digitalpimp CA

Member Profile

Real Name: Pimp Monkey

Member Since: May 3, 2013
Email: ironmanjayson at gmail dot com
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Last Power Points used: October 25, 2013
Available: now
Power Points at Recharge: 1   Get More Power Points Now!

Comments to digitalpimp

ant jokingly says...

Hey pimp daddy. Share your women with us!

digitalpimp said:

A happy Independence Day to you sir and thnx for the points.

Join the club!! I am also only just sobering up from a long weekend of partying!!

Cheers buddy.

critical_d says...

I meant to wish you a Happy Canada Day....but since I am simply an ignorant American took me a bit to sober up 1st and realize what day it was.

Hope you did me proud and had fun??

cdimetry says...

You are back !!! welcome back buddy ! and thank you for the pp
Glad to hear that you were having fun get your mood back fast !

digitalpimp said:

Congrats on the silver!! I was at a buddy's cottage for the last few days and it was fanfuckingtastic. I'll get to posting again, the mood has to strike me.

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