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Die Antwoord - Rich Bitch

chingalera says...

This is their escape-from-the-ghetto anthem man, no worries. What would really scare you is the neighborhood they grew up in and their colorful friends in Cape Town...Come fame, and the kids are legit and 'child-approved!'

shatterdrose said:

They worry me.

Ron Paul talks Syria, NSA, Wikileaks. MSNBC talks racism.

Fight of the Century: Keynes vs. Hayek Round Two

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

Trancecoach says...

Sorry for the delayed response. I got a bit busy this week, and didn't have the time/energy to dedicate that a response of this sort deserves. Thanks for your patience.

Your response suggests an adoption to Marxism which, in my opinion, is unmatched in the level of suffering it has caused, but leaving that aside...
In response to your bullet points:

#1. "ever wonder why there is an economics course and a business admin course? there is a reason for is theory the other practical application. and economists get it wrong...and often."

This is the kind of thing Paul Krugman often says, and it's flat wrong. To the extent we have a free market, we have a successful exchange of goods and services at a fair and competitive price. To the extent to which we have socialism, with central planners, and governmental regulation, we have cronyism, plutocratic kleptocracy, and failure. The Austrian school of economics does a very good job of explaining -- step by step in a manner in which you can follow along using deductive logic, how such contradictions come about. Entrepreneurs are to Austrian economists as artists are to the best of art/literary critics. There's no discrepancy between theory and practice. They can clearly and accurately describe what entrepreneurs are doing. Unless you have studied Mises, you'll probably have little to no good idea as to what economics is or what it can or cannot do.

#2: fascism is, in fact, a type of socialism because it follows a socialist economic model.

#3: Yes, I've thought it through. Explain to me specifically how you arrived at your conclusions. Otherwise, you're just making assertions.

> "france is a democracy. they have capitalism AND
> socialism."

France has a mix of capitalism and socialism, not unlike the U.S. Again, to the degree that France has a free market, things work and to the degree that they have socialism, the problems arise and get worse, as they/we are seeing now. To the degree that they are socialist, they are a failure. Socialism is unsustainable because you have no economic calculation. (And the European Union, which includes France, is failing -- in case you haven't noticed. This video can provide you with the data you need to understand this.)

Socialism is planned chaos because the issue of economic calculation (and its absence) gets glossed over. The EU is partially socialist -- it's a mix -- so it can somewhat slow down the effects of socialist chaos, unlike full-blown socialist systems. But it is increasingly more socialist and the chaos increases.
To deal with this planned chaos, these mixed systems rely on Lord Keynes' theories and policies of credit expansion, which equates to basically "throwing money" at the problem.
But, (as the Keynes/Hayek rap video says) "there's a boom and bust cycle and good reason to fear it!"

(Quite honestly, I'm surprised that you're not for establishing stable rules for the banks. You know, so that they're no longer able to extend money/credit that they don't have without being charged with fraud.
Because if you were for such banking rules, then you would no longer support the Keynesian approaches upon which your ideology is resting. Personally, I think money and credit needs rules and, for this reason, I don't support socialism or central planning in the absence of economic calculation, which is only possible within a free market system.)

The credit expansion expands the circumference of the boom and bust cycle, slowing it down, extending the boom period, but setting things up for a worse bust. It's all very predictable. If some are still not convinced about Europe's failure, it is because even as bad as things are, the bust has not really hit. Yet, it will. Eventually.

Unlike the Dollar, the Euro is not the world's reserve currency, and there is no petro-euro like there is a petro-dollar. So Europe cannot delay the bust in the manner that the U.S. can. On the other hand, thanks to German objections, the credit expansion in Europe has not gone as high as in the U.S. so their bust may not be as disastrous as it can be for the U.S.

The boom and bust cycle cannot occur in an anarchy because you need a central bank with powers of credit expansion to make it happen.
The alternative explanation, the "animal spirits" (a la Lord Keynes) posits that all businesses suddenly make mistakes at the same time, and/or all consumers at the same time decide to stop buying, causing the bust. I doubt it. That's no explanation at all.

> "my point is that health care should be a collective project
> but i believe i also entertained a free market solution as well."

I think you need to define what you mean by "collective" because the free market is as collective as it gets. I don't think you grasp what the free market means (i.e., voluntary interactions that allow for economic calculation and involve zero violence, allowing for better service and cheaper prices). Unless you understand this, no further discussion will lead to very much.

You say some things should be done collectively. I say many things must be done collectively. That's the basic premise of Austrian economics, the division of labor. You cannot do everything yourself. That's one reason I say that the free market economy is as collective as it gets.

> "i am a dissident. an anarchist."

If you're an anarchist, then you don't believe in government, by definition. So you can't be a socialist, as socialism requires a government to manage things. Without government, the only thing left is voluntary exchanges, which is the definition of a free market, economic capitalism (not to be confused with sociological capitalism).

You shouldn't rely on economists to tell you how things are. See for yourself. Again, only the Austrian school (that I know of) enables you to follow deductively on your own and make rational sense of the market activity.

You say economists are "probably wrong." How do you know? Economics isn't mysterious heuristics and sociological prophesy. It's like mathematics. You don't need to "believe" me that 2 + 2 = 4. You can deduce it for yourself.

I think that if you can learn a few basic economic lessons (which you can easily verify for yourself), you'll understand better where I'm coming from. (Then you'll be a coherent anarchist and not sound so confused ).

If you are an "anarchist," then who do you want administering things if not the government?

Hayek was much more of an anarchist (again, the rap video:
"The question is who plans for whom? Do I plan for myself, or leave it to you? I want plans by the many, not by the few.")

An anarchist who thinks otherwise is not much of an anarchist, is he?

enoch said:

i want to speak to your manager!

Sex Pistols - ' God Save the Queen '

Anthem for the British Empire... Sound Familiar, USA?

Queen Humiliates Obama During Toast

newtboy says...

WTF was that? Who was the jackass that started playing music in the middle of Obama's toast, and why did no one else stop it? I would have stopped and asked them to shut that racket off...fuckers. If they want to refuse, revamp the toast to "Well then, Fuck the queen, that disrespectful bitch".
The next time their royalty is here making a speech or toast, we need to interrupt it in the middle with our national anthem and just crank it up if they keep talking, with the crowd joining in!

noam chomsky-how climate change became a liberal hoax

hvchronic says...

Right again, Mr. Chomsky. Then after the rubes have been softened up, enter the smarmy, two-faced Barack Obama, whose plan to save us from global warming is a such a hack job that it's hardly worth the industry shills (like the ones taking up so much space commenting here) to bother with. Like his gift to the insurance industry -- America's sad excuse for "universal health care" -- Obama's environmental "program" is just another load of pretty B.S. thrown up to cover his real agenda, which in this case is to hand over the keys to America's energy industry to people like Dick Cheney, whose hands might as well be guiding the marionette strings coming out of his back. The "president" really doesn't have a choice about pushing natural gas; he sold out to the oiligarchs while still a do-nothing Senator. But that doesn't mean the few of us who are awake and aware shouldn't scream at him about it and do everything in our dwindling power to make him and the rest of the gasoholic cabal wish they'd never been born. Indeed, part of what the moribund U.S. environmental movement needs -- and in particular the fractured and chronically outclassed anti-fracking movement -- is a significantly angrier soundtrack, not bogged down with insipid musical baggage from old, hippy-dippy environmental campaigns. Pete Seeger and his sweet, smiling ilk don't cut through all the background noise any more. With that in mind, here's a new American anthem guaranteed to stir the soul of any red-blooded environmentalist, as well as lure a few emotionally sensitive people over from the dark side. Feel free to use it. Scream your anger!

Young national anthem singer responds to the Twitter racists

Jinx says...

My personal favorite - "There's a little Mexican kid singing the National anthem... What has the world come too"

Indeed what has the world come to. Truly the end must be near if little Mexican kids are singing the National anthem.

Lendl said:

Read the tweets in that

Not wow that there's so many stupid racists (which is embarrassing), but wow that half of them use their real names to post such ignorant tweets.

Young national anthem singer responds to the Twitter racists

maatc (Member Profile)

maatc (Member Profile)

How Sifter CHINGALERA Treats His Toys!!!

chingalera says...

SO the set-up for this one take was

1 Col. George Taylor POA Heston doll (Snapped on E-Bay when Heston died, new -in-box)
1-paper cut-out Statue of Liberty lower, left frame)
2-Estes D rockets, duct-taped to back
1-scavenged fuse from leftover Chinese sky-candy
1-Micro-cassette recording of National Anthem (Foley)
1 FUJI Finepix F1000

The tree-bounce-around is off-camera....only one recording of that so here it is: As soon as he leaves frame he's in the tree and barley freed himself of the tangled bounce in the top before ditching in the pond at full throttle-Had he made air he had about 40 feet up inna swirl before thrust would have pooped-out.

...done this before so any way it could have gone might have-

deathcow said:

At the end he stands up, sees a broken plastic model of the statue of liberty and realizes, my god, this is Earth.

A Bad Lip Reading - Beyoncé "LA FWAY"

Most Hilarious Chilli Challenge I've Ever Seen!

gorillaman says...


Don't be sorry - I love long posts, but I'll reply with a relatively short one.

It's amazing that you mention the 'authoress/poetess' controversy because I had exactly that in mind earlier. Good riddance.

This may not have been the case forty years ago, but today I'm all but certain the reason 'girl' is a popular alternative to 'woman' is what is lost in the substitution - one syllable. It just rolls off the tongue more easily, whereas there's no similar incentive to switch 'boy' for 'man'. Sometimes it's that simple. I suspect your answer would differ, which is why I ask.
For myself, I call women women, but that's just the way my vocabulary has evolved; I'm not making a social statement by doing so and if there were a single-syllable alternative that appealed to me I would jump on it for the same reason as if we finally fixed the number seven and the letter W.

When I say these words have come up in the wrong contexts, I only mean when they're being used to refer particularly to age, "grown man", and there's no way to reconcile the substitution with the meaning of the sentence. Actually if this exercise has taught me nothing else over the last couple of days, it has exposed how infrequently we seem to use these words outside of pop music - and I'm not sure getting Katy Perry to sing 'California Women' would necessarily redeem the song as a feminist anthem.

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