
Member Profile

Real Name: Drax
A little about me...
I'm out. It's been fun (till that last part)

Member Since: November 16, 2008
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Comments to Drax

gwiz665 says...

Hehe, it's tough to make those kinds of jokes work good. I usually go for smileys and lots of ... to indicate dramatic pauses and such.

In reply to this comment by Drax:
I thought by being as non-verbose as possible it would come across as humorously as I intended
(When am I EVER serious around this playground..?!)

*grabs long, hard can of cheez wiz*

videosiftbannedme says...

In reply to this comment by Drax:
In reply to this comment by videosiftbannedme:
This may not be a story of childhood 'bliss' but it will definitely stick with me forever. Here's why:

I was about 5 or 6, and was thirsty one day. So I went into the kitchen where my mom was making dinner and decided to get something to drink...

I loved this one!

Mt. Dew in the mix?! You're lucky to still be here today o.0

Yeah, I unfortunately had a few of these instances. Another was I rode my bike up the street to my older brother's apartment; again I think I was 5 at the time? He was working outside and I was thirsty (again!) and asked him for something to drink. He said he'd make me some Kool-Aid, but it would be a little bit as he was busy. I told him I could make it, and he was doubtful at first. But he let me go inside and make it for myself. So I go in, look around, get everything together, but I couldn't find any sugar. But he had powdered sugar, so I decided to make it with that. Well, he comes in about 5 minutes later, and there I am stirring up a huge pitcher full of Kool-Aid, water and flour. Hey, it looked like powdered sugar! Needless to say, I'm still trying to live that one down.

yourhydra says...

agreed. made for people who like to experience a game not just play it

been into the prodigy and rusko myself lately

In reply to this comment by Drax:
In reply to this comment by yourhydra:
have u read this? http://www.members.shaw.ca/halflifestory/index.htm

Having looked at it, I'm pretty sure I read this very site about 2 - 3 years back when it looked more like a standard web page. I remember having read at the same time that Mark Laidlaw had reviewed it and he stated that they nailed most of the details, but not quite 100%.

It's one of my favorite elements of the half-life games - that the narrative happens mostly around you, not spoon fed to you. You experience it as if it's actually you caught up in the events, never cutting away to something you wouldn't be able to perceive. They cheat a little bit with the introduction of Alyx as she tends to point things out and go, 'Hey, that's happening because of this!', but not overly so.

It's like with some of the electronic music I listen to, there's more layers you can attempt to unravel each time you play/listen to it.

Thank you for the link. : )

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by Drax:
Delerium too, Enoch? We have the same music taste it seems. For me it's Delerium - Front Line Assembly - Pro>tech - Noise Unit - and the 5 bajillion other Bill Leeb side projects. Tons of good music.

i have a very eclectic range of music i love.seems you do too.
so much good music out there..clear channel is fucking evil.
im thinking of posting switchblade symphony next.

videosiftbannedme says...

Actually, no. Never played an MMO. But I do the same thing with your and you're too. Like I said, I think it's just that I think too fast and am under the assumption that my hands typed out what I wanted them too.

In reply to this comment by Drax:
In reply to this comment by videosiftbannedme:
For whatever reason, as of late, my spelling has suffered tremendously. I also get completely fucked up using there, their and they're now, interchanging them, as I'm sure my numerous posts will attest. I've also noticed that I'll skip words entirely, as if my brain is thinking to fast for me to type. And I don't know why either. It's almost as if my brain has said, "Well, if his fingers can't keep up, why should I have to slow down?"

...do you by chance play WoW? Cuz I have occasional phases where I do the same exact mistakes and I was becoming somewhat convinced reading the deplorable grammar of that evil time sync was the source. The skipping words thing tends to happen when I've gone like 3 nights with 4-6 hours of sleep (again.. WoW).

Though for me instead of They're, Their and There, it's your and you're. And I always catch it the moment I hit enter >.<

NEways g2g lol, run u threw scarllet monistary l8r

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