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Ricky Gervais' Guilty Pleasures

Fairbs says...

I also don't like Ron White who most of my friends think is hysterical. Not sure exactly what it is. Ron and Ricky fall in the arse category, but so do Bill Burr and Larry David in Curb, but I like both of them alot. Congrats on the new token. Fits well with your screen name. Or maybe that's what you've been trying for all along. Clever lad (lass) that Alien Concept

alien_concept said:

Ok, well I don't think I would be able to convince you otherwise. He's quite the love him or hate him type and he certainly seems to revel in playing this arsehole, up himself character, almost begging for people to take him that way. I think beneath that there is a lot more going on. I could be wrong, but who cares anyway

Clown Panties

World's Toughest Job

Bill Burr Questions Blind Guy In The Audience

shuac says...

I've watched quite a lot of Bill Burr and also listened to his Monday Morning Podcast and there's nothing better than when he laughs for reals: it's that sort of high-pitched giggly machine gun type laugh. Cracks my shit up.

Tracey Spicer on society's expectations of women

chingalera says...

First of all, I'd like to point-out that once the lovely Ms. Spicer here took of that hideously frumpy dress, got rid of her patina of shellac and wet her hair, she suddenly became much comelier and glamorous and down-to-earth sexy for me personally, as I have ALWAYS gravitated towards women who shun make-up who looked like they just threw-on their favorite comfortable clothes, and could give a fuck about what anyone thinks about how they should look or act.

Any man who thinks otherwise is most-likely, a superficial and abusive fucking douchebag who will invariably seek-out the female form of douchbag, and have lots of power, money, and influence in either politics, banking, sales/insurance, or some other form of criminal activity which does nothing for the planet except create more douchebag children who will turn into bigger douchebag adults than their sheit-scumbag parents ever dreamed. This is a huge phenom in the current planetary paradigm and has been going-on for centuries to create the dysfunctional western civilization we enjoy today, cascading into insanity and oblivion, a world controlled by completely evil pieces of shit.

Here's the real-deal Trancecoach and it's in-line with Bill Burr's idea of an 'epidemic of gold-digging whores' routine so popular here among sift-voters, because it's all true. Assholes and douchebags wield enormous power and control over the rest of us honest and capable peeps on the planet because people in-general, don't know who they are or why they think and act the way they do, because as victims of abuse both physical and psychological, they give their own energy and power over to these cunts who are ass-raping the planet with their lies and egos, their narcissism and toxic personalities.

These hopelessly evil humans have been very successful in programming the herd-mokeys as well to aspire to become cunts, douchbags, and assholes just like themselves, as evidenced in the inordinate amount of these gullible mini-versions running loose on the globe and breeding like fruit flies.

This phenomenon is endemic in the west, the Middle East, China and South America, and it will get way worse before it gets any better.

WILL FRANKEN Completely Underrated Comedian

artician says...

I was more entertained than I expected. At the very least, he's really creative, even if his stuff isn't your cup of tea. It's been a while since I've seen a comedian with this kind of rhythm. Most of them today are of the humorously anecdotal, or "You ever see/know/wonder about X?", like Louis CK, Bill Burr, etc. I love those guys, but it's refreshing to see someone with a different beat.
That said, this could be from the 80's or 90's for all I know, given the quality of the video.

Bill Burr tells a heartfelt story about his father

Sean Connery on Slapping Women

chingalera says...

Bill Burr method

A10anis said:

I taught my daughters that using violence to win an argument is indefensible. Also, that they cannot hide behind their gender to get away with slapping a man, because the man will be justified in responding in kind.

lurgee (Member Profile)

"Total Eclipse of the Heart" as 19 different divas

chingalera says...

Whoa, she really hammed-the-Celine Dion up!-This girls been working way-too-hard for too long without the credit she deserves-I predict she'll pop like a lot of best-kept-secret talented comedians have-Like Bill Burr did this year, as predicted.

George Carlin - Who's to say what's funny?

Yogi says...

Yeah I don't really get Bill Burr, I only sometimes find him funny. There aren't any girls on the internet.

ChaosEngine said:

I'm pretty sure she will get over it.

Anyway it's ok to not find a comedian funny. I don't really like Seinfeld and I hate Bill Burr. So fucking what?

George Carlin - Who's to say what's funny?

ChaosEngine says...

I'm pretty sure she will get over it.

Anyway it's ok to not find a comedian funny. I don't really like Seinfeld and I hate Bill Burr. So fucking what?

Yogi said:

Bare2boards isn't gonna be happy with this development is all. Are you sure you don't want to consult with him first?

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

Bill Burr - Overactive Temper

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bill, burr, temper, women, marriage, father, dad' to 'bill burr, temper, women, marriage, father, dad' - edited by xxovercastxx

Bill Burr - Very Realistic Imaginary Argument with his Woman

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'bill, burr, fix, fixing, ikea, argue, arguing' to 'bill burr, fix, fixing, ikea, argue, arguing' - edited by xxovercastxx

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