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"I've got a shotgun. Do you want me to stop 'em?"

tremormilo says...

Not everything that happens in the world needs to exemplify a political dichotomy. For instance, Choggie, nothing in your post remotely relates to what occurs in the 911 call, except for the presence of guns.

This guy was bloodthirsty and was rationalizing his desire to shoot people as "protecting himself". He is obviously in no personal danger and I hope he gets jail time.

And, for the record, I am someone who is perfectly fine with the idea of folks keeping guns to protect their homes. It's just that this guy was perfectly safe in his home which was not being threatened, and he used his gun outdoors in public to shoot a man in the back. Fuck that.

"I've got a shotgun. Do you want me to stop 'em?"

9339 says...

Roddy -
Before railing on the police, did they play the entire 911 call? I'd say that any SANE person could safely assume that a car would be dispatched when they are calling 911 to report a live robbery. If you disagree, please offer us CONCRETE and ACTUAL examples that would lead us to believe that out of the millions upon millions of 911 calls that are made that a significant % of them would end up being ignored. Do the math and figure out how many examples you would need to even get a 1% failure rate out of a million....

This guy was itching to kill them. Notice how long the warning was that he gave? Maybe 2 seconds before he started a shootin'. If they heard the warning and ran, did he not prove his point and scare them into never coming around there again - without having to fire a shot? Nope, he was out to kill, and got his wish.

Notice how he also used a SHOTGUN to "protect" his neighbor's property. I think the only other weapon he could have employed to do more damage would have been grenades, or a mounted .50 cal machine gun.

I hope he gets what's coming to him and gets the death penalty. This IS Texas , and they do execute a ton of folks yearly for shooting people in cold blood. O, but wait, these guys were black and the shooter white. Guess probation will have to do....

8 Year Old Calls 911 While Mom Drives Drunk

Woman Crashes Shelby Cobra

'Fox and Friends' show spreads fake story about ATHF Boston

joedirt says...

lol Wupus... did you watch the whole video? did you read any of the news about the Aqua Teen Hunger Hoax?

Name any news show and/or talk show that spend the majority of the time saying "some people say" or "it might be possible that". WTF! "An anonymous 911 call" but Faux News knows who called. The police did arrest these guys, so you'd think they would have checked on the 911 caller and traced the calls. Boston would be plastering the news if these guys could be pegged to a cell phone or payphone or even awake at the time of the calls.

Come on, does anything they say in this video even make sense? Just wild speculation. Wouldn't the marketing firm have called? But they try and insinuate the slacker guys did it (scape goats). If there was ANY slender possibility of being true, why did no one else report this allegation?

I suppose you believe Obama was raised by crazed Muslims...

You need to get out more.

How to lose your job in 28 seconds.

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