Updated: 1 decade 3 years 3 months 2 weeks ago
Views: 3,926
With stars in her eyes, she makes a playlist for that far off day when she can *promote other peoples videos

In all my years on this Earth, I don't think I've ever heard a song so beautifully (& hauntingly) turned upside down.
posted by Barseps
95% of the human genome is composed of redundant gene sequences. They appear to have no known biological function. Could a chance event reactivate them? Genetic freaks wander the streets courtesy of irresponsible... continue reading
posted by geo321
Custom-built RC trike powered by a mini-steam engine. I want a full-size version to drive to work.
posted by oohlalasassoon
"In May 2011 I decide to illegally grow a vegetable garden on a neglected patch of land in Brooklyn. I encountered a thief, a dirty old man, and GOD in this follow up video." -YT
posted by notarobot
This is the 2D version of the stereoscopic 3D motion controlled, timelapse video of various places in the San Francisco Bay area. Best viewed in full screen HD. Created by Peter H. Chang: "Canon 5D... continue reading
posted by Phreezdryd
The Feynman Series is a companion project with The Sagan Series https://www.facebook.com/thesaganseries in hopes to promote scientific education and scientific literacy in the general population.
posted by Zifnab
quote: "Girliest dance moves ever. Makes Michael Jackson look like a Hell's Angel."
posted by lavoll

'What does it feel like to fly over planet Earth?' A time-lapse taken from the front of the International Space Station as it orbits our planet at night. This movie begins over the Pacific Ocean and... continue reading
posted by EDD
"Ten years ago today, the following pieces of paper blew into the Carroll Gardens neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York following the attacks at The World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. The Exhibit... continue reading
posted by ant
"Because every country is the greatest. Showing my pan-patriotism in song. Written by Grant Woolard using the national anthems of Germany, Canada, France, the UK, Spain, and the US. Note: The modern... continue reading
posted by ant
Very powerful message, nicely edited/animated. YT: Harvey Milk was the first openly-gay man to be elected to public office in the US in 1977. His most recognized speech, "You Cannot Live On Hope Alone,"... continue reading
posted by hpqp

An old man confronts his fears by traveling across a personal landscape. Animated by Overture, song "Bless" by KiraKira from her album "Map of the Monster Olympics".
posted by AdrianBlack

Last year Philips ran a contest called Parallel Lines in which they asked people to create a three-minute short film using only six lines of dialogue: “What is that?”, “It’s a unicorn”, “Never... continue reading
posted by eric3579