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Doctors Find Small Fir Tree Growing in Man's Lung

The Necessity of Side-Businesses (Blog Entry by curiousity)

dgandhi says...

My GF and I lived in San Francisco in a house with five other people which we all collectively rented. We both worked 50+ hrs a week, and rarely got out to do anything fun. We had put about 90k away, and thought about buying a house with it. If we had done that four years ago we would have negative equity, and owe over $0.5M, instead we got out.

We moved to Pittsburgh PA, where we bought two houses for < $20k each. We rent one and live in the other, we do web work and print design when they come our way.

The cash flow about breaks even, but we have no debt, and we have everything we need, and loads of free time.

I have a cyclical habit of downsizing my life. After I dropped out of UCSB in the late '90s I went to live off the grid in Canada for a few years, the catalyst being the existential arrest caused by my job as a university IT manager.

After I resettled in SF I was sqatting, and dumpsering myself a generally punk-rock existence (minus musical preference). As tends to happen I ended up living with my GF and living a somewhat "normal" life, until we decided to buy a house, and realized we would not be able to do it in SF, and so we downsized to Pittsburgh, and became landlords (gasp squatter -> landlord in 4 years flat).

I'm kinda hoping for total economic collapse, so that I can massively simplify my life again. I'll be planting a garden this year, to make sure we can keep veggies on the table if California has trouble shipping them out in their current low-water-reserves condition, that's going to be my bad economy "side business".

The Necessity of Side-Businesses (Blog Entry by curiousity)

curiousity says...

>> ^lucky760:
I've always longed for a real side business for myself. Lately I've done a little bit of independent web programming work that just fell into my lap, but that's not quite enough.
I talk a lot about different ideas and possibilities, usually mostly focused on doing something with my programming expertise because that is my passion (and also my day job), but I always end up leaving it at that. I also think about starting a meatspace business of any kind really, but that's also as far as that dream goes.
I guess the thing with me is that I don't have enough confidence in myself and always allow myself to silently assume my dreams will eventually come true by themselves someday. I'm still waiting for my catalyst- my cellphone in a FedEx envelope, if you will.

It is hard to break that inertia of what is. It is so easier to become comfortable where we are.

One thing that has helped me is that my good friend and his fiancé are very business minded and creative. They are very focused right now on trying to set up something that is location independent so they can travel. His fiancé has actually created and sold several businesses so far. Having people like that in my life creates an atmosphere of creativity and it a fantastic sounding board for ideas. It helps that I trust them both too!

When you get to the point that you are ready, I would recommend what I did and take a week off to fully explore the ideas. It is very easy (I have done it for years!) to think of good ideas and then they stagnate in the business of everyday life.

The Necessity of Side-Businesses (Blog Entry by curiousity)

lucky760 says...

I've always longed for a real side business for myself. Lately I've done a little bit of independent web programming work that just fell into my lap, but that's not quite enough.

I talk a lot about different ideas and possibilities, usually mostly focused on doing something with my programming expertise because that is my passion (and also my day job), but I always end up leaving it at that. I also think about starting a meatspace business of any kind really, but that's also as far as that dream goes.

I guess the thing with me is that I don't have enough confidence in myself and always allow myself to silently assume my dreams will eventually come true by themselves someday. I'm still waiting for my catalyst- my cellphone in a FedEx envelope, if you will.

Sift Lounge has 'Sploded (Wtf Talk Post)

NordlichReiter says...

I think I found what caused it.

chat-log div: the last comment to be posted was mine it contained the param tags:
<span title="06:26">NordlichReiter</span>:

I was a bit of code, and I'm pretty sure that's what caused it to go haywire, because it was the last comment to post, and my name is next to it.

Sorry I screwed it up for every one.

I meant to post the file name but posted the whole line of code instead, and thus caused a HTML overflow in the dynamic insert (I could be wrong). But the chat log points to me as the ignorant catalyst.

Spontaneous Human Combustion - Burnt to a Crisp

Richard Dawkins Confronts Skeptical High School Students

charliem says...

>> ^MINK:
according to the survey, 6/10 people believe the new ideas that everything can be rationally understood.
"evolution is the explanation for our existence"
HOW? explain to me how evolution is the explanation for our existence you pompous twat. I watched loads of your videos and all you can prove is that we evolved. From WHAT motherfucker?

Abiogenesis ?

Are you talking about the formation of amino acids and proteins from inert base gases with an electric catalyst ?

Evolution is the process by which something very very simple, undergoes natural selection, and evolves into something complex. Its been shown in the lab time and time again, without evolution we wouldn't need AIDS medication, nor anti-biotics, as germs wouldn't evolve...but alas, they do.

We've also shown in lab environments that we can create life from non-life materials.

We can also see through Doppler principle and phase shift of the stars, that literally everything in the universe originated in a single point, about 14 billion years ago.

We can also model accurately with the laws of physics, the evolution of the universe, which eventually unfolds basic hydrogen and helium into the more complex, heavier elements. We can also show how solar systems, stars, planets, moons etc. can form.

Its truly amazing what hydrogen can do given 14 billion years.

If you cant wrap your head around it, don't presume its false. I cant wrap my head around non-euclidean geometry, that doesn't mean I'm about to run around claiming that its a load of crap, and the relativists out there are all in it for the grant money.....the scientific method ensures that theories (the highest scientific standing of any hypothesis), are the best model of our understanding of how stuff works.

In science, the word "fact" does not exist. It ranges from guesstimate, to theory, with theory being as close to the laymen understanding of fact as you can get.

Reaching your intellectual limitations and claiming that something beyond your understanding is false, is supremely arrogant.

Evolution is the framework for which the natural selection mechanism allows simple life to become complex and adapt, and it most certainly not a random process. Think of it similar to a binary accumulation search algorithm.

Im thinking of a number between 1 and 100, each guess I will tell you if you are higher or lower. The binary search dictates you guess in the middle each time, it should only take 7 guesses max to reach the number (if its less than 128). This is very similar to evolution via natural selection.

Lets try this it better or worse than its pre-decessor ?

If better - propogate it, else, kill it. Very very simple.

Charles Manson's Epic Answer

thinker247 says...

If a therapist tells a client to kill themselves, and the client does so, that person didn't need to live. So in that case, I'd thank the therapist for ridding the earth of a weak person who took the advice of anybody in authority because they were too weak to make their own informed decisions. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

If a leader orates beautifully about killing millions of Jews, but he is speaking to an empty room because everyone is at home enjoying time with their families and neighbors, where does his message go? Do six million people end up in gas chambers? It's the people who propel the leader, not his message. That is why I absolve the leader of much of the blame, but condemn the followers. If the German people hadn't been so easily manipulated by a flatulent meth addict because they were reeling from a devastating loss in World War I, Hitler would have been reduced to nothing.

Some people would argue that Hitler was just as much to blame as his followers, but he was just a man with ideas. He couldn't have sent ten million people to their deaths by himself. And Charles Manson couldn't have massacred seven people on his own, either.

You think if he'd said to bake them brownies, instead of murder them, those people would still be alive?

That depends on how well the Manson Family could bake.

Squeaky Fromme tried to assassinate Gerald Ford, if you recall. I don't think Manson told her to do that. Some people are just crazy on their own. Maybe the murders would have still occurred, but maybe not. *shrugs*

>> ^Crosswords:
I'm very glad you have high moral standards and a strong will, not everyone does. In fact some people are pretty easily influenced by authority or their peers. And while this doesn't belay that these people are responsible for their actions it also doesn't exonerate those who push them into said actions. If somebody worships the ground I walk on, and I turn around and tell them to go kill some people, am I not responsible for how I used my influence over them? Isn't my influence and direction over them the catalyst? Again unless the influenced was coerced under extreme duress, they still retain responsibility for their action, but person who told them to is also responsible, it was their actions, their misuse of their power that caused the other person.
If a therapist tells a client, "wow you really don't have anything to live for, you should kill yourself", and the client does, is the therapist not responsible? Didn't they, in a position of authority, give the emotionally vulnerable client instructions to do something that would cause irreparable harm?
I would also like to add people can go to prison for conspiracy to commit murder. If somebody told you to kill someone, and you said no, then told the cops that person had tried to get you to kill someone and had solid evidence to the fact, that person is going to jail for a long time, if not life.
So I guess to sum things up, yes the people who actually did the killings were responsible for what they did, and as far as I know, none of them went free. But Manson, who directed them, is also responsible for his actions. You think if he'd said to bake them brownies, instead of murder them, those people would still be alive?

Charles Manson's Epic Answer

Crosswords says...

I'm very glad you have high moral standards and a strong will, not everyone does. In fact some people are pretty easily influenced by authority or their peers. And while this doesn't belay that these people are responsible for their actions it also doesn't exonerate those who push them into said actions. If somebody worships the ground I walk on, and I turn around and tell them to go kill some people, am I not responsible for how I used my influence over them? Isn't my influence and direction over them the catalyst? Again unless the influenced was coerced under extreme duress, they still retain responsibility for their action, but person who told them to is also responsible, it was their actions, their misuse of their power that caused the other person.

If a therapist tells a client, "wow you really don't have anything to live for, you should kill yourself", and the client does, is the therapist not responsible? Didn't they, in a position of authority, give the emotionally vulnerable client instructions to do something that would cause irreparable harm?

I would also like to add people can go to prison for conspiracy to commit murder. If somebody told you to kill someone, and you said no, then told the cops that person had tried to get you to kill someone and had solid evidence to the fact, that person is going to jail for a long time, if not life.

So I guess to sum things up, yes the people who actually did the killings were responsible for what they did, and as far as I know, none of them went free. But Manson, who directed them, is also responsible for his actions. You think if he'd said to bake them brownies, instead of murder them, those people would still be alive?

Charles Manson's Epic Answer

thinker247 says...

You mentioned hired killers and mobsters, but those transactions involve money. Sometimes money is an incentive, and is thus a catalyst for murder.

And if society really does hate him for telling the kids to do his bidding, that is a telling sign of a backward and misguided society. How can you hate somebody for simply telling people to do something? Charlie Manson could have told me to kill people, but I'm smarter than that. I know my morality is strong, and I wouldn't kill for him. So who is really to blame for the murders of seven people? Not the guy who ordered them, but the people who committed them. At any moment they could have told him they wouldn't do it. But they didn't, because they wanted to kill those people. I think they would have done it without Charlie Manson guiding them.

>> ^Crosswords:

Society hates Charles Manson because he told a bunch of drugged-out hippies to kill people and they actually did it. What's more frightening and dangerous someone who kills people or someone who has a bunch of other people who'll kill for them? It's not like Manson being in jail for life for that is an exception, its the rule. Someone hires a hitman to kill somebody, the hitman isn't the only one charged with murder. Same for Gotti and the other Mafia heads, they want them because they're the ones ordering all the hits. People who get their lovers to kill their spouses are charged with murder, though they never laid a finger on the person. In the military who do they most want to kill, the leaders of the other side.
Also I can't say I'm particularly impressed by someone who takes in the disenfranchised and lost, tells them what they want to hear and proceeds to use them for their own devices. BTW, that includes the military, religions, corporations, cults, and half the other shit going on, on the planet.

Breakthrough in storing Solar Energy

efranc65 says...

For those of you wanting to know more about how it works, here is a short description from Science Daily:

"The key component in Nocera and Kanan's new process is a new catalyst that produces oxygen gas from water; another catalyst produces valuable hydrogen gas. The new catalyst consists of cobalt metal, phosphate and an electrode, placed in water. When electricity — whether from a photovoltaic cell, a wind turbine or any other source — runs through the electrode, the cobalt and phosphate form a thin film on the electrode, and oxygen gas is produced.

"Combined with another catalyst, such as platinum, that can produce hydrogen gas from water, the system can duplicate the water splitting reaction that occurs during photosynthesis.

The new catalyst works at room temperature, in neutral pH water, and it's easy to set up, Nocera said. "That's why I know this is going to work. It's so easy to implement," he said.""

Strange clouds in sky 30 min before Chinese Quake

choggie says...

No, not pollution, not a natural occurrence , Could this be HAARP focused upon a specific area of the globe??.....Could the epicenter, about 500km away from where these lights appeared, prior to the Sichuan Earthquake, have been the location of China's main centers for designing, making and storing nuclear arms ????...Think so, perhaps.
Red and green light emitted from oxygen atoms is a constituent of the light seen at the poles. Atmospheric nitrogen also plays a role. Solar winds are the prevailing catalyst for brilliant auroral displays....
Was this an artificial geomagnetic occurrence, a blast of solar wind, or some benign, regular phenom in this area of the globe??? Kind of.Maybe.Perhaps.
Is HAARP or the patents associated with the dynamics of the apparatus involved capable of producing a variety of effects, which Nikola Tesla described as being wholly possible back in the 30s-40s? Did the military and the elite financiers shut Tesla down, when he would not stop talking about free energy and a new era of prosperity and evolution for humankind? Has the Dept. of the Navy, the air force, Raytheon done anything in recent years, to facilitate peace and prosperity for all, or for but a few, of their friends, family, cronies and sympathetic assholes??? Is China in the way of the European stranglehold over world economies that they have held for centuries??
Do you speak Chinese??? Better fucking learn, because these folks are pissed, and there's more of em than anybody....

Next stop, WW3, the natural order of things in a world where kings still play chess, the masses have their heads planted firmly in their own bullshit too smart, lazy, or fucking stupid to see they are the pawns, and where chaos, in all her glory, still reigns supreme, regardless of assholes and imbeciles....

Car Runs on H20

12165 says...

Unless they invented new physics/chemistry this has to be fake. It takes energy to remove hydrogen from water.

I checked the website and it shows a perpetual motion hydrogen fuel cell.
H20 -> 2 H+ + 0(2-)+ extracted energy -> 2 H+ + 0(2-) -> H20

Unless my chemistry is wrong there is extra energy in that equation from nowhere. The company says that there is no external energy input. Just add water to the catalyst fuel cell.

This is absolutely fake.

Water fueled car! Thanks, Japan! (Science Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Wow, pretty amazing. I wonder how long the fuel cell will last? From my limited reading, they rely on precious metals like platinum for a catalyst- which would eventually need to be replaced.

The Decade long Conversation to nowhere (Nature Talk Post)

Irishman says...

Astronomers say the entire solar system is heating up:

Solar physicists say that the current lack of sunspot activity may predict abrupt global cooling:
"solar scientist, Oleg Sorokhtin, a fellow of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, is certain that it’s an indication of a coming cooling period."

Government studies say it's man made.
Conspiracy theorists say it's all a hoax.
Alex Jones (quite rightly) points out that CO2 feeds the trees.
Martin Rees, Astronomer Royal in London doesn't believe that humans will survive past the end of the century.

My thoughts -
Humans are killing the planet by our servitude to the unsustainable system of development we have created, and that is now our master. And how we *love* our servitude to it, and how it rewards us with shiny *things*.

The mess we are in now was completely predicted in the 1950s. Huxley and many others warned of it.

I believe the situation will have to get worse before the message of "doing something about it" will be potent enough to act as a catalyst for real change, real sacrifice, and a real return to the archaic.

This is how it has always been. Christianity would not have brought the Roman empire to its knees had the empire not been so brutal and destructive. The worse the situation, the more potent the spark of hope when it appears over the horizon.

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