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Member Since: September 21, 2006
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Comments to snaremop

Krupo says...

BTW, some folks may make some jokes (like in the thread I'm replying to here), and your apology is appreciated, but don't worry - you once more have the unusual distinction of being a 'trailblazer', identifying issues which would've come up sooner or later. As much as it sucks to have people make a joke or tease you at your expense, you have done a good service for us and I wanted to make sure you know that we do appreciate your contributions around here.

In reply to your comment:
ok, sorry guys.

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Hi SM,

We can look at it, but we are kind of averse to pumping out our own RSS. The reason we leave it to FeedBurner is that the hits come from them, thereby not causing a load on our server. RSS is the kind of thing that just gets whacked into a script and ran to check every 5 minutes.

In reply to your comment:

I'm not sure if you have heard about Democracy TV, if you haven't here's their website:

Anyway it's basically an application used to find video RSS feeds and subscribe to them. Me and some other users wanted to create an RSS feed for VideoSift that is compatible with Democracy (the current RSS feed isn't). In order to do this, we need to use an application called Broadcast Machine, which creates a page on VideoSift (, for example). Obviously, I can't do this without your assistance.

Here's the sift talk post about Democracy TV, in case you have not read it:

Would you be interested in creating a Democracy TV RSS feed?
If so, will you help me?

Krupo says...

Yeah, I'm still not entirely sure what choggish wrote, but it's best not to attack people outright - a simple "huh?" goes a long way.

In reply to your comment:
my post gets deleted, but this bullshit doesn't?

Krupo says...

I think you meant to say "farhad" where you wrote "Krupo" on the Gore video. Not big deal, well, except maybe for farhad.

choggie says...

....hey, good call on the Twin-lens reflex....I've had a Yashica, and a Hasselblad.....incredible difference with the larger format film.... you gotta decide where to set your darkroom up....
In reply to your comment:
"Here's my list:

Yonex tennis racket
Epiphone acoustic guitar
Yashica Mat 124 G Medium format camera
light meter
some clothes
a subscription to Aperture magazine
and a new fan for my computer


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