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Trancecoach (Member Profile)

Viktor Frankl on freewill and meaning

rembar (Member Profile)

Douglas Adams: Hyperland

Documentary by 17 yr old recreates the "doll test" from 50s (skip to 3:20)

dannym3141 says...

Chiming in to COMPLETELY disagree with mushimushi.. no, i don't think everyone is racist, and i don't think everyone naturally, accidentally, subconsciously, whateverly, makes decisions about people based on how they look or where they come from.

Sorry, but i can't stand the righteous "i know people" attitude. Other people are unknowable by dint of being OTHER people. When you think you know everything about someone, something else appears. And when you really DO know everything about someone, someone else comes along that you don't know about.

Douglas Adams who perhaps quoted another person;
You cannot know what i know because you know what you know, you cannot see what i see because you see what you see.

I couldn't give a shit what you base that on, what qualifications you have, or even if Stephen Hawking had a lovechild with Richard Dawkins, was put in a brain/age incubator, stood in front of me with a brain that had to be carried around a sack, and told me in a language i couldn't hope to understand, that i was *this way* because all humans are, i'd STILL laugh at him for being small minded enough to think he knows that much.

Bollocks to you for thinking you know ANYTHING about ANYONE.

Douglas Adams , Richard Dawkins, and a cow named Dinner

People of the world come together to say "Poop"

kulpims says...

it's like douglas adams, hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy, only there were 100.000 people, I think, that said "vap" or something, at the same time. can't remember what - oh, wait, was it the robots from Krikkit and their ships coming out of hyperspace?

Break the Science Barrier - Richard Dawkins

A day in the life of a Portal turret

BBC - Horizon - The Bible Code

kulpims says...

agreed. it's all down to individual interpretation of the data. i was just contemplating the idea from douglas adams' HGTG where a crazy scientist extrapolates the whole universe from a single rice cake which i think is similar to what these guys are trying to do

hello, friend. (Blog Entry by my15minutes)

my15minutes says...

seed - you're half right. but seeing as how i've never downvoted anything...

>> ^rottenseed:
I think he's giving us a hats off ...

rowan - i'm also pointing out that we have far more in common, than not.
and that i'm a fan of carl sagan, douglas adams, astronomy,
and new friends that introduce me to kickass music.

>> ^darkrowan:
Can anyone translate this out of Taarakian for me? I'm so very lost and I've reread the post several times.

An elephant that can paint elephants

Behold, the atheist's nightmare: The babel fish!

SciFi Books that should be Made into Movies (Scifi Talk Post)

rembar says...

Douglas Adams' Starship Titanica

These two are just short stories, but that's never stopped directors before:
Philip K. Dick's Rautavaara's Case
Robert Heinlein's And He Built A Crooked House

Cars suck, public transport rules, it's obvious

djsunkid says...

OK, I've been thinking about this a little more, and here you go: The title isn't totally wrong- it only got it half right. It would be more correct to say, cars suck, cars rule, it's not quite so obvious as you think.

It is difficult to overstate the transforming effect of motorised transportation on humanity as a species. It's not for nothing that Douglas Adams joked in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy that Ford Prefect thought that cars were the dominant species on the planet and nearly got run over when he first tried to make contact.

Cars affect how and where we live, how and where we work, play, raise our families, design our cities, get our food- the effect has been so enormous that it would not be an exaggeration to say that they have transformed us as a species. I've been trying to imagine what it would be like to live in the country before automobiles, and it is very difficult to do. When a trip in to town suddenly takes several days rather than a half hour, this represents a very different sort of living. Forget about a commute to work.

Urban centres are bigger and bigger as cars allow for sprawl to take place. Produce has to travel further, and is able to travel further- pretty much anything you can point to exists because humanity is motorised.

ANY technology that is so universally transforming will have its downsides. We have paid an ENORMOUS price in blood, tears, and geopolitical enmity. Traffic Deaths, Globalism, Middle East Conflict, Urban Sprawl, Road Rage, Greenhouse Emissions, Noise Pollution, the list of what's WRONG with cars is almost as long as the benifits that they have brought.

Arguing about that is completly moot however, and I think that's the problem in this thread, and, by extension, with this video.

I think that many of the people in those cars may very well have been douchebags. Dudes, that bus totally just PWNED all of you. Figure it out.

But I bet more than one of them was headed somewhere the bus doesn't go. Halifax has one of the worst transit systems EVAR, but they do have one feature that i think is, in principle at least, very clever. They call it park&ride. Don't take your car from the rural community where you live all the way to downtown halifax, where parking is 1.50 an hour at a meter, or more in a parkade.

Instead, just drive to a parking lot maybe a 15 or 20 minute drive away from the city centre, then grab a bus in. It reduces traffic in the crowded downtown, you never have to search for a parking spot, and you pay less for gas.

Brilliant idea, but I suspect that not many people take advantage of it. Because they love their cars. Heck, I probably would too, had I a car. I grew up downtown, and hope to live downtown my entire life. I want a car for going on trips, hauling gear to a gig, and getting groceries.

Not for going to work. That's what my sneakers are for.


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