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Real Name: Ty
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Member Since: June 8, 2006
Email: gorgonheap at hotmail dot com
Last Power Points used: August 17, 2013
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It was never easy for me. I was born a poor black child.
Member Since: June 8, 2006
Email: gorgonheap at hotmail dot com
Last Power Points used: August 17, 2013
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It was that or Motley Crue. It was a tough call.
In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
A thousand thanks!
In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Doh stupid me, I was thinking of Wish Me Well at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm_BZ_Bx51E which is awesome
In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
If you find it let me know, a female vocalist on this song would be wicked cool.
In reply to this comment by thesnipe:
I wonder if this was at the Starland Ballroom the venue looks the same.
Not THE best performance of this song, but any one of theirs is still great. I wonder where the video is of when he brought the girl on stage to sing it, can anyone find it?
I really appreciate the compliments.
And yes, I have. My very first concert was when they played at the Ogden Theater in Denver, Colorado. That was back in 1995-96ish, and The Suicide Machines opened for them. I then saw them again a few years later when they opened for Bad Religion in the DU Arena in Denver.
The Ogden Theater was really cool because the place was just so small. And this was back in the day when they had the skeletal masked guy touring with them, and during their encore, he'd breathe fire across the stage, and the whole place would just go nuts. In a tiny, ridiculously hot room like that, the whole experience was just unreal. Definitely one of my best concert experiences to say the least.
How about you?
In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
I give you props for writing something that long without spelling errors or unintelligent dribble. You belong here on videosift. And your totally right their more recent albums, they lost their upbeat bounce that they had going.
Ever been to one of their shows?
In reply to this comment by Abel_Prisc:
I've been a fan of Less Than Jake since I was in elementary school (not exaggerating, I'm 21 now).
Less Than Jake's sound comes from their magical ability to bring the crazy energy that you'd get from going to a ska/punk concert, and somehow expressing it to perfection on a studio album. A good example of this would be their album "Hello Rockview!".
The band's drummer, Vinnie, is also rather well known for being the co-founder of what is probably today's biggest pop-rock label, Fueled By Ramen (FBR) Records, who has signed and made such bands as Panic! At the Disco, Paramore, and FallOut Boy. After the label obviously became more about 'Style over Substance', and less focused on the music, Vinnie dropped out of it and went his own way, creating a new record label, of which he is now re-releasing all of Less Than Jake's old albums on.
This song is on their second most recent album (if you exclude their b-sides album that released afterwards), "Anthem". It pains me to say that the album following Anthem, and their most recent, "In With the Out Crowd" is a horrible abomination of everything that Less Than Jake is. It's so bad, that even Vinnie (The drummer) has spoken out saying that the album just 'didn't work'. It lacked the energy that was so excellently portrayed in the earlier efforts of the band, and came out flat, with a very cliche 'radio-pop rock', unoriginal sound.
They're currently in studios working on their new album, promising the great things that made their band original and unique to begin with.
All in all- outstanding band, with a very personal and unique lyricist in Vinnie, and a very fun, bouncy sound.
Come and join the PARTY!
Paging Dr. Heap, your patient appears to be dead...
The Format totally rocks.
My favorite song off that album has to be "I'm ready, I am," but "Tie the Rope" comes in a close second. Thanks for posting it and introducing me to them.
In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
You totally rock dude!
In reply to this comment by JAPR:
*promote because the Format is GREAT.
fixed. thanks
In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
*dead, bummer here's the fix in HD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nQWTMaNII4
I was just teasing you anyhow, brother. I don't care what anyone believes, to be honest, and most of my atheist friends are the same way. We are more secularists than anything, and we want people to feel they can worship (or not worship) without persecution of beliefs. Word 'em up!
In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
I don't hold atheism against anyone. I have upvoted your comments but your second comment seemed like it was starting a defensive counter attack. Which is something I dislike. So I was reserving judgement until I saw where it was going. Your explanation cleared things up. I'm just glad we have religion tolerant atheists here. There's far to many who use their disbelief in God as a crutch to attempt to hold themselves superior to anyone who thinks differently then they do. It's about as effective as comparing apples to oranges.
P.S. I've never really met an atheist bible basher because there are a lot of atheists that don't know squat about the bible.
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
So, gorgie, what gives? Where are my comment upvotes? You're not going to hold my atheism against me, are you? Come on, I'm a secularist not a bible-basher!
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I appreciate it.
And keep me posted on Wayne and Sarah.
How about this simple analysis: All engineering is geek, but not all geek is engineering. That is, engineering is a subset of geek. Kind of like all rocknroll is music, but not all music is rocknroll. Too simplistic? Or am I making much ado about nothing?
In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Hey Oxi,
So I just sent a reply to the Cap about the Geek and Engineering channels and their respective domains. I don't really see it as a problem but perhaps a clarification of the video types we look for in our channels would be welcome if there is confusion. I'll draw the Venn diagram! Cheers!
To Cap:
Well the supreme authority of what Geek means (Miriam Webster dictionary:) 1: a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken, bat or snake 2: a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked 3: an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity". There is quite an overlap between the two channels.
engineering covers a wide range (computers, mechanics, architecture.) And Geek covers many overlapping fields (computers, mechanics, LARP fest.) I'll talk to the pastry looking owner of sifts newest channel.
I sent him a response too. I suspect he still has it up. Forgive errors: am on bus and latency too great for tolerable error correction. Cheers!
In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Hey Oxi,
So I just sent a reply to the Cap about the Geek and Engineering channels and their respective domains. I don't really see it as a problem but perhaps a clarification of the video types we look for in our channels would be welcome if there is confusion. I'll draw the Venn diagram! Cheers!
To Cap:
Well the supreme authority of what Geek means (Miriam Webster dictionary:) 1: a carnival performer often billed as a wild man whose act usually includes biting the head off a live chicken, bat or snake 2: a person often of an intellectual bent who is disliked 3: an enthusiast or expert especially in a technological field or activity". There is quite an overlap between the two channels.
engineering covers a wide range (computers, mechanics, architecture.) And Geek covers many overlapping fields (computers, mechanics, LARP fest.) I'll talk to the pastry looking owner of sifts newest channel.
I just sent this message to oxdottir, and I feel it's appropriate for you to know too. Nothing controversial, mind you. I only want some clarification.
Wow, in a couple of short days the Engineering channel has over 16 pages of videos. Of course I realize that many people, just like me, reviewed all their videos and retroactively applied the Engineering tag, but that's still very impressive. I've always thought that the "Geek" channel was too broad. However, could you tell me when something is Geek and NOT Engineering, or the other way around, or both? To me, "Geek" ALWAYS means enthusiast of some sort or another. For example, there are comic book "geeks", but that has nothing to do with engineering. However computer design is both geek AND engineering. Can you name examples of anything that is Engineering but NOT Geek, besides what I already mentioned?
In other words, I'm a little confused. Maybe a Venn diagram would help. Gorgonheap is the maestro of the Geek channel; maybe you and he need to draw up a Sift Talk post that clearly defines what both defines and delineates your channels. I would appreciate it.
I hope I'm not coming across as an anal-retentive anus. I only want to be precise in my channel assignments.
Thanks in advance.
I see. Thanks for the explanation.
In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
actually I should have had the tags read "pop punk, rather then "pop,punk" The genre is for bands, (such as new found glory, good charlotte, and brand new) That lost favor in the punk scene but were made successful as pop musicians. The reason being their sound is most closely associated to riffs that are definitively punk, yet the tempo and lyrics are more contemporary then your hardcore and early punk bands.
In reply to this comment by mauz15:
Hmm "better than most" what? most than the other 400 bands that sound pretty much the same? I don't see how. But then again, I stay away from this genre as much as possible.
I just wanted to ask, how is this punk? I dont see the connection.
heap is made of purple awesomesauce, with just a playful whiff of dumbass:
^Hey hey hey! This is not my roast thread, or can't you read...
and i think you, kp, and karaidl should be the jesters at every roast, ty.
Sorry dude, but I couldn't resist.
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