, Refugees Must Be Evacuated

luxintenebris jokingly says...

first: a small request; Bob, use a spelling/grammar program.

second: a sincere observation; when has TT ever mentioned Afghanistan before? checked only the last 10 years of his posted comments.* Nix. Nil. Notta. More dead air than normal.

* [the Beck prediction is in the same league as bob's 'landslide' prognostication. the swing & miss league.]

then a few questions about his contentions...

- now he is concern about the Afghani women? too weird coming from our own Tali-ban-abortion tribesmen.
- would he know the mechanisms of the 25th? what the requirements are? obviously, stupidity isn't one. (orange you glad?!)

none of the events should have surprised anyone. personally, it was a bit like déjà vu. although not lived through, but seen easily with the mind's eye. highly predictable by many, long ago, and not so much psychic ability as an inevitability.

believe that the US presence did make an impression on the Afghanis. just hearing today's Taliban leadership words are so unlike those 20 years ago it's heartening. remember these were the folks that blew up historical items in the name of Mohammed/Allah. total trocklidites. at least they've learned PR and some knowledge of how the rest of the world views them.

will know how successful, if the country moves to the 17, 18, or 19th century? how will they keep the boy/girl on the opium farm after they've seen the big city?

what should happen, not in another country, but this one, is that the USA returns to a draft. or some required national service. the 'privatization' of the military and the all-volunteer service is a corrupt failure.

too many times, too many people talked about iraq/afghanstan and knew of NO service person serving there.

return it back to a collection of representation of ALL sections of the American people. when we don't know a single person in the conflict, the majority loses connection.

then, what should have been 3 years becomes 20 years.

can't find the speech but Geo Mason once talked about this very situation. essentially, he said; right now all levels of society are present in our fight for freedom, but what about the future?

he questioned whether the defense of the country would continue to be all citizens or descend into 'higher-ups' calling the shots and the lower in society actually doing the fighting and dying.

the last two wars have answered this.

'draft dodger' use to be derision, now it's a class of people.

(clinton, bush jr, trump...just to name a few)

in short, we ALL should have had a literally 'dog in the fight' that affects ALL of us. then, maybe, it ends when it is supposed to...or we try to lead by example instead of pounding bombs on people that don't want 'our way of life'...or we aren't so easily mislead as citizens.

it could be the one very powerful connection for ALL of the American people to keep ALL of US united.

* * * *
this is where I'd put a (but can't find an example of it) David Letterman monologue link where he said (believe it was Iraq, but still good as a comment on Afghanistan) to the effect of..."And the administration says we're going to bring democracy to them, upgrade their infrastructure, and improve their schools! And they say if it works there we're gonna try it here!"

so instead, something for the kids...

2011. not a new thing kiddies. roll that reality over your blistered tongues.

DOPESICK Official Trailer (2021)

luxintenebris jokingly says...

maybe, the idea is to meet logic with insanity. wear down the resistance and install the weirdness until all are weary, worn down, and helpless to resist.

none of the DC GOP, red-hand media can seem to undo their doings. the black-hearted voo-doo of foo has set into the rigid minds of their prey.

FL & TX are leading the nation in new hospitalizations (40% together). yet 'new sheriff in town' Abbott is trying to lock up folks for trying to keep masks on children's faces. and DeSastre calls summer, "covid season", when it was previously a winter thing. both are anti-mask.

none of it makes sense.

one would think people's kids would be their most treasured gift...but their song of 'no mask mandates' could be their swansong. with masks, the last flu season was unusually low and some areas a rarity. the real fear was flu and covid, but w/all the covid cautions it was largely avoided.

but maybe not this time. mix a regular flu season and new strains of covid in the vastness of unvaccinated, unventilated rooms of children?

if fear sells, let's hope this 'terror' becomes the top seller. save all of us.

BTW: am totally sold on masks. even if covid disappear today, they stop transmissions and truly could be an answer to flu season of the future. not a republican. hate being miserable.

newtboy said:

How long before Hulu makes a movie about insane anti vax cultists who don’t believe COVID is dangerous but when they get COVID are over running the medical systems in red states where vaccinations are falling behind to the point that no other illnesses or emergencies can be dealt with and even responsible vaccinated people are dying from lack of medical care, dying from non life threatening injuries and illnesses that minimal care would have prevented, but hospitals are full and clinics closed because their personnel were needed at local hospitals?

Can we please create a policy that, without a vaccine “passport”, no patient is allowed in any hospital that takes a dime in public funding? Let the right wing denier cultists die from the disease they deny exists, they said they gladly would, but in the quarantine cages set up in parking lots, not at home, not in hospital beds, but under freeway overpasses and lower level subterranean parking lots. No responsible vaccinated citizen should be turned away to serve the deniers like is happening in red states today, but they can’t be allowed back in public for weeks at a minimum.

The Plane That Will Change Travel Forever

After the recent IPCC climate report an old 'Newsroom' clip

cloudballoon says...

Climate denier logic: Silicon Valley will fix everything! (Years later) Why are all the Tesla factories and half the coastal cities submerged!!? WTFOMGMAGA!!!

Trying to fix/mitigate future disasters is not playing to "FEAR!!!!!", it's common sense to have humanity exist on this Earth for the long haul. Head-in-the-sand syndrome, a bunch of Tesla stocks isn't solving anything for the grandchildrens.

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