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What We Still Don't Know: Are We Real? (more links inside!)

BoneyD says...

Please he totally stole that bit from Douglas Adams...

lol yes. But this isn't the first time science has taken its ideas from fiction and had its consciousness raised. Look at the advances that came out of Star Trek - the mobile phone, for one.

What We Still Don't Know: Are We Real? (more links inside!)

Douglas Adams - Hyperland (50 mins)

Richard Dawkins responds to Jerry Falwell's students

Farhad2000 says...

What of 2001? Foundation? Childhood's End and my own personal favorite Dune? They all offer different takes on what a higher supreme being may or may not be. I mean it's perfectly possible that we are actually a large biological experiment run by extra terrestrials, who view us in the same vain we view mice, a baser animal that can be used to gain insights. Or perhaps it could really all be Douglas Adams like and the mice maybe running the whole thing... Or maybe there is a 'supreme architect' as the Freemasons put it, but thinking that his attention is purely focused on us would be delusional given the vastness and mystery of the Universe. Even then this superior intelligence would need a creator of and within itself.

But what's clear is that it's determental for human society to treat religious text as dogma, and the fervent word of God. Theologians themselves say that ultimately the Bible is an allegorical fable, put together over many year following the death of Jesus Christ, agreed on and put forward by the Council of Constantinople. See Dead Sea scrolls...

The God Who Wasn't There (2005 documentary film)

rickegee says...


If this is trollery (and it probably isn't), then at least it is academic trollery.

One of the finest things ever written about the historical Jesus ironically came from a thoughtful and funny atheist:

"He was man who got nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change".

--Douglas Adams

Monkeys - A Short Movie About What We Are

So Long And Thanks For All The FIsh

Hitchhiker's Guide Entry on Babel Fish

Hitchhiker's Guide Entry on Babel Fish

Underground nuke explosion

SnakePlissken says...

That's a great one. Been a Douglas Adams fan since I was a kid.

Douglas Adams on his beliefs...

"As a teenager I was a committed Christian. It was in my background. I used to work for the school chapel in fact. Then one day when I was about eighteen I was walking down the street when I heard a street evangelist and, dutifully, stopped to listen. As I listened it began to be borne in on me that he was talking complete nonsense, and that I had better have a bit of a think about it... So I became an Agnostic. And I thought and thought and thought. But I just did not have enough to go on, so I didn't really come to any resolution. I was extremely doubtful about the idea of god, but I just didn't know enough about anything to have a good working model of any other explanation for, well, life, the universe and everything to put in its place. But I kept at it, and I kept reading and I kept thinking. Sometime around my early thirties I stumbled upon evolutionary biology... making the move from Agnosticism to Atheism takes, I think, much more commitment to intellectual effort than most people are ready to put in... I am fascinated by religion... It has had such an incalculably huge effect on human affairs. What is it? What does it represent? Why have we invented it? How does it keep going? What will become of it? I love to keep poking and prodding at it. I've thought about it so much over the years that that fascination is bound to spill over into my writing."

Underground nuke explosion

swampgirl says...

Oh, Snake that was horrible!

I prefer this:

"Now it is such a bizarrely improbably coincidence that anything so mindbogglingly useful [the Babel fish] could have evolved by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as a final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God.
The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist," says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing."
"But," says Man, "the Babel fish is a dead giveaway isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED."
"Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic."
-- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (book one of the Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy series), p. 50

I guess you'd have to have read Hitch Hiker's Guide to appreciate what a Babel fish is.... ;-)

Steorn - Free energy technology, or hoax?

Wepwawet says...

That statement about walking to the top of the hill and back to the bottom had me scratching my head. It sounded more like a Super Karate Monkey Death Car translation than someone saying what they wanted to say in a prepared presentation. Maybe I'm missing something, but the only way that makes the slightest sense is if you bought some batteries at the 7-11 while you were at the top of the hill.

Going around in circles in a magnetic field is a kinda/sorta crude explanation of how to generate electricity, but I don't understand why you have to stop every cycle, and you still have to expend energy to make the little logo go around in circles in the first place.

And you gotta admit, "the first roadblock is the world of science" is one of the best lines ever. The late great Douglas Adams must be writing their press copy.

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