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Shannon Sharpe on Trump, NFL and Protest

newtboy says...

So..which is it? The company dictates the rules (in which case stop your bullshit whining because the owners all stand with the protest) or some new draconian theory where freedom of speech only exists at home in your own yard (unless the president likes your message, then violent protest is patriotic anywhere)?

Trump is only pointing out how uppity these negros got under the darky president, and he's going to make America great again by fixing that.

You really...REALLY need a civics class, Bob. It's obvious that, if you've ever taken one, the information didn't stick.
Are you even aware that the "tradition" of teams standing at attention is 8 years old and a paid for marketing ploy for the military's recruitment where players are encouraged, but not required, to stand facing the flag at attention.

Trump's claim that this is about lack of gratitude is just one more in an endless string of lies and misdirection. I would think you would be sick of being jerked around like that, but clearly not yet. That's just as true as his claim shortly afterwards that the repeal and replace bill had passed....(it didn't even get a vote), or his claim that his new tax plan won't benefit him (but using his last available taxes as a true representation of his finances, it would save him around $1 BILLION and raise the rates on the poorest by at least 20%).
The peaceful protest is about racial inequality...which Trump highlights quite well, even as he denies it's existence.

NFL product and ticket sales, and total viewers are reportedly up. ESPN is only one network of dozens.

bobknight33 said:

Nothing to do about racism just good old American patriotism..

I can't go around wearing a Trump or Obama hat while on the job as I meet customers.... Company dictate rules of conduct. Politics do not belong in the work environment.

Trump is only properly pointing out how ungrateful some are by disrespect the very unity of America activity of standing for the National Anthem..

Sales of NFL tickets and clothing and ESPN ratings will dictate the true direction of this .

Shannon Sharpe on Trump, NFL and Protest

bobknight33 says...

Nothing to do about racism just good old American patriotism..

I can't go around wearing a Trump or Obama hat while on the job as I meet customers.... Company dictate rules of conduct. Politics do not belong in the work environment.

Trump is only properly pointing out how ungrateful some are by disrespect the very unity of America activity of standing for the National Anthem..

Sales of NFL tickets and clothing and ESPN ratings will dictate the true direction of this .

When's the Right Time for Black People to Protest?

Phooz says...

To add to that; if these athletes really did protest outside of the sporting event I seriously doubt it would get any coverage AT ALL. I HIGHLY doubt that the media would give it any air time!

This doesn't hurt anyone directly... it's not obscene... they're not delaying game time... I just don't see how it can strike up such controversy. I'm sorry you had to think about the plight of people of color in this country on your leisurely game day Sunday?

We need more people of color in our governing body's if you don't want to see someone take a knee during the national anthem.

Let them have their time and raise awareness.

newtboy said:

He did no such thing. That's never been the point, it's the obvious red herring, oh fishy one. Now, holding a confederate flag.......

Ratings and ticket sales....up.
The idea you might go to a game and not have to deal with a crazed Trump fan screaming in your face seems to be a winner.

When your message will be heard is always the wrong time for those that don't want to listen. If you liked the message or the messenger, you would love the method and moment.
Sports has historically often been about politics.

Trump has now given the protest against police brutality the attention, and momentum it deserves....he may have done some opposing it. One more win, he's on a roll.

Shannon Sharpe on Trump, NFL and Protest

MilkmanDan says...

Good and interesting stuff in there.

I think Sharpe is right that this escalation happened for a pretty silly reason (known blowhard and mouth-runner Trump runs his mouth, news at 11), and the NFL vs Trump skirmish detracts from the root issue that Kaepernick was trying to bring attention to a year ago.

On the other hand, I kinda agree with the other guy that maybe bringing attention to that skirmish will also bring attention to the original issue, so maybe it is a net good thing.

Yeah, the owners aren't going to give a fuck until shit lands on their doorstep. Yeah, calling people a "son of a bitch" rates at about a 2 on the "Trump just said what?!" scale. Sharpe's cynicism about how we got here makes a lot of sense.

I didn't care about Kaepernick sitting for the anthem a year ago enough to pay attention. I wasn't against it. I didn't think the was trying to "disrespect" the flag / soldiers / country / whatever, but I wouldn't have really cared if he was. Aren't people allowed to be anti-war? Opposed to mindless nationalism?

Fast forward to today. The billionaires that Sharpe mentioned who donated big sums to Trump's campaign finally get upset when his shit lands on their door. His (comparably tame) "Twitter attacks" on the NFL kick off a dog-and-pony show that may possibly have been cunningly intended to distract from the much more weighty stuff that Kaepernick was trying to draw attention to in the first place, but I seriously doubt that Trump is that clever.

However, something good did come of it: I went from "meh" to paying attention. I went back and listened to Kaepernick's interview about why he was sitting for the anthem from a year ago (embed below), which I didn't watch at the time. I heard a rational, honest, and eloquent young man calmly and clearly explain what he was doing and why he was doing it.

He saw injustice, and wanted to do something about it. He had access to a soapbox that very very few of the people on the receiving end of that injustice have. So, he made up his own mind to do something to try to get conversations started. He was surprised and confused that anyone would see his actions as disrespectful towards soldiers / military, and was later persuaded (by a Navy SEAL) to kneel as opposed to sit for the anthem in an effort to make that more clear.

He seemed aware that he can only control what he does -- not how people will try to spin it, and not how people may react to it. And he also clearly accepted that his actions could have consequences, and that he didn't want to rope anybody else in to acting with him unless they were prepared to accept those consequences also.

So, yeah. Some good came of this recent escalation, even if it came for the wrong reasons. Because some of the people that get drawn in to the dog-and-pony show might decide that they care enough to go back and take a deeper look at it, like I did. And when they look deeper, they're going to see Trump's standard, everyday twitter nonsense on one side compared to a lot of more rational stuff like, say, perhaps actually listening to words of the person that got the ball rolling on the other side (Kaepernick, and others). I like the way that scale balances out.

When's the Right Time for Black People to Protest?

bobknight33 says...

Disrespecting America's national anthem.
O blind one.

Protest all you want but pick an appropriate place and time. Sporting events is not about politics..

The Rich and famous players could hold an event,protest and get all the media attention they can handle.

They are hurting themselves. Americans are turning their backs against them.

newtboy said:

Enlighten us, oh wise one.


bobknight33 says...

This is a disgrace... NFL playing politics displaying anti American values.

They are dissing the Flag and the national anthem by not standing or linking arms. Shameful.

Are you on your head?

RFlagg said:

Did you fall on your head as a child? Those people taking a knee aren't bashing America. They aren't bashing the flag, the troops, or anything like that. They are peacefully protesting injustice.

As has been pointed out by many many people, Rosa Parks wasn't protesting public transpiration, the Greensboro sit-ins weren't about Woolworth's dominance in retail at the time... they were all protesting injustice. How can that really simple little fact be ignored by Trump and his supporters? Are they so brain washed by him, that they'll believe every little pile of shit that comes out of his mouth. Do they want to suck his cock that bad? They need to fucking learn to think for themselves. Learn to vet information... and actually vet, not just find the first couple Google answers.

Somehow it is okay for a bunch of white Nazis to protest, and that is fine, and free speech, but the instant a black man protests injustice, suddenly he's an ass hole who needs to be fired? Over 400,000 Americans died fighting Nazis, but now according to Trump, Nazis are "very fine people". No they are not. Not a single person who's a Nazi, KKK member, white nationalist, or would march with them are very fine, or even fine, or even good. They are all evil.

The fact that most on the right think Jesus would side with a Nazi over a black man's protest of injustice (because, if you are a Christian, then every thought has to be what would Jesus do in that case) just goes to show how evil, and horrible the right's Jesus is. It's why I'd rather me and my children burn in Hell than be around people like those Nazis, and that Jesus who'd love them more than the black man protesting the injustice his people still endure to this day. I'll do everything in my power to insure my children hate the Jesus that the right promotes. No wonder Christianity is loosing numbers, it's a faith about hatred and bigotry, the love that Christ promoted in the Bible, is no longer there. They may think they show love, but I can 100% assure them, from the outside looking in, all anyone sees from that form of Christianity, is hatred and bigotry, and as it is the dominant form of Christianity in America, it is all anybody ever sees. I hope there is a Heaven and Hell, and I hope that God points to the millions of souls burning in Hell because of their bigotry and hatred... I'd love it if for the first 20 billion years they had to live outside the gates of Heaven, or in the slums of heaven, hearing the torrents of those of us in Hell, knowing they personally are the reason we are there, that we were all turned off Christ because of the way modern Christians act.

What's really going on in the NFL

bobknight33 says...

This is a disgrace... NFL playing politics displaying anti American values.

They are dissing the Flag and the national anthem by not standing or linking arms. Shameful.

Green Day Crowd Singing Bohemian Rhapsody, London, Hyde Park

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

"The arrests and reports of assault follow last month's Supreme Court ruling that the national anthem be played before every film and that audiences stand while it is played - and they make it clear that authorities are taking the ruling seriously."

Source: BBC

Dafuq?! I went through the chain of sources and related articles, and it really doesn't seem to be satire. Again, dafuq?!

a celebration of stand-up comedies best offensive jokes

Mordhaus says...

Ok, in the interest of fairness I did some further research on this issue.

He was fined a total of 42,000 dollars. This does not count his accrued court and legal fees which are estimated to be around 100,000 dollars at this time. I won't bother converting that to USD, but he is going to be out of pocket 142k as a ballpark figure.

This is the joke:

“Everyone said he sucked, but I defended him,” Ward says. “They said he was terrible, but I was like, ‘He’s dying but he’s living a dream, leave him alone.’ ” The niceties end when Ward figures out Gabriel isn’t actually dying. “He’s unkillable! I saw him at the water park, and I tried to drown him, but I couldn’t. Then I went on the Internet to figure out what was wrong with him, and you know what it was? He’s ugly, goddammit!”

That is all. He was making a joke that he thought the kid was being given a 'make a wish' type thing because he was dying, but that he was just ugly.

I listened to it and it wasn't really funny. However, it wasn't 142k worth of court costs and damages either. The kid, disability or not, is now a public figure and should not be protected from jokes at his expense. The fact that a comedian called him ugly does not mean he should get 42k in recompense because it made him feel bad. Fuck, if I got 42k every time someone called me ugly in jest, I wouldn't be posting here. I'd be on a damn Yacht in the Mediterranean.

People say hurtful things. How many people looked at this kid and made fun of him when he was trying to sing the Canadian anthem at a Hockey game? Does he deserve 42k from each of them?

One of the talks I listened to as part of this research brought up a salient point. The commission that was created to address hurtful speech has clearly ran out of 'real' hate speech to go after. To save their jobs, they need to start going after the next level of 'hate speech'. Where better to look than blue comedians?

This brings me back to my original point. If you create an organization and give it power to control what people say through punitive measures, it may work great when your group is in power. You will probably have no issue with it, as long as it goes after speech you dislike. But, no group is in power forever and organizations don't just disappear when a new group of leaders come into power. Suddenly you might really come to regret your choice to create that organization, especially when they decide it is 'YOUR' words that need to be penalized.

That said, my only dog in this fight is that I think it is idiotic to limit what people can say. They don't stop saying it, they just stop saying it around people they don't trust. This sows the seeds of dissension and the harvest is never a good one.

Hef said:

I think you're coming at it from the wrong angle.

Why should this comedian feel like he needs to take the low hanging fruit of making fun of a disabled boy?
He doesn't. He shouldn't.
Everything he cops after that is fair game.
He's lucky he didn't get the death penalty for making fun of a disabled boy, because that's the minimum sentence in my country.

Koala Mating Call

Liberal Redneck chimes in on NFL and the National Anthem

kingmob says...

I loved how he described football.

the fact that he can describe it so clinically and still enjoy it...thats awesome.

I never understood the big deal about the national anthem.
It's a song about a carbon fiber flag that survived a bombing attack.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Colbert & Steve Carell sing the national anthem

NOFX- The Decline

Babymech says...

I've listened to a lot of NOFX and 'known' that this is one of their greater songs, but until now I hadn't listened to it - thanks!

Also, now I know what P.O.S. is referencing in the song Wanted / Wasted: "
"That blank stare that doesn't make you care
Shit, it's not designed to make you care
They bet you won't care
You don't
So I guess next comes
"We don't give a fuck" like an anthem"

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