digitalpimp CA

Member Profile

Real Name: Pimp Monkey

Member Since: May 3, 2013
Email: ironmanjayson at gmail dot com
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Last Power Points used: October 25, 2013
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Power Points at Recharge: 1   Get More Power Points Now!

Comments to digitalpimp

oritteropo says...

Beggar's canyon is one of my favourite sift features, where pqueue'd vids get sent (at the cost of one power point) to *beg for attention:

Of course, if you're used to your videos sifting straight away then you might not have much cause to use it yourself Sometimes the vids that end up there are more fun than the ones that end up on the top 15 (but obviously not always).

digitalpimp said:

Great!! What is beggar's canyon?

Thnx for the additional information on the bronze star powers as well.

critical_d says...

not quite yet....but you can do lot of other things.

Able to cast downvotes
May cast downvotes on comments
Immune from banning
Able to fix deadpool videos
Able to replace own video thumbnail images and other member video thumbnails
*dead - flag a published or pqueued video as no longer working
*notdead1 - reset a functional video accidentally flagged dead
*findthumb - update the thumbnail image for a video
*discuss - send a video to Sift Talk for discussion
*length=hh:mm:ss - specify the duration of other member videos (not for your own post)

digitalpimp said:

Thnx for the points!! Do you know if I can promote vids now?

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