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Member Since: August 7, 2006
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Comments to ren

karaidl says...

That might as well be the most brilliant thing you will ever say. Congratulations, you've won Videosift.

In reply to your comment:
Unfortunately, only I can truely understand 'choggish', for I am the designer of a machine called the Cryptic Holographic Oratory Generator that samples 52 million websites to generate a random number of lines of speech that are loosely based around what would be best described as an anarchist philosophical filtering algorithm. The machine hasn't been built yet, that happens in 2023 and is soon after sent back in time to save the cheerleader, unfortunately for us she died a few years back and noone has been able to control the CHOG since.

ren says...

Thanks Joe, but because our net connection is capped I can't watch any videos without it taking half an hour to load, and it seems irresponsible just submitting videos I haven't even watched myself.

As for chogs, well that is truetwo party systems are obviously flawed, perhaps a new form of politcal recruitment is required, I know alot of good people that would be great as leaders but stay out of the political arena because of the lack of truth. Which is exactly why we need them there so... yeah go figure Namaste indeed

ren says...

it's still swirling around in the ether of my brain at the mo, been working alot lately but I have the day off tomorrow and will have something to show ya.

choggie says...

Hey mate, you got my number, I am a modified ERA 1103, smuggled out of Engineering Research Associates (ERA) in Saint Paul, Minnesota in 1955 by none other than Seymoor Cray imself-Picture a draft amimal whose only burden is to lug the baggage of the Cultures discarded triva,...It was my steadfast numbers crunchin' that laid the groundwork for reality television and Ritalin.

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