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How Do You Pronounce Your Screenname? (Howto Talk Post)

How Do You Pronounce Your Screenname? (Howto Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Dunno why everyone seems to call me "luh-kee seven sixty." I've always pronounced it "loo-kai" or sometimes "loose-K-Y" if I'm feeling frisky.

For others, I always say "ih-see kitty," "matt see," "gee whiz," and "dee eff tee," to name a few.

How Do You Pronounce Your Screenname? (Howto Talk Post)

Bill Hicks at the Edinburgh Festival

Shpongle - Divine Moments of Truth

Whose Line Is It Anyway - Questionable Impressions

Keith Olbermann Sets the Record Straight on Autoworker Pay

rychan says...

>> ^MycroftHomlz:
La dee freeekin daaaa...
First, being a grad student is a choice, no one is forcing you to get a Ph.D.

Where did I imply otherwise?

It is also against the law for a University to not provide health for graduate students. By federal regulation, you are technically an employee of the state,

Well, maybe where you live, but that's absolutely not the case here. All grad students here (and at my previous university) are explicitly NOT an employee of the university. They are students. We have to send a statement to the IRS every year re-affirming that we aren't employees and that our stipend is not being rendered for our services but rather covering living expenses.

See the last section of
It says fellowship recipients are not typically employees of the university.

Moreover, if and when you do graduate you will be making upwards of 70K. In physics the number is around 90K, biology it is a little less. In 3-5 year you could make as much as 100-200K. This is in industry of course. So you are trading short term income for long term higher wages. Think of it as an investment in your future.

There's nothing short term about Ph.D. wages. You have to go to university for a decade, often at considerable expense for the first 4 years, and near break-even for the next 5 to 6. That's why people aren't in it for the money. If you wanted money you'd do something with a faster turn-around like a law degree which also has higher expected income.

Keith Olbermann Sets the Record Straight on Autoworker Pay

MycroftHomlz says...

>> ^rychan:
I'm a Ph.D. research student, basically a professional scientist, and I get paid about $25,000 a year. Zero benefits. No health care, no maternity leave, no retirement, nothing. If I'm lucky I'll be compensated as much as a UAW assembly line worker when I graduate after 10 years of impoverished higher education.

La dee freeekin daaaa...

First, being a grad student is a choice, no one is forcing you to get a Ph.D.

It is also against the law for a University to not provide health for graduate students. By federal regulation, you are technically an employee of the state, and discounted rates are made available for you to purchase. They are not included in your stipend because many students are still covered by their parents or are covered by their sposes. You can receive health care benefits by paying a small monthly or large yearly fee for benefits, just like any other employee. I recommend you ask the graduate student secretary.

Moreover, if and when you do graduate you will be making upwards of 70K. In physics the number is around 90K, biology it is a little less. In 3-5 year you could make as much as 100-200K. This is in industry of course. So you are trading short term income for long term higher wages. Think of it as an investment in your future.

Grad student stipends vary from 20K to 30K. But I agree that if the US wants to stay competitive in the global market we should be giving State Universities and National Labs federal funding to attract both better talent and stimulate the economy.

Start studying for that qualifier... it is gonna be a bitch.

iraqi women and girls find refuge in syria sex trade

legacy0100 says...

I thought people liked Democracy in Iraq, both democrats and republicans.

Now that war's gone bad we are free to criticize. But what about the early phase of Iraq war when everyone bought into the 'Sadam is terrible, nothing is worse' propaganda?

Put your faults to the propagan-dist, but propagan-dee also holds responsibility for being so gullible.

Same goes to those in the congress and the senate who did object at first, but in the end gave into the masses. And when it came to act upon what they believed, they failed to do so.

They didn't vote abstaining, they actually voted FOR the war to suck upto Bush, who was back then in absolute control of the house. The military budget increase, and patriot act, all went through. All in the name of 9/11, a noble excuse to start passing just about any acts.

Politicians, so slimey. But again, we the people fell for it as well, and hold much responsibility for this outcome.

One thing I'd like to know is where's our christians and their morals to help others and to rescue people from hovels when they really need some help?

People adopt tiny 3rd world African/Asian kids so that they can be 'rescued' from poverty. Adopt these muslim kids into American homes. Bring the refugees into America, how's that for Christian responsibility.

Comb Your Beard at Night

kronosposeidon says...

Lemme tell ya, this guy really revels in his weirdness, with his weird girlfriend Natalie Dee, who also happens to make two daily comics: Married To The Sea and NatalieDee. Just a couple more examples of their...hmmm...eccentric lifestyle:

Cool Uncle (Amber Alert)

And you can see his waxed handlebar mustache in Define Any Word

Don't ask me how I know all of this.


What motivates you to submit a video to VideoSift? (Sift Talk Post)

joedirt says...


Some of us submit good videos that are entertaining or of some quality or at least unique and interesting.

Other people just submit the same stuff ad naseaum. (See: GI JOE PSA from years ago) (See: endless parade of kitty doggie videos)

Some people try to be the first to submit regular type series that are the kind on the top10 of digg and most of the internet (See: Zero Punctuation) (see: chad vader)

Some people just like their own unique tastes to be posted everywhere, this is usually certain types of music videos.

A lot of the top people just see a video from whatever means the use to aggregate videos and recognize those destined for top honors and submit those.

A better question is where do people cull videos from the internet from. Most people do not watch 1000s of newly submitted 10 view YT videos, so there is already some major sifting before they get submitted to aggregation sifting/voting sites like this one.

Occasionally, people will just try to fill out a niche that is otherwise ignored on the internet, like cooking videos or horrorshow videos back when a contest is run or halloween time. This site is unique in that there are not really hard core channel fans, like a video gaming forum might see only those videos, etc.

Anyways, this site started with a certain relatively small group of users and the types of videos that others like were reinforced, so people that enjoyed that blend of videos came back because it was useful for delivering certain content. Eventually those that value the content make an account and add their own, usually somewhat similar tastes, or if it was not it would be ignored.

This site is really not that much different than the digg top10 list, but it does have to opportunity to provide more unique finds. There used to be great japanese and korean content, which has mostly died down, partly because of the massive YT purges of jtv content. Same goes with adultswim content that was once submitted, but pretty much useless now because those videos will soon be dead, so copyright holders can actually stifle the distrubution to larger audiences.. dee doo doo

For instance, for awhile it was all Colbert stuff, but that died off either as a fad, or the YT embed being killed by copyright holders, and then the annoying US only ability to play Comedy Central embeds. So much content is ignored from corporations trying to control their content.

I think in general the answer you are looking for from at least this collective of users if providing a place to be able to quickly and effortlessly watch good videos and avoid a bunch of useless crap. In some ways I think people submit videos to return the favor and keep the house of cards afloat, so there is a communal aspect to it, and many of the videos are a you-have-to-see-this. For the record, this site is not that much different than a fark submission, or at least the early days on this site had that appeal, but fark is a also almost a decade past jumping the shark.

You should visit GodTube as another concept of the secluded pockets of the internets where it used to be fun sport to submit some classic godtube content.

Vote Calrissian

dee (Member Profile)

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Your rank has dropped by 1. You are now ranked #873. User dee is now ahead of you. You can do better than dee, can't you? You're only 0 votes away from getting back in front of dee.

sdswingr (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Your rank has dropped by 1. You are now ranked #874. User dee is now ahead of you. You can do better than dee, can't you? You're only 0 votes away from getting back in front of dee.

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