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What It Took To Be A Black NASCAR Driver In The Jim Crow Era

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Star Wars Fans Are "Prickly"

ChaosEngine says...

You really do. Iain M. Banks was an amazing writer.

Excession is probably my favourite, along with Look To Windward and Use Of Weapons.

His non-sci-fi work is fantastic too, especially The Crow Road (any book that opens with the sentence "It was the day my grandmother exploded" is instantly brilliant IMO).

He was also a wonderful speaker. Listen to this (skip to 29:32 if you haven't read Use Of Weapons, it spoils the whole plot) I love his analogy of writing fiction is like playing a piano and writing SF is like a massive pipe organ.

RFlagg said:

I really need to read more of the Culture series... I don't even recall the one I read very well... I just recall being a fan of the overall idea.

Grabbing Feet On The Freeway

The unicorns are late....

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

GenjiKilpatrick says...

I am bitter, Lantern. Extremely bitter.

I'm bitter because I know this game is rigged..

and I don't want to play along.

This society was made for white, ruthless, greedy, ignorant people..

I'm not any of those things. I'm the opposite of those things.

That's why I'm bitter.

I'm bitter because literally no matter how successful a black
person becomes - something like president say - we're still just niggers to an enormous portion of this society.

I'm bitter because willful ignorant people like you & Bobknight will never understand what it's like to be called a nigger..

And you don't give a fuck about how that feels either.

I'm bitter because You and Bobknight gloat about that shit.

And rub your white privilege in our faces every chance you get.

I'm bitter because currently the number of unarmed black men murdered by police..

Is the same as the number of black men lynched during the Jim Crow era.

I'm bitter because everytime I turn on the news..

All CNN, FoxNews, Msnbc want to do is remind me..

"Hey, remember that time we treated people that look like you as LITERAL cattle..

Yeah, you should stop being upset about that.

Take responsibly for not having as many opportunities as us respectable, civil [white] people..

And pull yourself up by your own bootstraps instead of rioting."

lantern53 said:

That was one long non-answer, with a bit of name-calling included.

If I were a racist, does that explain why you can't function? If I were not a racist, would you be a success?

You are one big crybaby.

And when did I say black people are thugs etc? Black people are just like everyone else. Do you have a different opinion?

You are like a lot of people...blaming others for your own failures.

Why don't you get with the program and do something with your life?

You'll be a lot happier and you'll be a contributor to society.

Because right now you are one bitter dude.

Ygritte from Game of Thrones - how strong is she really?

Chairman_woo says...

We know it's powerful enough to penetrate, fur &/or mail + a thick gambeson/doublet as most of the Nights watch wear (reference, any scene where she shoots a battle dressed crow such as end of season 4). Even allowing for heavy shafts and piercing tips that's still some serious power.

Well beyond your average 20-40lb target & small game hunting type bows. Even if it was primarily a hunting bow, the wildings frequently hunt big game like Elks so it makes sense that it'd be a relatively heavy draw.

Besides even if it was a relatively light warbow (60-80lbs or so lets say), that's still hardcore to the extreme to hold at full draw for more than a few seconds and not loose ones composure (my aim would probably start shaking after 3-4, my body after 10-20 tops).

(and I think 80-120lbs is probably more likely anyway)

Besides this all misses the real point underlying i.e. no one trained with a bow would be silly enough to waste so much energy holding at full draw. Half maybe, or just taking up the slack.

Doubly silly given John has no ranged weapon of his own here and she could probably draw and loose 2 or 3 arrows before he closed the distance if he tried.

Goes on my list of pet gripes with GOT alongside Daenerys "firing" catapults and the occasional sword "schwing" sound. (not that I don't love the show)

rich_magnet said:

Of course, you don't know the draw of her bow. You can only speculate. In other words, you know nothing, Jon Snow.

Barack Obama interviews creator David Simon of The Wire

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Interesting anecdote, I'm mixed. Black & Hispanic.

I love Jamaican Beef/Chicken/Veggie patties. Spicy & delicious!

However, the one spot around here that's owned & run by Jamaican folks has shitty service.

There's always an line & an attitude.

One day, I waited in line for like 20 minutes just to get a Spinach pattie.

When I got to the front, I order .. but of course.. THEY'RE OUT!

As I leave, the owner says. "Next time, just call ahead."
Like it's my fault.

WTF! Are you serious?! That's like me calling Taco Bell to make sure they have chalupas.


I was shocked by my own bigoted thought.

My father - a black man - told be a long time ago "I don't like Jamaicans. Don't trust them"

I thought he was just being his usual bigoted self.

But nope, ten years or so later and here I find myself distrusting ALL Jamaican people.

I'm black & hispanic.
I'm sorta racist toward Jamaicans. ..and white people.

Full Disclosure:

I live in the south so.. I assume any old white person with a drawl is just barely holding back from saying something racist as fuck.

I'm also aware that the rate of police shootings of young black males is the same as the rate of lynchings of black males in the Jim Crow era.

So of course I don't trust cops. Yes, even black ones.

In conclusion -
People are racist. Cops are People. Cops are racist.

A Very Smart Bird - Thirsty crow comes to humans for help.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Very, Smart, Bird, thirsty, crow, comes, humans, for, help, SOS, h2o, bottle, drink, lid, need' to 'bird, thirsty, crow, emergency, bottle, drink, lid, dutch, croatian, croatia' - edited by Eklek

ant (Member Profile)

A Very Smart Bird - Thirsty crow comes to humans for help.

ant jokingly says...

What if the crows and ravens are bots?

lucky760 said:

Crows and ravens are so stinking incredibly smart. They're going to be a big help once the robots become self-aware.

Side note: If you're unaware, groups of those birds are called a murder of crows and a nightmare of ravens.

I love that.

A Very Smart Bird - Thirsty crow comes to humans for help.

lucky760 says...

Crows and ravens are so stinking incredibly smart. They're going to be a big help once the robots become self-aware.

Side note: If you're unaware, groups of those birds are called a murder of crows and a nightmare of ravens.

I love that.

Raven videobombs NHL's Stadium Series webcam

oritteropo says...

I can only go with the information I have, and not being familiar with your local crows and ravens, googled them

The pages I found said that you tell them apart by tail (shown, but unclear), size (not shown), and habitat (too lazy to look up). None of them said to differentiate by head shape of beak.

Conspiracy theory? No... Going with information supplied with video? Yes! Unless provided with snowmen or reindeer to the contrary. Possibly mistaken? Certainly!

lucky760 said:


In the words of Elsa, let it go... Let it go! Can't hold it back any more. Turn away and slam the door already because here I am in the light of day. And you know what? The cold never bothered me anyway.

Raven videobombs NHL's Stadium Series webcam

lucky760 says...

That's the funny thing. We're both looking at the same thing but seeing different things. To me that's much more a wedge shape than a crow's short and straight.

But more importantly, the underside of the tail in a frame or two from an angle isn't as telltale as the up-close-and-personal HD view of the birds beak and head from multiple angles.

There's no question about how "ravenous" they are, and you're still not expressing any thoughts on those features.

You're avoiding all the clear evidence pointing to the obvious, indisputable truth, and hanging on with a death grip to the only slim, inconclusive evidence that you claim supports your unlikely theory. (Are you a 9/11 and moon landing conspiracy theorist?)

In the words of Elsa, let it go... Let it go! Can't hold it back any more. Turn away and slam the door already because here I am in the light of day. And you know what? The cold never bothered me anyway.

oritteropo said:

Here's a screenshot of his tail when he flies off -

Compared to the two photos on the link above, it's not obviously the nice wedge tail of a raven.

But then, I'm not an expert, and the the ravens around here are different - the Australian Raven has a tail like the American Crow, although he's much bigger.

Raven videobombs NHL's Stadium Series webcam

oritteropo says...

Here's a screenshot of his tail when he flies off -

Compared to the two photos on the link above, it's not obviously the nice wedge tail of a raven.

But then, I'm not an expert, and the the ravens around here are different - the Australian Raven has a tail like the American Crow, although he's much bigger.

lucky760 said:

To me the shape of his tall, hook-nosed beak and his large, bulging forehead suggest he's definitely a raven. (Plus, it's a bad angle to examine his tail, but that also looks to me like a raven's.)

Raven videobombs NHL's Stadium Series webcam

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