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Videosift iPhone App? (Geek Talk Post)

deputydog says...

>> ^dag:
How would it work? Flash doesn't play on the iPhone. BTW - getting my iPhone 3Gs this Friday.

shit. in my excitement i completely forgot about that, plus i was playing around with youtube/iplayer on my iphone which also lulled me into a false sense of security. i'll email apple and tell them to sort out the flash problem, they'll probably rectify the problem within days.

and good luck with tearing yourself away from your iphone when it arrives.

Videosift iPhone App? (Geek Talk Post)

dag (Member Profile)

ponceleon says...

Ah damn, sorry... I thought Apple was Apple no matter where you were, but I stand corrected.

As it turns out, mine shipped today and I should be getting it tomorrow. I wonder if I'll have to charge it before use...

Let me know if you have questions once I get mine... it's US service, but I imagine the phone itself is the same everywhere and being in a major city, supposedly I'm fully covered for 3G network, but we'll see.

In reply to this comment by dag:
I think it's different for every country. I'm getting mine through these guys. and it's not coming until July 1st. :-( I'll be walking into the store.

ponceleon (Member Profile)

dag (Member Profile)

ponceleon says...

Hey Dag,

Did you pre-order your 3Gs online or at the store? Mine supposedly arrives in the mail tomorrow, but has still not shown up on the order page as shipped...


Looking forward to the new iPhone 3GS (Blog Entry by dag)

schmawy says...

>> ^dag:
"...there is a large amount of hipster douchebaggery that goes along with all Apple products...

Now that's credible. So didja get it? Huh? Didja yet? I just put the new 3.0 patch on mine, and I like it a lot better. The spotlight search feature is an improvement (i will refrain from commenting on how long other pda's had this, oops) and so are the incredibly innovative features like cut AND paste!

Looking forward to the new iPhone 3GS (Blog Entry by dag)

EDD says...

My now almost 3-year old Hewlett Packard IpaQ has admirably performed every one of those 'pros' you mentioned since day one - except for the VS 4.0 integration, of course. Didn't ever need a patch or anything, could always copy and paste, had both button and on-touch-screen keyboards, took pics and video, as well as played back various video and audio formats on Windows Mobile (I used to watch episodes of TV shows I download legally obtained via the internets when commuting as well as frequently listened to streaming internet radio).

Not to mention it had Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, EDGE&3G, a memory-card slot, MS Office apps and powerpoint capability, etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum. Hell, I even installed and successfully played the first Age of Empires game (originally for Win95) on it. AND, at time of purchase it cost fairly less than iPhone did when it was first introduced here.

Which is why I'm still maintaining (and probably always will be) that iPhone sucks much balls.

Looking forward to the new iPhone 3GS (Blog Entry by dag)

Palm Pre - iPhone killer announced at CES 2009

EDD says...

Anybody that hasn't realized iPhone's success is only a matter of branding and thinks iPhone is technologically superior than any other average smartphone in the market needs their brain examined. I haven't bothered to compare the 3G version, but the 1st gen. of iPhones was at the time one of the worst smartphones available technology-wise (I'm talking audio, signal strength, battery life, software, etc. here).

Now, when I use the "-killer" phrase, I am of course being a little scandalous, but the idea is that it might steal a substantial market share from Apple. A ~50% boost in company shares is kinda a big deal.

And how thick exactly does one have to be to think a smartphone wouldn't support video playback, volumptuous?

Dual boot iPhone Windows Mobile (Blog Entry by dag)

maatc says...

I have been a member of douche nozzles united since last week and this is what I miss most:

No MMS sending/receiving
No Copy/Paste
No video recording
Can´t attach more than 1 image per mail. (not even through webbrowser)

Plus: No 3G for me yet, since I have a dodgy setup with a hacked SIM card to get around the carrier lock.

Can´t say I was not warned about these issues before. Most likely they will be fixed some time soon. I am still quite happy with it though, everything else works great.

My advice is to find out how much those issues matter to you and then ignore them and wander into the shop like a zombie to get one anyway. Thats what I did.

Breakthrough in storing Solar Energy

maatc says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:
>> ^Xax:
Great! Now where can I buy one?

They have people that do the installs right now for everything but the fuel cell stuff...and that just needs electricity and a tie in to setup, something that can, in theroy, be installed after the fact. They run anywhere from 10k to 40k depending on how much juice you need and what area you live in. The more intence your solar radiation, the less cells you need. Most can be written as tax right offs untill some time which I can't remember. Also, there are loan programs out there for people wishing to go green from the good ol US government. I would still wait awhile before getting a set installed though, still a couple of maturaty levels the tech needs to hit for my taste.

I am waiting for the 3G Version...

New iPhone, Same Screwing

Steve Jobs: 3G iPhone keynote address

Steve Jobs: 3G iPhone keynote address

sillma says...

>> ^sillma:
Hmmh. I disliked the first iPhone for the lack of 3G and the huge price tag, but now that it's been made VERY affordable, has 3G and GPS to boot, I think I will have to invest in the 8g version even though I'm not a great fan of touch screens.

...and now that I've heard how "cheap" the phone really is, I think I'll skip.

Steve Jobs: 3G iPhone keynote address

sillma says...

Hmmh. I disliked the first iPhone for the lack of 3G and the huge price tag, but now that it's been made VERY affordable, has 3G and GPS to boot, I think I will have to invest in the 8g version even though I'm not a great fan of touch screens.

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