That's F'ed up

Created: 1 decade 6 years 1 week ago
Updated: 1 decade 5 years 6 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 274

Glenn Greenwald: Faced with unprecedented filibusters, the only way to ensure Senate passage of the GI Bill is to get 60 co-sponsors. So far, John McCain has refused. The same McCain who insists he supports... continue reading

posted by dystopianfuturetoday 1 decade 6 years 1 month 4 weeks ago • 1,781 views

Max Blumenthal visits the annual "Christians United for Israel" Washington-Israel Summit. What these people believe and want to actively make happen (through the persuasion of apparently fully willing... continue reading

posted by gluonium 1 decade 6 years 10 months 1 week ago • 2,743 views

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