Will a HighTech channel overlap too much with the Geek channel?

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A total of 53 votes have been cast on this poll.

I was encouraged by another member on the site to put this to a community vote and see what say we all after my HighTech channel got rejected by the powers that be, stating it's too close to, or overlaps too much with the Geek channel. I read the description for the Geek channel, and it does not mention anything to do with high tech gadgets or technology, etc. Which is what I was aiming for with my channel.

However, this also makes me ponder why have a Jazz, Metal, and RockNRoll channel since we already have a Music channel? Doesn't Music encompass pretty much all music genres? Also, see the kids/teen channels. Aren't teens also considered to be kids? Not to mention iea/fail, grindhouse/cinema/horrorshow channels.

Anyway, state your opinion and hopefully if it's favorable we can get the channel created. I'm not trying to be an ass, just not sure I agree with the decision to reject my channel.

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