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The Alpinist Trailer

newtboy says...

I ran across this on Netflix, and was amazed to find out there’s a climber the likes of Dan Osman and Alex Honnold that no one has ever heard of, who solo climbs the most difficult peaks in the world, often free climbing….all at first sight (having never seen the mountain in person). Going to climb the most difficult peak in Patagonia…climbing alone…and to add some difficulty he went mid winter when no sane person or group even considers going there.

Some people burn their candle at both ends…Marc-André burns his candle all at once, but never attracted attention…until now.

I highly suggest this movie if you like climbing, exploring, extreme sports, or just people being amazing with zero interest in fame.

Brad’s Score Is Still On There


vil says...

No point crying over spilt milk, someone should have shot the kid first to prevent the violence. Or someone should have not allowed him to have a gun. What does burning his house down now do to help anyone?


newtboy says...

Not with the judge throwing the case like he did, acting as the defense…but is there any doubt he’s going to be under threat of death the rest of his life? He’s going to have to spend his life surrounded by white supremacist guards looking over his shoulder.
People are going to be chasing him with rifles the rest of his life…he better not reach for anything, ever, or they might fear for their lives and shoot him in the head, in self defense of course.
Edit:He is now the public face of racist murderers literally getting away with murder, I’m sure you’re celebrating.
I’d murder that racist cunt if I saw him….his racist parents too. Give it a week before his house burns.
He might expect some federal charges may be coming.

As to doubt, how many times this year have you had no doubt at all….and been dead wrong, and racist in your wrongness. I’ve lost count after 30. We only have to go back to yesterday when you claimed domestic violence was 1-2% of violent crime and rarely involves guns, and that “ inner city gang killing” (which obviously means black thugs in your mind) accounts for over 90%….both dead wrong and hyper racist.

bobknight33 said:

Was there any doubt?

Australia's Honest Government Ad | COP26 Climate Summit

newtboy says...

I think the worst part of these summits is their stated goals.
Paris intended to keep warming to 1.5 degrees by 2050 (no real plan beyond then)…but you might recall, 1.5 degrees of warming is considered the tipping point where feedback loops and natural processes outpace human inputs, meaning even if we hit zero emissions by 2050, and if everyone kept to their Paris agreement promises, and if other nations don’t continue to ramp up emissions, and if unforeseen feedback loops aren’t stronger or faster acting than predicted, we still lose control completely by 2050. That’s the best plan we have, runaway climate shifts in <30 years AT BEST….and no one seems to be living up to even that planned disaster of a plan. Emissions aren’t being cut, they’re increasing. Feedback loops are ramping up 40 years earlier than predicted. All the while, people are complaining that gas is over $3 (I haven’t seen it under $4 in decades where I live) and insisting we adopt some heavily polluting power generation instead of investing in green energy solutions. People assume, it seems, that some last minute fix will solve climate change, ignoring the fact that emissions from today are reactive in the atmosphere for between 25 and 150 years, so we needed to be at net zero 25 years ago to even start effecting the atmosphere today…and some emissions from the industrial revolution are still effecting us now. Net zero by 2050 (a pipe dream, and the best plan so far) is planning to fail completely…like turning off the blast furnace in your house when the thermometer hits 450.5 inside and thinking you can stop it from burning down.
If Covid taught us anything, it’s that there is 0% chance humans will be able to cooperate enough to tackle climate change. People were asked to simply wear a mask and distance a bit to save their lives, and enough refused to do it that the methods that worked beautifully elsewhere failed miserably to control a virus. If we can’t pull off such a simple, blatantly obvious plan against a virus, what chance is there of cooperation across the board to sacrifice enormous amounts of money and completely revamp our wasteful way of life in uncountable ways to stop something seen as a future problem by many? IMO, there so little chance of pulling it off that it’s statistically correct to say there’s absolutely no chance at all.

StukaFox (Member Profile)

Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

There’s this thing about bribing people that I think you’re well aware of….they don’t stay bought. Just look at Trump. He and his family personally took tens-hundreds of millions from China, talked them up for years, then turned on them when his trade talks failed.
For Biden to be under their control, he would have to be fed a constant stream of illicit money….like the Trumps all were. There is absolutely zero evidence Biden has taken a dime from the Chinese, unlike every single Trump that were all bribed publicly with millions in “gifts” from the Chinese government.

Trump didn’t nod, he outright told China they could expand in every direction, and they did under Trump….not under Biden.

Worse for the anti democracy, domestic terrorist crowd, that’s a good thing for Americans, Bobski.

Not one of those things is worse under Biden.
Inflation, happened under Trump.
Backed up ports, a red herring, Oakland port has no backup at all and is asking those stuck in LA to go there. The backup is planned. The appearance of shortages lead to rushes on goods….it’s marketing, not logistics.
Green energy is cheaper, cleaner, and a path to PERMANENT energy independence…something we absolutely did not have under Trump, we imported SO much oil, and spilled plenty.
Cost me an extra $.50- $.75 to fill my car, which happens EVERY SINGLE SUMMER Bob. Last year it didn’t because no one could go anywhere thanks to moronic Covid response that made us the absolute worst per capita for developed nations….Australian territories only closed for 8 days and had 0 deaths….did you know that Bob? They had leadership from adults, not denial from an infant.
Not higher food prices here, must be a you thing….or maybe a failed red state problem.
Empty shelves. Now I know it’s a red state thing….you’re on the east coast, so you can’t blame it on the fake shipping backup….what happened to NC that it’s fallen to shit? You know the second major factor in the shipping issues in LA are due to a much better economy and more people buying goods than last year, don’t you?
Also, do you even remember last year? Probably not. Those were empty shelves, Bob. Shortages on EVERYTHING from cars to meat to TP, even water. Literally empty shelves, not just in your fantasy world.

California has none of your problems, sounds like a red state leadership issue.

Know what else we've lost? Pandemic misinformation that's led to over 1/2 million dead Americans that need not have died and untold trillions in economic losses that need not have happened. That alone vastly outweighs every whine you've cried even if they were real and Biden's fault....which they aren't.

Let’s go Brendon….you really are proud of that cowardly whining aren’t you. You don’t even have the balls to say fuck you Biden, which we all know is what you’re saying. Sad little coward, throwing tantrums like a two year old. Nothing ever changes with you. 4 year olds have more honesty and spine than your entire failing political party combined. Cowards.

Republicans do not want Democrats to succeed, they want them expelled, or burned to death, or shot en masse. You’re such a bare faced liar and coward. You want enforced mask and vaccine mandates, free school lunches, and access to legal safe abortions? No? Then you don’t want everyone to succeed.

My portfolio has gone up more under Biden in 6 months than it lost under 4 years of Trump. He made the nation a constant victim, Biden rescued us from an abusive brain damaged parent….the kind you like. The kind I fear you likely are.

bobknight33 said:

Biden isn't being bribed He is already bought.

Build back better is a nod to the Chinese CCP leaders to fully take back HK and Taiwan,

Bidens Build back better policies have only made America worse.

backed up ports,
loss of energy independence ,
the extra 15$ to fill up the car
Higher food prices ,
Empty shelfs.

Trump caused it?
Lets Go Brendon.

Republicans want everyone to succeed. Democrats want everyone to be a victim. And Biden and his party is making this true.

So this float showed up at the Popcorn festival/ parade

newtboy says...

To me, it's like having a float of a burning sinking USS Arizona at a Pearl Harbor anniversary event, or worse.
I do see a distinction, especially since those lost in NY on 9/11 didn't heroically go down fighting the enemy. There's little to celebrate about the image.

JiggaJonson said:

Im unsure how I feel about this so far. I get that "celebrating the attack" = bad. But it was meant as a memorial, I've never been to a pleasant memorial, and some of them do show people being attacked.

I'm not sure exactly what is in bad taste about this. I see many war memorials where soldiers have either been attacked or in the middle of being attacked. I don't see the distinction between the buildings and the soldiers.

School Board Must Resign or be Charged With “Child Porn”

spawnflagger jokingly says...

For those curious - this was the book of writing prompts:

And here's 100 of 642 of those prompts:

This book was given to students in a college-credit creative writing class, and none of those 3-4 controversial prompts were assigned to students.

I would hazard to guess that even in Hudson, OH, most 17-18 year olds have already said and done things that their prude parents would cringe at.

Call the fireman, time to burn those books!

American Flag saves cat at football game

Why I Give Abortions

luxintenebris says...

what is this 'deed'?

get it straight willie. contraception isn't perfect. sex isn't a crime.

a bank? the vault of her body? she is blowing it open so she can - what - burn the money? what is a crime is that analogy.

it's personal. it's their responsibility. it's personal responibility.

bobknight33 said:

The unborn child is your evidence that ties you to your deed.
You kill it and hence know one knows this ever occurred.

Destroying an anthill...with gas

StukaFox says...

I have a friend who is a Beavis-and-Butthead level pyro. He loves blowing things up, and he feels that little things like forewarning may spoil the surprise. He has many claims to fame, but this is among the most notorious:

In the mid-90s, at the place we've been camping for 30+ years, he poured an entire can of Red Dot Smokeless gunpowder down an anthill, then lit it. This was cool for all of about three seconds when it hissed and sputtered like a little volcano. It was far less cool when the gunpowder-packed anthill suddenly went off like Mt. St. Helens. Dirt and REALLY fucking pissed off biting ants blasted high in the air before raining down on the heads of the unwitting spectators, and promptly taking their revenge.

There's nothing quite like being showered with burned, angry biting ants to round out a weekend. Jeff thought this was funny as Hell, because he'd scampered out of range when he realized things were going to go very wrong -- things ALWAYS went very wrong -- and had taken shelter upwind. Later, as in 4:00am the next morning, he set off a stick of dynamite in a creek for an encore, also without warning. And after the booming echoes settled down, the only sound for miles around was this maniacal, hysterical laughter echoing in the impenetrable dark.

To this day, if he starts laughing, I RUN.

My condolences on your loss(es), Ant.

Cal-Fire attacking the Bridge Fire near Auburn, California

newtboy says...

Cal Fire lists 7171 "incidents" (fires over 10 acres) so far this year.

We barely had any sun all summer in Humboldt....major fires have been burning nearby for months, and more keep starting. Today there's a possibility of more dry lightning. Not good.

"Magic" Memory Metal Paper Clip | Nitinol Paperclip

TX law & tattoos

Anom212325 says...

Lol when did I ever say I'm Christian or from Texas or even from the Un-United States of America...

"who knows what people in Texas should think" lol that is what you numbnuts are doing. Bitching about a law being implemented that you don't agree with and telling Texans what to think.

I'm just pro democracy and anti abortion, mocking the morons that's purposely bringing down their own country from within. Its so sad/pathetic what you guy's have become in just 5 years. Rome is burning and yet you are still at each others throats...

vil said:

I try to be as smart as I am able to, my means are humble.

Do you presume that everyone in Texas who proclaims himself a christian is obliged to have the same official christian opinion on abortions?

Dissenters to be burned at a stake on Sunday.

I do not claim to know "very fundamentals" but I am sure there are many interpretations even in Texas of what christianity is or should be. Which exactly do you have in mind?

I am glad videosift is graced by the presence of the Texas supreme christian fundamentalist who knows what people in Texas should think, the penalty for nonconformity being to "fuck off out of Texas". Sounds very unchristian to me, but what do I know about christians in Texas, right?

Well enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, Texas. Abortions dont care, they will keep on being performed, just secretly, dangerously and expensively. Lawyers will be happy. Poor people will die. In the name of preserving the life of a cluster of cells which might or might not have gone on to become a human, actual humans will be harmed.

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