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Member Since: October 2, 2007
Last Power Points used: March 7, 2020
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Comments to E_Nygma

gorgonheap says...

I probably should but your being so damn nice about it that I'll have guilt if I do.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
if you feel like downvoting, by all means do. the video just brought back some fond memories of my early animation attempts in lightwave 3D. is 5 years too soon to have nostalgia for something?

In reply to this comment by gorgonheap:
Seriously? This fad is like 5 years old. Seeing as how desperate you are to get this published I'll forgo the downvote.

Fedquip says...

yeah CC embeds are frowned about, but its the best we got, probably better then nothing, nobody likes a dead video, us canucks will have to survive.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
thanks for the search help. i did find it, but i know comedy central embeds are a little frowned on since they're not viewable outside the US. also, oppenheimer's review of the bomb is now the number one video on DPFA

In reply to this comment by Fedquip:
she's *dead

However I'm happy to report it is the highest rated video of all time in the DPFA Channel.

You should be able to replace it with a video from here.

kronosposeidon says...

Don't worry about it. I'm sorry I missed it when you posted it, because I surely would have given it a big upvote. I miss a LOT of good videos these days since I've been working more, and also since requeue is gone. No hard feelings, amigo.

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
eh, i guess you're right. it just took me a couple days to get over the fact that my video failure had something like 16 views in almost as many days. i'm sure i've probably posted a video that had been queued before and didn't make it, much to the chagrin of the original poster. my verbal attack was nothing personal, and i formally apologize. good find.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
What's wrong with my tags or title? I included the most important phrase, "Math Bus", in both the title AND the tags. I also included "taxes" in both the title and the tags, and also threw in "tax", "bang bus", and "van" for good measure.

So again I ask: What's wrong with my tags or title?

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
i agree, screw the video that gives credit to the writers and directors, ensuring the prevention of duplicates by presenting accurate headings and complete tags

>> ^arsenault185:
Another argument about it being all in the skilled title writing.

>> ^E_Nygma:
i submitted this about three weeks ago, requeued it thrice, and only got 6 votes... damn i'm bitter.
I refuse to upvote in protest of this grave injustice.

Another argument about it being all in the skilled title writing.

kronosposeidon says...

What's wrong with my tags or title? I included the most important phrase, "Math Bus", in both the title AND the tags. I also included "taxes" in both the title and the tags, and also threw in "tax", "bang bus", and "van" for good measure.

So again I ask: What's wrong with my tags or title?

In reply to this comment by E_Nygma:
i agree, screw the video that gives credit to the writers and directors, ensuring the prevention of duplicates by presenting accurate headings and complete tags

>> ^arsenault185:
Another argument about it being all in the skilled title writing.

>> ^E_Nygma:
i submitted this about three weeks ago, requeued it thrice, and only got 6 votes... damn i'm bitter.
I refuse to upvote in protest of this grave injustice.

Another argument about it being all in the skilled title writing.

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