taranimator CA

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Birthdate: April 15th

Member Since: December 9, 2010
Last Power Points used: July 7, 2012
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Comments to taranimator

jonny says...

When a video is declared dead, the original poster is given two days to fix it before it goes into the dead pool. If it is fixed in that two day window, siftbot doesn't leave a message about it being fixed. It is kind of confusing. I think the reason is because the siftbot message only gets generated via the "fix embed code" link, but that doesn't show up until it's in the dead pool.

In reply to this comment by taranimator:
Oh! weird! I found it through a search and I saw this at the end of the comments :

"This published video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by kulpims."

But I guess if it works, then that doesn't matter at all..

bareboards2 says...

To the right of the Front page is always the Top 15 videos. And yes, you are up there with the barfing choirboy. (I just watched that and I am still queasy -- I can actually smell vomit, talk about being susceptible to advertising!)

Not to brag, but I will.... I have three in the Top 15. Although the highest ranking one was a gift from eric -- he knows the topic of Mormons and gay marriage is close to my heart, so he gave it to me, knowing I'd love it. Eric is the most generous fellow -- not the first time he gave me a vid that went to top 15.

Another fun place to visit is beggar's canyon -- click on unsifted and it is a choice. These are vids that didn't get "published" within 2 days. Someone came along and begged for attention by putting it in beggar's canyon. You can find some pretty good stuff in there. Also some stuff that makes you wonder what the heck the sifter was thinking, but hey. It's a big diverse world, yeah?

When you go to Unsifted, there is the Top 15 that are expiring soon -- another place to see good vids that are on the brink of being published.

There's what I know today!

In reply to this comment by taranimator:
wait, who in the what now?
Are you talking about that "Storm" vid? haha!
where would I go to see what happened to it?
what a fluke! right up there with the barfing choirboy!

>> ^bareboards2:

Jeesh! Are you going to hit number ONE???!!!???
Noob, you are golden!

taranimator says...

Oh! weird! I found it through a search and I saw this at the end of the comments :

"This published video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by kulpims."

But I guess if it works, then that doesn't matter at all..

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