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Escalator + Helicopter = (Sift Talk Post)

Go Kart Hi Speed Chase - Terrified And Snow Drift! (WTF)

lesserfool says...

Skaw(original submitter): well, we were doing a video shoot for the t-shirt i was wearing in it where i would be getting chased by the bronco. kinda like a mario kart theme where donkey kong is chasing mario or something like that. then things kinda went wrong.

Jakob Lodwick : Am I the only one who thinks it's weird that you actually did almost die? And that everyone's just laughing about it?

Skaw : well to be honest it really wasn't as bad as it looked, jacob slammed on the brakes of the bronco and it went sliding in the snow, but when it hit the kart it just barely nudged it. i would've been fine even if i stayed in the kart. but still, could've been bad

The Great VideoSift Coming -Out Thread (Happy Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

Seeing as how so many people have continued trickling into the discussion (not everyone visits ST every day), I'm going to sticky this again for a few days.

Oh, and thanks to dotdude's latest submission I realized there's something I could mention about myself: In my youth I was a tagger an urban artist.

Something else about me (that I've mentioned in a post once before): Groundhog Day is my favorite movie. It's like I said; I love this film. I've seen it over 100 times.

I told you: call me Bronco.

Age-Progression Graphic Shows Missing Child Now a Prostitute

Age-Progression Graphic Shows Missing Child Now a Prostitute

Jack Thompson is right! Gamers are violent!

The Clash - "Straight To Hell" live

Bill Murray loses it

lucky760 says...

Here's an uninteresting bit of trivia that no one except Charms knows about me (until now): I love this film called Groundhog Day. I've seen it over 100 times. (I told you: call me Bronco.)

Ah luhh zit.

Katt och häst VENGEANCE : The Cutening

fdisk says...

I kept waiting for the cat to start the scratching post routine that I always get once mine is tired of being cuddly and getting a bucking bronco ride to the ceiling. Maybe that is why it got cut off mid-song. WHERE IT THE REST?! I feel cheated.

Mom Ruins Kids B-Day

jimnms says...

I don't know if it is still like this, but I got my drivers license when I was 16. If you took and passed (*showed up*) drivers ed. class, you could get your license a year early.

"OMG!! And who buys a CHILD a Lexus!!!! It ought to be a 85 Bronco or some other old "keep your child alive car".."

An old Bronco is probably the worst car you could have if you cared about the safety of your child. My first car was a hand-me-down 87 Dodge Shadow. Still probably not a safe car by todays standards, but it really couldn't go fast enough to get you into any trouble.

Mom Ruins Kids B-Day

swampgirl says...

OMG!! And who buys a CHILD a Lexus!!!! It ought to be a 85 Bronco or some other old "keep your child alive car"..

If I ever help my kids get a's going to be an armored tank

Greatest Sports Montage

Obama Announces!!!

The Clash - Rock The Casbah

sbchapm says...

One of my favorite experiences was getting the see the Clash just after they filmed this video. They played at the Bronco Bowl in Dallas, and I drove seven hours to see them. They are one of the most powerful, most inspirational bands I've heard. I was in a band within two years. Thanks for posting. Thanks for the Clash.

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