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Richard Dawkins Angers Stupid Woman, 2 girls 1 cup style

Zonbie says...

>> ^robbersdog49:
>> ^Zonbie:
I will not offend you.
You God likes to kill babies and stomp on your Grandmother...

Well, for a start he didn't say he wouldn't offend, just that he wouldn't go out of his way to offend. If you're offended by this description of god, don't read the bible. God as described in the old testament is one evil bastard.
"Isn't it enough to see that the garden is beautiful without having to invent fairies at the bottom of it?"
Douglas Adams.

Oh yes - actually sdhould have mentioned that - I was just making a funny - I understand he loves to start off his point with an (accurate) description of the god of the old testament - it upsets people, sometimes, but the truth is that is what the god was described as...

Then they tried to make him all fluffy and nice. You'll still burn in hell if you don't believe him. But he loves you. Really. He Does.

What Are Your Top 5 Books? (Books Talk Post)

srd says...

  • The Atrocity Archives, Charles Stross. Geeky spoof of mysterious secret services. And how can you say no to "Computational Daemonology"?
  • Zodiac, Neal Stephenson, Eco-Thriller. I can identify chlorachne now.
  • The Science of Discworld, Terry Pratchett et al. An introduction to the (then) current state of diverse serious sciences (non-fiction) interspersed with (fictinal) discworld interludes. I like it more for the serious sciency stuff than the discworld interludes. Did you know that our solar system is going to lose a planet? And it might be earth!
  • Dirk Gentlys Holistic Detective Agency, Douglas Adams. And you thought THHG was good.
  • Revelation Space series, Alastair Reynolds. Hard Sci-Fi space opera.

  • Richard Dawkins Angers Stupid Woman, 2 girls 1 cup style

    robbersdog49 says...

    >> ^Zonbie:
    I will not offend you.
    You God likes to kill babies and stomp on your Grandmother...

    Well, for a start he didn't say he wouldn't offend, just that he wouldn't go out of his way to offend. If you're offended by this description of god, don't read the bible. God as described in the old testament is one evil bastard.

    "Isn't it enough to see that the garden is beautiful without having to invent fairies at the bottom of it?"
    Douglas Adams.

    Atheists launch bus ad campaign in UK

    JiggaJonson says...

    whoa, i was gonna leave it at hurra! before i saw the other comments. Im not in the right frame of mind to argue rationally with irrational people (thankfully spoco2 is here)

    but let me say that i believe very strongly that there are no coincidences (in the mystical sense of the word), only the appearance of them. (and while im borrowing the phrase from V, i thought of it long before i heard it there)

    luck is a good example of things that appear to be coincidence. if i flip a quarter 400 times and i get heads every time (and im honestly flipping with no trickery) I would call that lucky, and in that sense, the sense that you beat the odds, people do get lucky, quite frequently too.

    now to say that i have a lucky quarter, that is another story. sorry to disillusion anyone but, there is no god, there is no luck, and when you die you'll rot in the ground like the rest of us.


    since there is no all controlling anything in the universe, think of the tremendous amount of power that provides you with.
    YOU are in charge of your own life, even in the most dire situations, uit's always our choice who we are and what we do. So stop spending ur time in church trying to prove something mystical exists. the world is fantastic enough without it. (planet earth dvds for example) :-D

    “Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?” - Douglas Adams

    Douglas Adams in his own eulogy(Almost)

    BicycleRepairMan says...

    >> ^jwray:
    I can't believe he's only 49 in this video. He looks like Emperor Palpatine. What the heck kind of medical condition did he have?

    He's in a costume. He has been deliberately made to look older with make-up. This is a scene from the game "Starship Titanic". This is how he really looked like in his last living years

    Richard Dawkins discusses evolutionary time with children

    HadouKen24 says...

    Upvote as much for Douglas Adams as for the human face it puts on Dawkins.

    Dunno why Adams thought that the novelists were the people to turn to in the 19th century, though. Philosophers like Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche had much more interesting things to say about the big questions.

    Resistance is futile, Fissionchips gets his diamond (Science Talk Post)

    thinker247 says...

    I was watching "A Fissionchips Called Wanda," and I started thinking, "You know who would have been great in this movie? Laurence Fissionchipsburne."

    After finishing the movie, I decided to read to my kids before putting them to bed. They just love that book "One fissionchips, two fissionchips, red fissionchips, blue fissionchips," by Dr. Seuss.

    After tucking in the kids, I spent most of the night reading a Douglas Adams tome. My favorite line?

    "So long, and thanks for all the fissionchips."

    Congratulations, Mr. Splitting fried potatoes into parts!

    Rats Laugh When You Tickle Them :)

    Bill Maher Explains the Debate: Evolution vs Creationism

    jubuttib says...

    'Cause God is a devious bastard who's metaphorically tossed us a Rubik's cube and is sitting there with a watch to see how long it takes us to figure it out. And sometimes it seems we're just peeling off the stickers and putting them where we want. The instant the world is solved it will cease to exist and be replaced by something even more weird (as said the late, great Douglas Adams, the only man who knew everything, but somehow managed to keep it a secret from God).

    You're just atheists because y'all want to sin

    gwiz665 says...

    >> ^MINK:
    >> ^gwiz665:
    When people say things like she does: "How can you not see God when you look at all that is around you?" the easy reply is "How can you?".

    first try reading about how "sight" actually works. it is not as impirical as atheists would like to believe.
    I have a friend who's favourite thing to say when things go wrong is: "I don't see the problem". I have to remind him that the problem isn't dependent upon his "seeing" it.

    I suppose the quote has been beaten to death, but Douglas Adams said: Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?

    "having" to believe? yeah yeah religious people are "weak" because they "have" to believe god because they aren't strong enough to handle "science".
    wait... did i get that the right way around?

    i say, why banish fairies from your consciousness?

    Fairies might be there. So fuck all y'all. You just haven't invented the fairyometer yet, bitches.

    Your argument falls to the ground, because we know full well what a fairy is, and it has never been seen. If it is a magical, invisible creature that cannot be seen with the naked eye or any form of measuring device we already have, then it's not really a fairy. Same thing goes with god. As soon as you define what god is, the spell is broken, because then we can attempt to measure and test it.

    You're just atheists because y'all want to sin

    MINK says...

    >> ^gwiz665:
    When people say things like she does: "How can you not see God when you look at all that is around you?" the easy reply is "How can you?".

    first try reading about how "sight" actually works. it is not as impirical as atheists would like to believe.

    I have a friend who's favourite thing to say when things go wrong is: "I don't see the problem". I have to remind him that the problem isn't dependent upon his "seeing" it.

    I suppose the quote has been beaten to death, but Douglas Adams said: Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?

    "having" to believe? yeah yeah religious people are "weak" because they "have" to believe god because they aren't strong enough to handle "science".

    wait... did i get that the right way around?

    i say, why banish fairies from your consciousness?

    Fairies might be there. So fuck all y'all. You just haven't invented the fairyometer yet, bitches.

    You're just atheists because y'all want to sin

    gwiz665 says...

    When people say things like she does: "How can you not see God when you look at all that is around you?" the easy reply is "How can you?".

    I suppose the quote has been beaten to death, but Douglas Adams said: Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?

    Yellow Sticky Notes

    poolcleaner says...

    >> ^blankfist:
    Oh come on, people, stop praising every person for being introspective and deep for making a cartoon set to weepy music. It's a fun little cartoon, I'll give you that, but am I the only one that thought he was quick to give up on his dreams? The guy graduates in 2001 and by 2001 he's ready to throw in the towel and become a school art teacher because of 9/11. Way to give it the ol' Canadian try there buddy. Pansies. That's why they never gained their independence from England until 1982!
    Oh wait, is this not still Zifnab's roast? No? Oh. Shit.

    It really is a shame that a fan of Peter Sellers and marijuana could be such a "tawdry" chap. Then again, my brother is a fan of Douglas Adams and retains the Christian upbringing instilled upon us from birth. Humans are such silly creatures.

    GreatBird (Member Profile)

    rembar says...

    Thanks for the fix, sorry it took so long - I've been terribly busy. I guess I'll have to keep looking for the second bit....

    In reply to this comment by GreatBird:
    I noticed that your Douglas Adams video is dead.

    I found a new embed for you if you want to fix it.

    It's not the whole thing though and I didn't see a second part.

    Evolution May Be True, But I Don't Believe In It

    BicycleRepairMan says...

    I completely agree, gorgonheap, ignorance is not stupidity. And most people are ignorant about evolution, partly because the whole idea is partially skipped in school for fear of causing controversy, even in non-religious countries like mine. This is why it is important to insist on teaching kids about the true nature of life, and stop those who wants it replaced with mythical nonsense. Understanding evolution is a beautiful experience, and for me personally, after reading "The Selfish Gene" and later "The Ancestor's Tale" gave me a new outlook on nature. Watching animals behave and function just isnt the same anymore.

    I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day
    - Douglas Adams

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