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'Kajra Re' (kohl-lined eyes) - Bollywood hit - Aishwarya Rai

theo47 says...

kohl - A cosmetic preparation, such as powdered antimony sulfide, used especially in the Middle East to darken the rims of the eyelids.

Anyone know if she sings these songs herself or if she's lipsynching?


Police Brutality Caught on Tape Triggers FBI Investigation

therealblankman says...

The LAPD and the FBI launched an investigation after a home video was filmed by a female bystander showing the brutal arrest of 23 year-old William Cardenas in Hollywood on August 23rd. The amateur video shows a police officer sitting on the victim as a second officer places his knee on the victims throat and punches him six times in the face as Cardenas lies on his back, waving his arms and calling for help, "I can't breathe!" He suffered black eyes and a split lip, requiring stitches above his right eyelid to repair the damage inflicted by the LAPD officers. ACLU official Ramona Ripston charges that "Californians are entitled to more transparency than a chance video. YouTube is not an acceptable substitute for accountability." For more on this story visit,0,3597574.story?coll=la-home-local

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