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Woman Executed by Cop Because She “Might Be Smoking Pot"

Stormsinger says...

Believe it or not, I do understand the problem with the "thin blue line" mentality. I'm quite sure I've spoken out about it more than once here on the sift. But I strongly object to painting everyone in any group with a single brush. Hell, I even know some decent Republicans.

Claims that one case, or a hundred cases, prove that there are no good cops are absurd and unsupportable. Just as absurd and unsupportable as those claims made here and there that there are no bad cops.

newtboy said:

One more instance of cops covering for each others murders. I only wish I could be surprised by this, but sadly this is exactly how criminal cops are treated almost every time. It took over 4 years to get any charge at all, and that only came about because of public shaming and investigation (the only investigation in this murder) by the local news, and there must have been not only absolutely zero investigation but actual cover up at the scene by the entire force (at least every one involved in any way with the 'investigation') for his story to have held up at all in the first place. There was clearly no GSR test done on him, or it would have shown he shot her...and the investigators had to actually HIDE the testimony of most or all of the witnesses to further his story that she shot herself (with his secured gun) and actively help him claim he wasn't involved.

That, @Stormsinger, is why so many people no longer believe in the 'good cop'. That doesn't mean the cops can't EVER act properly or 'good', it means that, in this and far too many other cases, entire forces are obviously, unavoidably complicit in crimes up to and including murder (if you help cover it up, you're complicit...that's the law), and murderers are bad, period, no matter how many little old ladies they help across the street or how professionally they act when they're not being actively or passively criminal.

(before someone jumps on the 'passively criminal' phrase as ridiculous, please note that it's the law that an officer MUST act to stop any serious crime they are aware of, and not doing so is being actively criminal by intentionally shirking their sworn duties).

How To Play Frisbee All By Yourself (and other trick shots)

iaui says...

Well, this fellow is very white, frisbee golf just seems like a very white thing to do, and partly I'm channeling Bill Burr's rant walking throughout Newport as he spouts hyperbolically about white privilege and then there's a motorhome driving through that he refers to as white trash. This fellow definitely isn't white trash, but there's a certain blissful socio-economically absurd trashyness/kitsch to a black and orange painted motorhome driving around with a frisbee golf cage on it, like the world's things are but toys in this man's sway. There's just this feel that pervades the short films, like we're seeing another of the Winkelvoss twins at play. He reminds me of a friend in university who learned to play Mario Tennis on the N64 against himself, each hand with a separate controller.

He's just so absurdly (yet innocently) white, in such a way as to be deserving of light ribbing. There's clearly an ineffable quality that I'm struggling to describe but do you know what I mean, even partly?

eric3579 said:

What does one have to do with the other?

Completely Erase Entire Comments from People You're Ignoring (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

It's a valid point, but obviously completely objective and does not validly apply to everyone.

Whilst some people enjoy navigating VideoSift with fiery debate or insulting discourse, for others VideoSift is an escape and a place to mellow out by watching videos and chatting with online friends/acquaintances.

There have been many such people in the past who were great participating members just couldn't stand feeling miserable every time they came here, so they stopped coming.

Instead of weeding out members who want to avoid being provoked while chilling out here and focusing on preserving only members who enjoy or can tolerate aggressive, abrasive, and/or insulting comment-based attacks, the ability to completely ignore someone is a very acceptable compromise.

In real life if someone in your workplace or school or wherever was constantly getting in your face spouting off arguments or attacks and you kept turning around to get away, it would be absurd for your teacher or boss to demand that you listen to what they attacker had to say.

Likewise, it'd be absurd for us here to force members to teach themselves to be unaffected by everyone else, especially considering some people by design are simply incapable of that. It's not selfish and entitled for someone to want to avoid being stressed out and anxious after a hard, stressful day at work when they just want to kick back and mellow on some sift.

poolcleaner said:

I know I don't participate much in this community but this is a stupid feature. I ignored a person ONCE in my entire time here. But then as the years went on and I gained some maturity (some) I learned to not be affected by the opinions of others so much. In fact, I prefer to see the opposing view point more than those that agree.

I think it's selfish and entitled to want to ignore and by extension, BLOT someone out of your community. If you don't want to be part of a community of freethinkers, don't bother looking at the comments.

This seems like a soft ban to me -- even if it is only for the person that is ignoring another person, it's banning their input from your screen.

If there's real life harm, death threats, or stalking akin to spam, I can understand -- but that should be something escalated to a community leader, as it should not be something that regularly occurs.

Too late for my input? lol

Bill Maher: Richard Dawkins – Regressive Leftists

Barbar says...

Could you explain why you thought my previous post proposed a false dichotomy? It seems sound to me, even after looking at it a second time.

I don't disagree with your analyses of the underlying causes for the current version of the Palestinian conflict. History has shat on them and they're still stuck in it. Although I will nitpick that the tactic of suicide bombing is probably employed on account of specific Islamic beliefs, as relatively few such attacks are carried out by non-Muslims.

The IRA comparison is an interesting one with some meat on it, and I may meander a bit here as I explore my thoughts on it. The Northern Irish conflict, at its core, was not about religion, it was about sovereignty and independence. I don't doubt that both sides attempted to use the bible as a weapon. The very fact that the attempt was unable to create a sect that spread like wildfire across Christendom is a form of evidence that is it less applicable as a weapon. Certainly not proof, but I would count it a point in my favour, not yours.

Note that I'm not saying that there's nothing awful in the Bible, only that it is acknowledged that we don't take most of those parts of it seriously. Any attempt to do so would generate a chorus of condemnation throughout Christian majority countries the world over. Just look at how the we view the Westboro Baptists; they're a farce. Until the Muslim world is willing and able to do the same thing to it's fundamentals and fundamentalists it is not only fair to criticize it, it is important to do so. And when I say criticize 'it' I mean those beliefs that lead to bad shit.

If every terrorist act is predicated on worldly concerns, how do you rationalize the perpetrators of the Charlie hebdo massacre? How do you rationalize the absurd reactions to the shitty anti-Muslim movie that was made? How about the Danish cartoonist incident? The list goes on and on. These are acts that didn't significantly affect the 'injured' parties in any but a religious way. Their responses are explicitly and overtly for religious reasons, while being completely in line with a straightforward and insufficiently fringe interpretation of their religion.

SDGundamX said:

I would say that example is a false dichotomy. You're never going to find a case in Palestine or elsewhere in the world that someone blows themselves up purely for the religious reasons. There are clearly political and social motivations at play in every terrorist attack.

This relates directly to my main point though. Some some pundits want to use a suicide bombing in the West Bank as proof that Islam is "evil" or "dangerous" without addressing the elephant in the room--that the Palestinians are living in the world's "largest open-air prison" (to use Chomsky's words) and are resisting what they see as occupation of their lands in any way they can. It is no where near as simplistic as the "Muslims good/infidels bad cuz Koran says so" argument that some people seem to want to make.

And let's be clear, I'm not saying there aren't passages in the Koran that are being interpreted by Hamas and others as justification for the use of terrorism as an acceptable form of resistance. I'm saying this isn't unique to Islam. During the height of fighting in Northern Ireland both sides were using the Bible to justify the car bombs, assassinations, and other violence that occurred during The Troubles (another complex conflict where religious, political, and social issues intertwined). Yet I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who would claim that Christianity is "evil" or "dangerous" based on what went down in Northern Ireland. It is a great example, though, of how any organized religion can be mobilized to support evil acts.

EPIC FAIL! Twitch Live Streamer Accidentally Burns His House

SDGundamX says...


Yeah, like RFlagg said, people are communicating him through the text-to-voice thing. In the beginning, they're trying to help him use the lighter by giving him pointers. Once the fire starts, they warn him that another fire has erupted behind him and later on beg for him to call 119 (Japan's emergency line).

I hate to say it, but I was laughing my ass off the whole time. The sheer absurdity of this cute anime-style voice calmly telling him to turn around or dial 119 as the flames continue to grow around him just forced me to laugh out loud.

Kotaku has an article about the incident which includes a Japanese newspaper clipping that says he burned out the 2nd floor of the house and he, his mom, and dad all sustained mild burns trying to put out the fire.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, the Japanese newspaper clipping Kotaku provides specifically mentions the 40 year old son was playing with an oil lighter and dropped it in the trash by accident, which is exactly what we see in the video.

RFlagg said:

It's not the game. He was playing Minecraft. What you hear is the text to speech of his donation bot. Many Twitch streamers now use text to speech to read donations. I believe somebody said that it kept saying "behind you" but I haven't been able to independently verify that.

There has been contradicting information on the extent of the damage, to being minor with no injuries, to burning his place and 3 others down. There were initially rumors of a death, but that was later found to be another fire.

It rather much an epic fail though. I mean there's being Swatted: or being robbed at gunpiont:, neither of which is the Streamer's fault, but this guy....

Nuclear energy is awesome

cryptoz says...

This is absurd. Current pollution could wipe out our speices and maybe all the animals... but the planet would survive and could replenish. Cover the place in radiation for 500 million years and its screwed.

I'm not against new forms like the end of the video talks about but sticking the nuke drug into the problem with the hopes that maybe someday we will have a treatment is a stupid crack pipe dream.

Tom Hardy Aggressively Responds To Sexuality Question.

Payback says...

How is that in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM "Aggressive"?

Holy shit... he was practically laughing at the absurd question...

I like the original title, "Tom Hardy gets asked about his sexuality for the film Legend and the whole thing is AWKWARD."

Completely factual.

The Worst Nobel Prize Ever Awarded

MaxWilder says...

That whole "Matrix" concept makes so much more sense when you consider that the original story was that human brains were used as processors. The whole "body heat for energy" concept is absurd, and derails much of the story's logic.

spawnflagger said:

So... why didn't the robots from 'the Matrix' just lobotomize all the humans, rather than building a complex simulation?

You have no right to remain silent in Henrico County.

Barbar says...

He acted like a tool, fishing for a reaction in order to make a non toolish point. I think the real take away from this is that we are making unrealistic demands of police officers.

Since 9/11 cops have been at the forefront of institutional paranoia. They're asked to look into people filming public places. And that is what he did. Initially in the most reasonable and civil way anyone could expect. The guy chose to be rude and escalate the situation. Sure it's within his rights, but it's obviously just trolling. Furthermore he's got his hand in his pocket playing with something while wearing an empty holster. I'm not sure when they realized he was wearing the holster, but it begs the question: what has he trying to get them to do?

Either way the right call was made in the end. I'm hoping the officers aren't seriously reprimanded for this, but rather the absurd combination of instituation paranoia, trolling, and gun culture are kept far apart.

Analogies of filming children and the cops attacking him are unnecessarily inflammatory and not really relevant.

LSD In 3 Minutes

Trancecoach says...

That sounds a whole lot like some kind of absurd "Reefer Madness" kind of "thinking."

On what are you basing that "feeling?" Leaving aside that serotonin is involved with mood (and not meaning or motivation) and that LSD's binding to the receptor sites increases not decreases the amount of serotonin available in the synaptic cleft (performing the same effect as any other SSRI like Zoloft, Paxil, or Prozac), there is actually no reason why any of the hundreds of successful professionals that I know who have taken LSD multiple times would express such a feeling on the basis of taking LSD.

If anything, your comment reveals a fear of your own mind and, having read your comments, I can't say I blame you.

JiggaJonson said:

Is the lack of serotonin what gives the user the "Urgh, what am I doing with my life? I need to get my shit together!" feeling ?

Greek/Euro Crisis Explained

radx says...

Greece accumulated debt in a foreign currency (Euro). Had they been using a free-floating currency with Greece as the sovereign issuer, it would have been much less of a problem. But that's a different discussion.

You brought up retirement benefits. These benefits have been a major talking point over here in mercantilistic Germany. Unfortunatly, a lot of inaccuracies crept into the debate over time. A closer look reveals that it's not as black and white as it is made out to be. One point at a time...

The effective retirement age, if we look at OECD stats, is basically the same for men in Greece and Germany. The age of 56 is often thrown around as the expected average retirement age for workers in Greece, but that's only for the totally messed up public sector. The average for the private sector is significantly higher, as the OECD numbers indicate.

Yet the size of retirement benefits is even more controversial. There are, in fact, some very dubious practices going on in Greece, which result in rediculous retirement benefits for a select group of people, even at very young ages. Decades of nepotism, that's what it produces. But even so, pension expenditure as a % of GDP was not significantly higher in Greece before the GFC than in Germany. When Greek GDP collapsed, expenditures as a % increased, naturally. Some have gotten absurd benefits, but the majority got a pittance. And as if that wasn't bad enough, Greece doesn't have a social safety net, unlike Germany. There is no welfare. Many people have to take early retirement at reduced benefits to have any income at all.
So I'll say it's bad in Germany. Last decade's changes to our retirement system have a metric fuckton of people (~40% of workers) heading straight into poverty when they retire. It's social security for them, and nothing else. Still, it's bliss compared to what the plebs in Greece now ended up with.

However, even all those beautiful OECD stats have to be taken with a grain of salt. Germany has a working bureaucracy. Everything is documented. Greece is a mess. Therefore, all comparisons are guesstimates at best.

Finally, as long as the Greek economy produces enough goods and services, it is for them to decide how to distribute their wealth. If they want a lavish retirement system, so be it. Our governments opted to create a true underclass of the working poor, and gutted a retirement system that made it through two world wars unscathed. If German retirees want to bitch about their benefits, it should be aimed squarely at our governments and their intentional deconstruction of our social welfare state.

bcglorf said:

So, Greece borrowed more money than they could pay off and had a bad economy.

In the Eurozone though, Greeks were retiring earlier and with better benefits than the Germans, for a long time too. It is kind of hard to blame Germany for being reluctant to keep lending money to Greece when Germans are working till much older and getting much less in return.

Real Time - New Rule – Learn How to Take a Joke

SDGundamX says...

As he goes on to explain, just like the "Hispanic men are rapists" joke and the "Muslims blow shit up" joke, this joke relies on exaggerating either the facts or our perception of reality. Case in point, Jenner was biologically born a man and decided he felt more like a woman. Now he literally needs to learn how to "act like a woman" because--let's face it--the majority of what we perceive as "feminine" is learned, acculturated behavior (how to dress, how to move, how to talk, etc.).

And yeah, all of those jokes are offensive--but so what? Why are we so worried about being offensive when telling jokes? If you honestly believe that all Hispanic men are racists or all Muslims are terrorists or all transgender individuals are "just acting" then clearly there's a problem. But how is there any harm in joking about these things?

The humor lies in exaggerating to an absurd level facts that are taken out of context (or put into an entirely new context). Every great comedian does this , which is why apparently great comedians like Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock don't do college shows anymore.

Babymech said:

Did he seriously not understand why it was offensive to say that somebody's sexual identity is just 'acting'? What the fuck is "it's just words" supposed to mean? I'm not saying the line should or shouldn't be cut, because I don't know shit about the context, but at least I understand what the offending joke was... is this how Maher thinks comedy works, specific trigger words that are permitted or not?

DMT- a tool to extend survival in clinical death?

shagen454 says...

I'm going to contribute to it just because I believe in the research & science of the compound. I have no idea of how they are going to test it considering they never actually go into any detail. It needs to be studied. It's hilarious that these days the other psychedelics are being studied more intensely than ever by medical firms, Universities etc, all over the world for their positive attributes considering science has come a long way enough and the BULLSHIT stigma that was placed on those substances still remains but has somewhat subsided to a large degree.

As for people that have never experienced this substance - that is 100000% beyond the other psychedelics (probably since it's actually endogenous) - what you can take away from such an absurd idea like this (and even I think it's a pretty ridiculous experiment for a few reasons) is that - oh shit, this stuff is beyond anything that you could imagine and that alone is a reason to research.

newtboy said:

So, they ask you to 'please send us money to buy high grade DMT. Our plan is to inject clinically dead people with large amounts of it to STOP brain damage...if we ever even apply for and unbelievably get FDA approval for human testing, and can somehow find people who will knowingly die soon and are willing to trip balls as they do and sign a release clearly saying so, and if that well thought out plan falls through at least we'll have a good supply of high grade DMT to use ourselves.' says the doctor with a book about DMT induced astral projecting to alien planets.
Uh...yeah. I won't be contributing.

Functional Copper Clad Steampunk .22 Gatling Gun

Should gay people be allowed to marry?

Sniper007 says...

The very notion that a right can be granted by society is absurd. Either you have the right, or you don't. Society has nothing to do with it.

The reason sodomites insist on receiving extrinsic, public sympathy and support is because their lifestyle has no intrisic virtue. Every sodomite is by definition an evolutionary dead-end, and that community struggles with suicide and depression far more than the general populace - for a reason. Change is possible, but the world would have them believe they are "born that way and should never change". Horse hockey.

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