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He just snapped: Crocodile steals lawn mower

The_Mighty_Foog says...

Ahh a NEW excuse to not mow my lawn... "I would but the sound of a running lawnmower attracts crocodiles with abnormally large teeth." Not sure if that one would work in Minnesota, but I am willing to try.

He just snapped: Crocodile steals lawn mower

The_Mighty_Foog says...

Ahh a NEW excuse to not mow my lawn... "I would but the sound of a running lawnmower attracts crocodiles with abnormally large teeth." Not sure if that one would work in Minnesota, but I am willing to try.

Eagle finds a unique solution to grab a really heavy fish

Hurling: The Fastest Game on Grass

noims says...

It takes a very special kind of person to be a goalie in hurling. Earlier today I listened to the Monty Python coverage of the men's Being Eaten By A Crocodile event. I think both require the same qualities of extreme speed, skill, bravery, and suicidal tendencies.

Dan Savage on the bible at High School Journalism convention

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

What never ceases to amaze me is the inability of conservatives to think with any clarity or nuance.

What is more amazing is the logical pretzels that liberals tie around themselves in order to justify thier bigotry and hate. Savage was attacking thier religious beliefs, and he was doing it in a forum that was supposed to be 'anti-bullying'. You see, it is entirely possible to share an anti-bullying message without attacking religion. What a wild idea! But as with most liberals, he just couldn't help himself from being a rude, selfish, hypocritical jerk. So when He has a captive audience, he uses the the opportunity to flash his bigotry, and then to insult those who were offended by it. Yeah. 'Nuanced'...

The speech was not titled, "Christianity is B.S." If it was appropriately titled, then those who walked out could have just decided not to attend in the first place and saved Savage the embarressment of being shown up as a total douche. But Savage did a bait-and-switch. A bunch of kids sat down and he flies off on his personal obsessions about religion. The apologist justifications you guys are proffering up are not so much about 'nuance' as they are "I agree with his bigotry, and I like it when people I hate get what I think is coming to them. You Jesus people should just shut up and take it."

Whether you agree with Christianity or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that this guy disresepcted and insulted fellow human beings, and thought it was funny. He showed his true colors - rude, selfish, and hypocritical. His lame 'apology' (like the apologies of most liberals) isn't really an apology. It's the typical, "I'm sorry if YOU WERE OFFENDED by my important message" bullcrap. I reject such faux crocodile tears, and also reject the lame arguments trying to justify his bigotry. It isn't complicated. You like his particular brand of bigotry, so that makes it perfectly OK in your perverse, sick minds. So much for leftists and thier sanctimonious 'tolerance' bologna. Tolerance is only for the people you approve of, eh?

If a journalism school advertised a speech about "Happiness and Tolerance", and the headliner was some gay bashing @$$hat, should all the gays in the audience be forced to sit down and listen to his 'clarity and nuance'? What a load of bullcrap you liberals swallow on a daily basis. I can't fathom having to live a life so dominated by that much hypocrisy, irrational hate, and bitterness that such bad behavior gets dismissed as just some BS sort of 'nuance'. How pathetic.

Hippo Attack in Okavango Delta

Frenchman's Bobsleigh fear meltdown

dannym3141 says...

>> ^westy:

>> ^shuac:
Did we expect another reaction from a Frenchman?

Its weird how French have this reputation I think it comes from the pre–Revolutionary French upper class but can not really be applied to the French as a whole.

Although its fun discrimination and the most successful discriminatory terms seem to take one element of truth and then apply it to a whole nationality/race of people.
I know the surrender aspect of WW2 comes into it but I don't think France had much choice and it would have cost them more life to not surrender , Its also well documented how well the French held back the Germans with resistance groups which is a far harder and riskier form of fighting than standard troop combat / full front engagements ( from the perspective of an individual solder anyway).
Also the French have many totally mental people that needlessly risk there lives lol I mean they originated allot of parkur , and crazy types of skying.
Still I agree its amusing to poke fun at people even if its unfounded
BTW , Brits have bad teeth , amercans are all fat , germans are all rocket scientists , asains are all amazing at math and paino playing, australians eat cangaroo all day and chase crocodiles , russians all drink vodcah 24/7.

There's no getting around the fact that, in a situation where it comes down to standing up for what you believe in to the death or giving up, giving up is always going to be seen as the "coward's way out", and that's why it's stuck to them.

It doesn't matter if it's the best option, or the only option, or anything else. It's jingoism, linked to war, of course things like that are seen through the overly masculine eyes of "i'd rather die than submit."

This is why france has a bad rep, because of the world war. And i notice that a lot of people who i first heard say that are in the age range of being impressionable during or just after the war. But more recently i believe the country most associated with surrender is the italians but don't ask me why, i don't subscribe to it.

But if it wasn't that, it'd be something else.

Frenchman's Bobsleigh fear meltdown

westy says...

>> ^shuac:

Did we expect another reaction from a Frenchman?

Its weird how French have this reputation I think it comes from the pre–Revolutionary French upper class but can not really be applied to the French as a whole.

Although its fun discrimination and the most successful discriminatory terms seem to take one element of truth and then apply it to a whole nationality/race of people.

I know the surrender aspect of WW2 comes into it but I don't think France had much choice and it would have cost them more life to not surrender , Its also well documented how well the French held back the Germans with resistance groups which is a far harder and riskier form of fighting than standard troop combat / full front engagements ( from the perspective of an individual solder anyway).

Also the French have many totally mental people that needlessly risk there lives lol I mean they originated allot of parkur , and crazy types of skying.

Still I agree its amusing to poke fun at people even if its unfounded

BTW , Brits have bad teeth , amercans are all fat , germans are all rocket scientists , asains are all amazing at math and paino playing, australians eat cangaroo all day and chase crocodiles , russians all drink vodcah 24/7.

Most Epic Rant Ever

Sagemind says...

You're a mean one, Mark Sidran
You really are a heel,
You're as cuddly as a cactus, you're as charming as an eel, Mr. Sidran,
You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel!

You're a monster, Mark Sidran,
Your heart's an empty hole,
Your brain is full of spiders, you have garlic in your soul, Mr. Sidran,
I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole!

You're a foul one, Mark Sidran,
You have termites in your smile,
You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Sidran,
Given a choice between the two of you I'd take the seasick crocodile!

You're a rotter, Mark Sidran,
You're the king of sinful sots,
Your heart's a dead tomato splotched with moldy purple spots, Mr. Sidran,
You're a three decker sauerkraut and toadstool sandwich with arsenic sauce!

You nauseate me, Mark Sidran,
With a nauseous super "naus"!,
You're a crooked dirty jockey and you drive a crooked hoss, Mr. Sidran,
Your soul is an appalling dump heap overflowing with the most disgraceful
Assortment of rubbish imaginable mangled up in tangled up knots!

You're a foul one, Mark Sidran,
You're a nasty wasty skunk,
Your heart is full of unwashed socks, your soul is full of gunk, Mr. Sidran,
The three words that best describe you are as follows, and I quote,
"Stink, stank, stunk"!

Crocodile befriends future dinner

Bill Gates: Raise taxes on the rich. That's just justice.

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Bill Gates - and all the ProgLibDytes on the forum - entirely miss the point.

You could take every single member of the top 5% of the United States and immediately confiscate 100% of all their wealth, income, assets, property, and leave them penniless paupers in the gutter. It would not so much as balance the Federal Government's budget for one QUARTER, let alone a whole fiscal year. The problem is not that taxes on the rich are too 'low' (they certainly aren't). The problem is that government spends too much money on crap that government has no business spending so much as one thin dime on (IE all the social programs). Government has over-promised on too many things to too many groups for far too long. They foot a bill too long for their purse and can't pay it - no matter how much it taxes the rich, corporations, or anyone else.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Warren Buffett's secretary (also rich), Hollywood, and all the other rich idiots with their crocodile tears about not being taxed enough... Every single one of these hypocrites has the address of the National Treasury, and can write out checks giving every penny they earn to the government. They can fire thier accountants tomorrow and not use all the exemptions they fight so hard to maximize. They don't need thier taxes raised. They could pay higher taxes this very instant under current law.

So why don't they? Simple. They know government is a terrible place to put money.

Gates is dumping money into private philanthropical efforts - which shows that he hasn't completely lost his wits (even though he's talking like a total moron in this clip). No one believes that giving the government more money is a good idea. The US government is one of the most wasteful, and least efficient organizations on the planet. Bill Gates knows this. So it isn't hard for him to figure out that "the nation" would be better served dumping his money in an incinerator rather than pay the Feds more tax money.

So what's with these hypocritical screeds that rich sleazeballs like Buffett? The answer is also quite simple. They are doing nothing more than mouthing platitudes specifically to assuage all you ProgLibDyte peons with your class warfare pitchforks.

It is quite amusintg, really, just how easily and thoroughly people on the left like the Sift are duped. All Gates has to do is go on a show here, or a show there, and say a few of the correct leftist catchphrases. Then suddenly all the lemmings are literally knocking each other over to be the first in line to start french kissing Gates or Buffett's duodenum.

See - that's what's so funny. You ProgLibDytes don't care that Gates is laughing his way to the bank, and that he will NEVER pay a cent more in taxes than he has to. Oh no. That doesn't matter. All that matters to all you agenda slaves is that he blathers the right sound bite at you. Then your ideological addictions get thier nice little junkie fix, and you're putty in his hands, laughing at you because he knoew (A) he isn't going to pay more taxes and (B) all he has to do is keep shunting a few bucks at the right leftist radicals and he will have political protection payola shielding him for life. And all he needs too keep the racket going is a bunch of you simpletons brainlessly following your left-wing marching orders so he has a permanent audience to sing to. How's it feel knowing you're the intellectual equivalent of Bill Gates' used condom?

James Bond- The Crocodile Farm Escape scene

Bungee cord snaps, woman falls 350 feet (and lives)

Jinx says...

>> ^westy:

>> ^hermannthegerman:
Ouch, only the real fall wasn't 350 feet, since the Rope snapped on the way back up, but still ouch...and crocodiles..yikes..

Yah I read about this lol its one of those things that media hyps till the point its 100% bullshit
as you say she probably fell less than 20m easily survivable even if you belly flopped it , as for the crocodiles the water was fast flowing and she was in the middle so it sunlikely they would have gotten her.
the only really remarkable thing about this is that the bunjee rope broke in the first place and that she was lucky she didn't drown / the water was deep enough to brake her fall.

Idk, it looks to me that the cord snaps pretty much as soon as it takes up tension. No doubt it would have slowed her down a bit but I can't imagine by much considering that it was only holding her weight for a fraction of a second.

As for the Crocs, well yes, I agree. The more significant risk was drowning, especially if she had been knocked unconcious from the impact. I'd say it was a pretty close call that didn't really need hyping up.

James Bond- The Crocodile Farm Escape scene

Bungee cord snaps, woman falls 350 feet (and lives)

westy says...

>> ^hermannthegerman:

Ouch, only the real fall wasn't 350 feet, since the Rope snapped on the way back up, but still ouch...and crocodiles..yikes..

Yah I read about this lol its one of those things that media hyps till the point its 100% bullshit

as you say she probably fell less than 20m easily survivable even if you belly flopped it , as for the crocodiles the water was fast flowing and she was in the middle so it sunlikely they would have gotten her.

the only really remarkable thing about this is that the bunjee rope broke in the first place and that she was lucky she didn't drown / the water was deep enough to brake her fall.

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