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Real Name: J
Birthdate: April 12th, 1979 (45 years old)
A little about me...
Sifter living in Halifax Vancouver, Canada. Melbourne, Australia. Vancouver again, this time for good! Love for kitties and psytrance. Boo to videos of people getting hurt. Psytrance and Cooking, what!

Member Since: August 1, 2006
Email: djsunkid hotmail
Last Power Points used: August 23, 2011
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Comments to djsunkid

NicoleBee says...

No problem, if that was the case. I completely missed the posted date of the video that superceded it, and figured if mine was a dupe that 'dupe' would have been used. But there's plenty more cute robots and boring irish songs where that came from I can try - so no worries

JAPR says...

I tried changing the tags after seeing it there to try to make it more likely to show up if somebody tries to post it or search for it, hopefully that'll help.

In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
I was about to applaud your googlefu, but then I realized that you were the original poster. Oh well. I don't know why that other vid was so hard to find. Maybe consider adding "nigga go home" to the tags or something?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:

dotdude says...

Roast IV begins Monday, January 28, 2008 at 8:00 PM, GMT.

Roastee: MINK
Master of Ceremonies: jonny

Look for jonny’s launch post.


deedub81 says...

You don't need a one word metaphor for this situation. You're right on with this: "a trip you make to Africa to capture slaves, ... [described as a] trip they made overseas to secure business partners."

Spot on!

In reply to this comment by djsunkid:
I can't believe that he calls his trips "Crusades".

I'm trying to think of a metaphor, but its hard to come up with one. Probably the best example would be if there were a word for a trip you make to Africa to capture slaves, and somebody used that word to describe a trip they made overseas to secure business partners. Unfortunately such a word doesn't seem to exist, so the metaphor lacks a certain punch. The word "holocaust" might be almost as loaded as crusade, but I actually *have* seen it used in ways that I find inappropriate. But for some reason "crusade" continues to be used positively.

Ooh, I know- what if he chose to call his trips "pillages" instead of crusades? Do you think people would still have the same feeling about them?

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