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Member Since: July 2, 2007
Last Power Points used: September 19, 2011
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Comments to steroidg

siftbot says...

Happy anniversary! Today marks year number 3 since you first became a Sifter and the community is better for having you. Thanks for your contributions!

laura says...

Thanks for reminding me of that ~
In reply to this comment by steroidg:
In reply to this comment by laura:
I find it ironic that she thinks eating dog meat helps people sweat, since dogs don't even have the ability to sweat, hence the panting...

I think what she meant was that it gives people "heat". In Chinese food, every thing you eat has a purpose to balance the body. By example, eating red meat will give you "heat", whereas eating winter melon or water melon will give you "chill".

Dog meat is considered one of the "hottest" red meat available ("hotter" than lamb). Eating "hot" things are generally considered unhealthy during spring or summer periods unless you are located in a very humid area or if you balance them with "chill" food. However I heard some people eat them as some sort of aphrodisiac to increase their sexual potency.

burdturgler says...

Really? I wonder where cardboard falls on that scale. Warm?

In reply to this comment by steroidg:
In reply to this comment by laura:
I find it ironic that she thinks eating dog meat helps people sweat, since dogs don't even have the ability to sweat, hence the panting...

I think what she meant was that it gives people "heat". In Chinese food, every thing you eat has a purpose to balance the body. By example, eating red meat will give you "heat", whereas eating winter melon or water melon will give you "chill".

Dog meat is considered one of the "hottest" red meat available ("hotter" than lamb). Eating "hot" things are generally considered unhealthy during spring or summer periods unless you are located in a very humid area or if you balance them with "chill" food. However I heard some people eat them as some sort of aphrodisiac to increase their sexual potency.

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