Useful to know and Documentaries!!
Updated: 1 decade 1 year 7 months 3 weeks ago
Views: 1,801
Documentaries, knowledge, news, information and anything useful to know!!!

I'm not sure I'd actually want to survive in a Tarantino Universe.
posted by brycewi19
He's faster of his own shadow!!
posted by bjornenlinda

YouTube Description: In a series of startling studies, psychologists at the University of California at Berkeley have found that "upper-class individuals behave more unethically than lower-class individuals."... continue reading
posted by eric3579
Video games give players super powers and transport them to new worlds. How might this technology be used to transform society and your financial prospects? Economics correspondent Paul Solman visits researchers... continue reading
posted by Trancecoach
Epiphany. Wow. The last line in this vid made me cry.
posted by Gale Wallis
But can they hit?
posted by critical_d

a clip from an upcoming documentary "inside monsanto".
posted by enoch
***Warning: this post contains images of dead rats!*** In New York City, there is a group of dog owners who get together weekly when the weather permits to hunt rats among the piled bags of garbage... continue reading
posted by Kulpims T'dna
YouTube Description: Abby Martin talks to US Congressman, Dennis Kucinich, about the 10th anniversary of the Iraq war and other issues that set him aside from the average establishment politician.... continue reading
posted by Joe Motion
This clip from the BBC’s Edwardian Farm documentary series shows how rope was made back before industrial factories spun threads together. It involved pulling and suspending fibers across long distances... continue reading
posted by Kulpims T'dna
YouTube: Excerpts from the lost 1980 Michel Parbot documentary. It's basically a better quality version of the footage from the Dutch Broadcast combined with the clips I released in 2007. All in the correct... continue reading
posted by critical_d
Joe Rogan talks to Eddie Huang about his experience at the TED conference.
posted by randeepsamra
(youtube) The comedian describes the anatomy of his Pop-Tart joke, still a work in progress, and shows his longhand writing process.
posted by pumkinandstorm
What's the difference between Holland and the Netherlands?
posted by pumkinandstorm

Stephen Fry gives an interesting take on the differences between British and American humor/comedy.
posted by eric3579
YT~The Miss Tibet beauty pageant claims to give women a platform to highlight Tibetan issues, drawing attention to the the plight of the its people as well as the brilliance of the lifestyle and culture. ... continue reading
posted by chingalera