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Sacha Baron Cohen spills some Kim Jong-il on Ryan Seacrest

TheFreak says...

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^Trancecoach:
I dunno.. he seemed to demonstrate a bit of talent in Sweeney Todd and Hugo.
>> ^Payback:
Cohen is such a talentless whore.

And Ali G and Borat. You can't prank that many people and have someone accuse you of being talentless, whether you appreciate his work or not.

And of course, don't forget hit standout performance in Talladega Nights.

Sacha Baron Cohen spills some Kim Jong-il on Ryan Seacrest

alien_concept says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

I dunno.. he seemed to demonstrate a bit of talent in Sweeney Todd and Hugo.
>> ^Payback:
Cohen is such a talentless whore.

And Ali G and Borat. You can't prank that many people and have someone accuse you of being talentless, whether you appreciate his work or not.

Racist Ron Paul (Politics Talk Post)

The Dictator - First trailer - Sacha Baron Cohen

The Dictator - First trailer - Sacha Baron Cohen

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

DON'T Let Youtubers Add Annotations To Your Videos :-D

Dog Perv

mrsid (Member Profile)

Kirsten Schaal on The Daily Show - Big Mouth Billie Vagina

ChaosEngine says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

>> ^marbles:
Ok pal. Gardasil contains aluminum, polysorbate 80 and sodium borate. [...] According to VAERS – the following reports have been listed for HPV, HPV2 & HPV 4 and "mental disorders." [...] But hey, the government and big business says it's perfectly safe, so all those victims are probably just full of shit.

Aluminum: Exceptionally low toxicity. The LD50 for aluminum is 6.207 g/kg. That comes out to over a pound for a 175lb person.
Polysorbate 80: Not found to be a carcinogen according to this study and this study. Here (PDF) is yet another study that finds no evidence of carcinogenicity. Also noteworthy is that the Gardasil vaccine contains 0.00005g of Polysorbate 80. The average daily intake from food is 2000x that.
Sodium Borate ("Borax"): The LD50 of Borax is 2.66 g/kg. That comes out to .46lbs to kill a 175lb person. This is probably the most "dangerous" chemical of the three but, again, we're talking about 0.000035g. Borax is used as an insecticide specifically because it's virtually harmless to humans. It kills insects via severe dehydration.
Now then... The problem with your VAERS statistics is that they're unverified, self-reported, and potentially self-diagnosed. Even if all the diagnosis were correct, they are correlation only with no research into causation. They are useless as evidence on their own.

I how the evil government is trying to poison us with vaccines! How do I know this? I looked it up on a government website! While entirely failing to understand how methodological research works! Yay!

Look there are plenty of legitimate problems with the pharmaceutical industry that don't rely on ridiculous notions. Read up on patent ever greening for a start. It's the same with that 9/11 bullshit. When you focus on the ridiculous, you make it harder for people with legitimate grievances to be taken seriously.

Kirsten Schaal on The Daily Show - Big Mouth Billie Vagina

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^marbles:

Ok pal. Gardasil contains aluminum, polysorbate 80 and sodium borate. [...] According to VAERS – the following reports have been listed for HPV, HPV2 & HPV 4 and "mental disorders." [...] But hey, the government and big business says it's perfectly safe, so all those victims are probably just full of shit.

Aluminum: Exceptionally low toxicity. The LD50 for aluminum is 6.207 g/kg. That comes out to over a pound for a 175lb person.

Polysorbate 80: Not found to be a carcinogen according to this study and this study. Here (PDF) is yet another study that finds no evidence of carcinogenicity. Also noteworthy is that the Gardasil vaccine contains 0.00005g of Polysorbate 80. The average daily intake from food is 2000x that.

Sodium Borate ("Borax"): The LD50 of Borax is 2.66 g/kg. That comes out to .46lbs to kill a 175lb person. This is probably the most "dangerous" chemical of the three but, again, we're talking about 0.000035g. Borax is used as an insecticide specifically because it's virtually harmless to humans. It kills insects via severe dehydration.

Now then... The problem with your VAERS statistics is that they're unverified, self-reported, and potentially self-diagnosed. Even if all the diagnosis were correct, they are correlation only with no research into causation. They are useless as evidence on their own.

Kirsten Schaal on The Daily Show - Big Mouth Billie Vagina

bremnet says...

Nice job. Marbles reminds me of my Aunt Edna. Paranoid and conspiracy spinner. She gets her facts from out of print copies of Reader's Digest, cobbles them together and scares the shit out of her grand nieces and nephews with stories of government cover-ups leading to death. We don't visit much anymore. The last straw was the "mercury in tooth fillings" debacle. Told us to get all of our teeth pulled or we would die hideous deaths. We reminded her that she had such fillings, and she's 97. She threw pie at us.
>> ^spoco2:

>> ^marbles:
>> ^spoco2:
@marbles... shit then, better keep kids away from Parmesan cheese, or Mussels or Spinach you don't want them to die from Aluminium poisoning do you?
Also, don't let them ever eat Ice Cream, fuck no! They'll die from the polysorbate 80.
And come on... sodium borate, it's used as a food preservative in many countries, and is ONLY dangerous when ingested in high quantities for long periods of time... like, 5-10 years long.
Sorry, but your bullshit scaremongering, ill thought out crap doesn't cut it, it makes no sense, it does not gel with reality. You can find dangerous substances in pretty much anything you eat or drink. It's all about quantities and timeframes. Also, things that CAN be dangerous in situation A can be beneficial in situation B.
But hey... continue siding with idiots like Jenny McCarthy who have contributed to the deaths of kids... you keep on with that.

I'm sorry. Am I scaring you with facts? Aren't you the one that keeps claiming people that question the safety of vaccines are going to cause health pandemics and contribute "to the deaths of kids"???
First you say there's zero evidence, but now you say it's all about "quantities and timeframes". I say GOOD POINT! When you administer a substance intravenously, the entire quantity is delivered into the bloodstream instantaneous. So why are comparing it to ingesting where the process is slow and little is even absorbed.

You have no facts, you have bits and bobs pulled from all over the place and yet NO scientific basis for any of your claims.
Sorry, but again... People like Jenny McCarthy HAVE already contributed to the death of children. Thanks to Wakefield's bogus findings, and the bleating of McCarthy: "... the inoculation rate for MMR in the UK was 92%; after publication, the rate dropped to below 80%. In 1998, there were 56 measles cases in the UK; by 2008, there were 1348 cases, with 2 confirmed deaths.[43]" That's 2 100% preventable deaths right there.
And guess what?
"In Japan, the MMR vaccination has been discontinued, with single vaccines being used for each disease. Rates of autism diagnosis have continued to increase, showing no correlation with the change."
Sorry, am I fucking up your bullshit with facts?

Kirsten Schaal on The Daily Show - Big Mouth Billie Vagina

spoco2 says...

>> ^marbles:

>> ^spoco2:
@marbles... shit then, better keep kids away from Parmesan cheese, or Mussels or Spinach you don't want them to die from Aluminium poisoning do you?
Also, don't let them ever eat Ice Cream, fuck no! They'll die from the polysorbate 80.
And come on... sodium borate, it's used as a food preservative in many countries, and is ONLY dangerous when ingested in high quantities for long periods of time... like, 5-10 years long.
Sorry, but your bullshit scaremongering, ill thought out crap doesn't cut it, it makes no sense, it does not gel with reality. You can find dangerous substances in pretty much anything you eat or drink. It's all about quantities and timeframes. Also, things that CAN be dangerous in situation A can be beneficial in situation B.
But hey... continue siding with idiots like Jenny McCarthy who have contributed to the deaths of kids... you keep on with that.

I'm sorry. Am I scaring you with facts? Aren't you the one that keeps claiming people that question the safety of vaccines are going to cause health pandemics and contribute "to the deaths of kids"???
First you say there's zero evidence, but now you say it's all about "quantities and timeframes". I say GOOD POINT! When you administer a substance intravenously, the entire quantity is delivered into the bloodstream instantaneous. So why are comparing it to ingesting where the process is slow and little is even absorbed.

You have no facts, you have bits and bobs pulled from all over the place and yet NO scientific basis for any of your claims.

Sorry, but again... People like Jenny McCarthy HAVE already contributed to the death of children. Thanks to Wakefield's bogus findings, and the bleating of McCarthy: "... the inoculation rate for MMR in the UK was 92%; after publication, the rate dropped to below 80%. In 1998, there were 56 measles cases in the UK; by 2008, there were 1348 cases, with 2 confirmed deaths.[43]" That's 2 100% preventable deaths right there.

And guess what?

"In Japan, the MMR vaccination has been discontinued, with single vaccines being used for each disease. Rates of autism diagnosis have continued to increase, showing no correlation with the change."

Sorry, am I fucking up your bullshit with facts?

Kirsten Schaal on The Daily Show - Big Mouth Billie Vagina

marbles says...

>> ^spoco2:

@marbles... shit then, better keep kids away from Parmesan cheese, or Mussels or Spinach you don't want them to die from Aluminium poisoning do you?
Also, don't let them ever eat Ice Cream, fuck no! They'll die from the polysorbate 80.
And come on... sodium borate, it's used as a food preservative in many countries, and is ONLY dangerous when ingested in high quantities for long periods of time... like, 5-10 years long.
Sorry, but your bullshit scaremongering, ill thought out crap doesn't cut it, it makes no sense, it does not gel with reality. You can find dangerous substances in pretty much anything you eat or drink. It's all about quantities and timeframes. Also, things that CAN be dangerous in situation A can be beneficial in situation B.
But hey... continue siding with idiots like Jenny McCarthy who have contributed to the deaths of kids... you keep on with that.

I'm sorry. Am I scaring you with facts? Aren't you the one that keeps claiming people that question the safety of vaccines are going to cause health pandemics and contribute "to the deaths of kids"???

First you say there's zero evidence, but now you say it's all about "quantities and timeframes". GOOD POINT! When you administer a substance intravenously, the entire quantity is delivered into the bloodstream instantaneous. So why are comparing it to ingesting where the process is slow and little is even absorbed?

Kirsten Schaal on The Daily Show - Big Mouth Billie Vagina

spoco2 says...

@marbles... shit then, better keep kids away from Parmesan cheese, or Mussels or Spinach you don't want them to die from Aluminium poisoning do you?

Also, don't let them ever eat Ice Cream, fuck no! They'll die from the polysorbate 80.

And come on... sodium borate, it's used as a food preservative in many countries, and is ONLY dangerous when ingested in high quantities for long periods of time... like, 5-10 years long.

Sorry, but your bullshit scaremongering, ill thought out crap doesn't cut it, it makes no sense, it does not gel with reality. You can find dangerous substances in pretty much anything you eat or drink. It's all about quantities and timeframes. Also, things that CAN be dangerous in situation A can be beneficial in situation B.

But hey... continue siding with idiots like Jenny McCarthy who have contributed to the deaths of kids... you keep on with that.

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