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Comments to cheesemoo

bamdrew says...

ah yes, thanks!

In reply to this comment by cheesemoo:
Just watched the video and figured it out if you haven't yet and still care after 3 months or so. The picture is of some sort of circus or carnival sort of thing (a fair, if you will), so the circle-slash "fair" of course gives you "unfair".

I love Yahtzee's pictures.

In reply to this comment by bamdrew:
what with the image at 2:46 with the circle and bar through it, accompanying the comment "its unfair isn't it?"

JAPR says...

Awwwwwww. You owe it to yourself to go watch some hard gay videos (fucking LOL), and I'm sure those guys stole it from him, as it's his signature cry.

In reply to this comment by cheesemoo:
Actually, I was doing more of an "Arcanite Reaper, HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" thing from the Illegal Danish series of WoW videos. After Wiki-ing Hard Gay, however, they may have gotten their HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO from Japan too!

Further googling using: arcanite reaper "hard gay"
didn't seem to reveal anything. Possible that either the WoW guys came up with this independently, or just that nobody has posted online regarding the source of the HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Regardless, I'm keeping those bonus points. Unlimited is a lot... no backsies!

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Unlimited bonus points for the Hard Gay reference.

In reply to this comment by cheesemoo:
Awesome post. Impressive discussion. Agree that it probably shouldn't be here.

That being said...


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