Updated: 1 decade 5 years 2 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 2,602

What me worry? Excellent investigative reporting.
posted by marinara
I find it very entertaining to watch people who I disagree with win arguments with other smart people. My opinion is that Buckley wins this hands down (and I am much more philosophically in line with... continue reading
posted by oxdottir
The House debated an Amendment introduced by Reps. Hodes, DeFazio, and DeLauro to the Defense Authorization Act for FY2009 requiring that "not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this... continue reading
posted by Constitutional_Patriot
An area that had at least one serious accident a week now has none.
posted by arvana
Fmr. Deputy Asst. Attorney General Office of Legal Counsel John Yoo and Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) during House Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing on Detainee Interrogation, June 26, 2008
posted by NetRunner
"Neocon apologist Christopher Hitchens stepped up to the Mark after being challenged on his view of Waterboarding. Although of course he was "Waterboarded" by friendly "enemies" and his Family were not... continue reading
posted by theaceofclubz

Interview of Jim Rogers from Bloomberg. "(I predict that) the American central bank will disappear in the next decade or two" O.o
posted by syncron
Ron Paul on the Housing Bill 7/23/08 Scary!!! More debt and more federal spending! I think we should all petition the government to take more money from us, because the 30-40% we already pay is just... continue reading
posted by blankfist
I wish I had cable so I could watch TDS on TV.
posted by littledragon_79
A short mini-documentary about Kucinich's work to bring about Impeachment hearings for George W. Bush, and Dick Cheney.
posted by NetRunner
Nationally-renowned criminal prosecutor and published author, Vincent Bugliosi, appeared before the House Judiciary Committee at a hearing on the Constitutional limits of Executive Power. He managed to... continue reading
posted by Trancecoach
FYI, according to Wikipedia: A signing statement is a written pronouncement issued by the President of the United States upon the signing of a bill into law.
posted by marinara

Presentation by economic expert David McAlvany about the history and decline of the US dollar. Runtime - 10:20
posted by syncron

I know. . .I know. Stinkin' actors should stick to actin'. But I found Dreyfuss to be eloquent and compelling in this clip. See also: http://www.boston.com/yourlife/articles/2007/02/07/the_education_of_richard_dreyf... continue reading
posted by rickegee
Congressman Ron Paul issued a video message on his website on September 18, 2008 to discuss the Fed and the financial meltdown.
posted by Constitutional_Patriot